
Class of 2019

On Thursday many of the seniors wore shirts from the colleges they will be attending in the fall.  We are so proud of all the seniors for all their hard work in the program!

Senior Project Showcase

Today was our second annual ECHS Senior Project Showcase.  The seniors worked all year on their projects and today they spent the day sharing what they did with the younger ECHS students, parents, teachers, and community members.  The students did an excellent job presenting their work!  If you weren't able to make it out here is brief summary of each student's project.

Early College High School
Class of 2019 Senior Projects

Kasandra Aguayo                     Community Service
The first steps taken were to learn the struggles of students in continuation schools, and why they were attending that specific school. Research was done to learn how these schools both benefit and challenge students. Action was taken by a student along with a teacher from Sem Yeto Satellite, the student’s mentor, to help. Student meetings were then created in order for the students to get some extra help to do career exploration, design a college/career plan, and learn study skills.

*Next year, Kasandra will continue at SCC with a goal of transferring to a BSN, or RN program.

Brissa Aguilar                          Career Exploration
Brissa’s project was about discovering what a social worker's work is and common stress by first researching about their work and stresses, then shadowing and interviewing social workers. Brissa used the information and experience to create a career book.

*Next year, Brissa will attend the University of California, Davis to major in Psychology.

Joelle Angeles                         Creative Arts
After a month-long trip in Asia, a video incorporating different Asian cultures into life in the US was put together to compare and contrast the perspectives of lifestyles. With help from a family friend who is a videographer, different aspects of culture such as food, religion, and style were discussed in the video.

*Next year, Joelle will attend San Francisco State University to major in Nursing.

Tyler Bird                                 Career Exploration
This project was meant to explore both firefighting and law enforcement by taking classes both online and on campus, attending a weekly firefighting internship, and conducting interviews.

*Next year, Tyler will continue at Solano College with a goal of completing the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Certification Program and Fire Science classes.

Connor Bristol                         Career Exploration
For the project, Connor chose to learn more about his desired career in chemical engineering. It involved shadowing an engineer, researching the career, and interviewing a chemical engineer. He took all that information to create a brochure to present to the Robotics club.

*Next year, Connor will attend UC Davis to major in Chemical Engineering.

Jimmiela Bruessard                 Career Exploration
The project consisted of researching, shadowing a psychologist, and creating a survey based research question. This research focused on different types of high school students and how to combat stress.

*Next year, Jimmiela will attend San Jose State University.

Weslynn Cedeño                      Creative Arts
Weslynn found a picture of a woman from each Latin American country to recreate into art works to show the diversity of Latin American people and to show how each woman is different but beautiful in her own way. Using Paint Tool SAI, she first sketched out all of the women and later painted them. The process pictures and the final pictures are the end product that is being displayed.

*Next year, Weslynn will attend UC Santa Cruz to major in Biology.

Christopher Cortes                   Career Exploration
This project’ purpose was to better inform those who have an interest in the medical field and to also inform those who do not know much about the medical field. Christopher interviewed multiple people who work in the medical field, from nurses, to lab techs, to doctors and surgeons. He collected his findings, information and advice and compiled it into an informative journal to pass on the information to others.

*Next year, Christopher will attend San Jose State to get a B.S. in Biology.

Dante' DiSalvo              Creative Arts
The goal for this project was to design two types of shoes, a tennis shoe and a basketball shoe, using various art programs and then compare how each shoe is structured. Dante’ wanted to learn and improve his graphic design skills for the future.

*Next year, Dante’ will attend San Jose State University to major in Industrial Design.

Grace Eason                            Career Exploration
Grace worked with her mentor to learn skills such as lesson planning and methods of teaching mathematics. She also gained  experience from tutoring, shadowing her mentor, and helping teach lessons.

*Next year, Grace will attend California Polytechnic State University to major in Mathematics.

Jana Lyn Fernandez                 Community Service
The project is about emphasizing the importance of learning one's history to answer the following question: "Who Am I?" In this case, this project explores the history of the Philippines and other aspects of the culture to help Filipino-Americans understand themselves better.

Michael Garcia                         Career Exploration
For this senior project, Michael shadowed a head of department in a business called Supplies and Solution. When he shadowed her they talked about the logistics of a business, what it takes to run a business, and all the various aspects it takes to make a business run successfully. Michael created a video that depicts a day in the life of his mentor and her involvement within a business.

