Oct. 4

Progress Report Grade

We are off to a great start at ECHS!  We have 348 total ECHS students taking 4-5 high school classes.  Here is the grade data from our first high school progress report of the year:

1,155 A Grades (69.3%)

326 B Grades (19.6%)

102 C Grades (6.1%)

1 D Grade (.1%)

83 F Grades (5%)

We are happy that so many of our students are doing well so far but we do have 84 grades below a C-.  Our main focus at ECHS is to prepare our students for college and beyond.  Meeting the A-G college entrance requirement means earning a C- or better in all required courses.  We are reaching out to students that aren't passing and offering support.  At ECHS students can receive peer tutoring, attend School After School (SAS) for Math help, and have opportunities to do test and quiz retakes at times.  We also encourage students to see their counselor for help.  We are here to help and want everyone to be successful!

There are no progress reports for college classes.  We are continuing to check in with students during College Readiness classes.  If students are struggling with college classes there are supports available here on campus.  Students, please come check in with your counselor Mrs. Mae, or myself if you are struggling with your college classes.

Student of the Week

11th grader, Lauren Ballard is one of the ECHS Students of the Week!  Lauren came to Early College High School from the Public Safety Academy after 9th grade.  She earned a 4.0 or higher both semesters last year and is off to a great start this year.  She has taken ASL1, ASL 2, and Sociology.  Her college class this semester is Cinema 10.  Lauren is a member of the ECHS GSA, BSU, and Key Club.  Lauren is also a key member of the RHS Varsity Volleyball team.  Great job Lauren!

10th grader, Brandon Acosta Castro is also an ECHS Student of the Week!  Brandon's overall weighted GPA in high school is 3.92!  Brandon has been working hard and is off to a great start again this year.  Brandon has taken Public Speaking and Multicultural Music.  This semester his college class is ASL 1. Brandon's PE teacher Mr. Spinelli wanted to recognize him for his excellence in class.  Brandon has decided he is going to go out for the RHS soccer team this year.  Great job Brandon!

Class of 2022 Info. (Jostens)

Hi ECHS Class of 2022,

We've added another Senior Order Week. As the Official Supplier for your school's Graduation items, this year, more than ever before, it is critical to place your graduation order before the Deadline in the video. 

Covid-19 took away so much from so many - prom, sports, school activities, and more - but the one thing that it couldn't steal was Graduation.

Make sure to watch the video below to see all the options available along with limited-time specials.

Click to Order Your Items Online at www.Jostens.com.

Watch the Video for Important information and deadlines.

During the Extended Senior Order Week - All Class Ring orders will receive a Free set of Wireless Earbuds. Watch the video for more information.

Make sure to Watch the Letter Jacket Video!

ECHS Class of 22 please click here to view your personalized video

Jostens Bay Area Team

Dan, Eric, Paul, and Jess

Jostens Bay Area

Special Spirit Wear Limited Time Offer

Check out these great deals on ECHS shirts and hoodies in both black and green.  Order this week and there is free shipping to the ECHS office.



Here are some pictures from the Homecoming football game taken by Landen Nguyen, Danielle Murphy, Haley Vang, and Mashika Mrema.

ECHS Parent Group

Our next ECHS Parent Group meeting is on October 19th from 5:30-6:30 pm in the SCC cafeteria.  These meetings are open to all ECHS parents.  Please come to hear about things taking place inside and out of the classrooms at ECHS, hear directly from students, ask Principal Pizzo questions, and provide feedback.  We will be discussing Senior Awards, the dress code, and much more at the next meeting.


The PSAT will happen on October 16, 2021, at Rodriguez High School. To register for the PSAT, please go to our student store at the RHS student store and pay for it there.  Testing will begin at 8am and students should enter from the front of the school to be directed to their testing location. Due to space capacity and COVID protocols, we will cap the number of students able to take the test to 150 students. Given the limited availability, it will be first come first serve until all sign up until all spaces have been filled. The deadline to register for testing is October 8, 2021.

*We recommend the PSAT for 10th and 11th-grade students.  It is a good way to practice for the SATs and 11th graders may be eligible for National Merit Scholarships based on their scores. 

College and Career

Greetings ECHS Students Families-
Miss. D your friendly CCT here with your October Newsletter and Monday updates, check it out...
  • Career Fair at Paradise Valley Estates: This Thursday from 2-5 probably. See flyer for more details
  •  College and Career Center Virtual Drops: Starting this week, EVERY Wednesday from 11:50-12:50. I will leave the google meet on during this time and students can drop in if they have questions. See flyer for details and use this link here to drop in http://meet.google.com/ydd-usgy-gxi
  • Get to know Solano Community College(SCC) Presentation: This Thursday, the 7th during Lunch & Learn. If you are interested in attending this presentation, please fill out the registration form and a Zoom link will be sent to you. Registration link here: https://forms.gle/38A3jysJiFQT7uvdA
  • Please reach out to me via email at danicam@fsusd.org if you have any questions or would like to meet
Make it a GREAT week. SOAR Pegasus!!
All the best, 
Miss. D

Upcoming Events

ECHS 9th-10th Grade Counselor Info. Night Oct. 14th, 6:00-7:00pm SCC Cafeteria
*There will be Spanish translation available

ECHS Karaoke Night Student Event Oct. 15th (date change) from 3:00-5:00pm 

RHS/ECHS PTSO Fundraiser "Rod Rocks the Road" Oct. 15th, 5:00-9:00pm
Back Road Vines https://rodriguezptso.org/

PSAT October 16th at 8:00am at Rodriguez High School (optional for students, the cost is $30)

ECHS Parent Group Oct. 19th, 5:30-6:30pm SCC Cafeteria 

ECHS 11th-12th Grade Counselor Info. Night Oct. 21st, 6:00-7:00pm SCC Cafeteria
*There will be Spanish translation available

RHS Football vs Vacaville (Last Regular Season Home Game) Senior Night Oct. 22

ECHS National Society Induction Ceremony Nov. 9th, 6:00-7:00pm SCC Cafeteria

SCC Graduation Ceremony May 26th at 6:00pm

RHS/ECHS Graduation Ceremony June 10th at 6:00pm


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