*Next year, Michael will continue at SCC with a goal of transferring to UC Davis to major in Managerial Economics.

Joana Garcia                            Career Exploration
Joana worked alongside Dentist Jeannie San Gabriel at Edith M Aquino DMD Professional Dental Corporation to familiarize herself with dentistry professions. The intent of the project was to learn more about her career of interest and create a career exploration booklet.

*Next year, Joana will continue at Solano College with a goal of transferring to Sacramento State and pursuing a career in dentistry or in criminal justice.

Claire Genter                            Career Exploration
Claire worked with the city of Fairfield and interned for channel 26. She found businesses in the community that affect the youth for a show called “Young Minds”. It consisted of writing, filming, interviewing, editing, and producing the show.

*Next year, Claire will attend Depaul University in Chicago to study film and becoming a film director.

Dylan Ginez                             Creative Arts
The learning phase of Dylan's project was developing production leadership skills and editing by going through 3 stages of the film-making process. The end product was a completed video and a screening.

*Next year, Dylan will continue at SCC with a goal of transferring to a University and majoring in Fine Arts.

Raven Ginez                             Creative Arts
The learning phase for Raven involved creating a “shot list” and learning filming techniques. The doing phase involves contributing to the film project like controlling the camera. The end product phase involves having a well-made video, and hosting a showcase screening.

*Next year, Raven will continue at SCC with a goal of transferring to UC Davis to major in Biology.

Jose Gonzalez                         Community Service
In this project, Jose planned, assembled, and hosted a praise party event for the youth of Solano County. He invited youth groups where there were celebrations, a concert, and more. The purpose of this event was to bring youth together and have a fun fellowship time.

*Next year, Jose will continue at Solano College with a goal of completing the EMT program and the Nursing program to transfer and receive a Bachelor degree in Nursing.

Kelly Huynh                             Career Exploration
This project is about VITA, a hospice care program. The volunteer position consists of talking to patients so they feel less lonely. Those experiences were then used to get a First Aid Certification and to create a pamphlet of experiences.

*Next year, Kelly will attend Sacramento State with a goal of completing the English program with a minor in Biology. Kelly also would like to volunteer as an EMT.

Antonio Huynh                         Creative Arts
This project's goal was to paint and curate various art pieces and display them. Antonio organized and coordinated not only the pieces himself, but also had to find an effective way to display the work. He got experience from watching other artists, viewing their works, and painting using many different techniques on many different mediums.

*Next year, Antonio will take a half a year to figure out his next step, and then continue the process of shaping the course he plans to journey on.

Elya Kandahari             Career Exploration
Elya conducted Chemistry Bootcamps for ECHS students planning to take intermediate and general chemistry she and took on multiple embedded tutoring positions under Dr. Lam at Solano College with goals to enhance student performance and learn more about postsecondary chemistry teaching positions.

*Next year, Elya will attend University of California Davis with plans to major in Chemistry and Mathematics and minor in Physical Geography. Elya was also chosen for a summer research position at California State University, Monterey Bay.

Jas Kaur                                   Community Service
In the beginning of her senior project, Jas Kaur decided to her project on mental health in the Punjabi community. She first read two books on the Punjabi community and then focused her research on the struggles on second generation children. She then continued with her subject where she interviewed different people in the community.

*Next year, Jas will continue at SCC with a goal of transferring to Sacramento State Spring 2020.

Lakaya King                             Community Service
In this project, Lakaya decided to put together custom t-shirts for a 5th grade class at Garfield Elementary School. She would commute every Tuesday and Thursday to meet with the students. She would bond and spend time with them to build a better relationship. She worked together with her father to make sure everything worked out properly and the students were really satisfied with the final result.

*Next year, Lakaya will continue at Solano College with a goal of transferring to Clark Atlanta University.

Cheyenne Miller                       Community Service
Cheyenne’s project was how to prevent sexual harassment by teaching women self-defense. She learned how to do self defense and then created a class to teach all of the things that she had learned.

*Next year, she will attend CSU Monterey Bay and major in Biology and possibly minor in Business.

Delaney Myers                          Community Service
Delaney helped out small groups of eighth grade students with their district wide science fairs and then surveyed them on how they feltl about project- based learning. She wanted to show adolescents that science can be fun.

*Next year, she will attend University at Albany (SUNY) to major in Biochemistry.

Bradley Paoli                           Creative Arts
Brad's project was to compile and publish a collection of his poetry in a concise and professional book. This included exploring the self publishing process, which consists of editing, formatting, illustrating, and submission phases.

*Next year, he will attend UC Santa Cruz majoring in Electrical Engineering and Business Administration.

Angelica Perez                         Creative Arts
Angelica directed and choreographed a showcase for foster youth. Eight students sang, danced, and shared their stories. She had rehearsals once a week for three months. She planned the show, budgeted the finances, and put together the choreography.

*Next year, she will attend California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo to major in Political Science with a Pre Law Concentration.

Savannah Phillips                    Community Service
This community service project was intended to enlighten the community about the environment around them, and to cleanup Rockville Hills Park. By doing so it allows for a cleaner space. Pictures were taken to document the cleanup and steps leading up to it.

*Next year, Savannah will continue at Solano College with a goal of transferring to Sacramento State to complete a bachelor's degree in Criminology.

Ryan Quan                               Community Service     
Ryan started by researching data of high school students. Then he recreated that survey at the Early College and compared the data. From those numbers, he worked on a presentation to bring the information to his peers and to students at other schools. Along with the numbers, he referenced studies that he had researched to promote self care and to look out for signs of depression and/or suicide.

*Next year, Ryan will continue at Solano College with a goal of transferring to UC Davis.

Abraham Rantisi                      Creative Arts
The goal of Abraham’s project was to create a nonfiction educational book about the three branches of government, with a children's audience in mind. He used proven writing strategies geared to help encourage and engage younger readers to begin getting involved in reading nonfiction texts.

*Next year, Abraham will continue at Solano College with a goal of transferring to a CSU to pursue a degree in Mathematics.

Noah Rumbaoa                        Community Service
This project's purpose was to better connect Filipino Americans with their Filipino heritage through a basic Tagalog class. This required intense learning of the Tagalog language, the creation of a basic curriculum and lesson plan, and the holding of the class itself.

*Next year, Noah will attend UC Berkeley to major in Nutritional Science – Toxicology.

Matthew Sagil                          Community Service
Matthew’s project focused on teaching and reflecting on coaching at a community level. Matthew coached and shadowed coaches at Allan Witt Community Center. His goal also focused on improving as a coach and helping other younger players succeed.         


Jianna San Gabriel                   Career Exploration
Jianna’s senior project's purpose was targeted to help mothers gain a better understanding of the nursing environment when they deliver a baby. Doing phase:  Shadowing and volunteering in a hospital. End phase: A booklet with all the information for first time mothers.

*Next year, Jianna will attend CSU East Bay for Nursing.

Valerie Sandoval                      Career Exploration
Valerie has shadowed and volunteered at different veterinary hospitals and has created a brochure as well as a poster describing the career of veterinarians. She also provided explanation of what to expect out of this type of field.

*Next year, Valerie will attend University of California Davis to major in Animal Science.

Gurjot Singh                            Community Service
The project consisted of teaching 15 students the fundamentals of Gatka  and performing in front of an audience at Riverside, California. The students started off with practicing for 3 months, including spinnings, fightings, and group games. Gurjot then booked the hotel rooms for the students along with reserving a bus for transportation. The end product took place on March 31, 2019.

*Next year, he will attend San Jose State University to major in Nursing.

Crystal Smith                           Creative Arts
People from the community were interviewed to tackle the topics of purpose, inspiration, and intrinsic motivation. The interviews were edited together to create a documentary that was shared at a student showcase and on Youtube. The project should inspire others to look at their own personal motivation.

*Next year, Crystal will attend UC Berkeley with a double major in Sociology and the intention of Business Administration through Haas Business School or default to Economics

Natalie So                                Community Service
Learn_Ch was a project that focused on teaching students how to code in the programming language Ch. Natalie had to learn the language herself, then apply that learning to create lessons and activities for the ECHS Robotics Club.

*Next year, Natalie will attend Cal Maritime to major in Mechanical Engineering.

Omar Tayeb                             Community Service
This project consisted of attending lectures to help Islam and prepare for tabling with the MSA at UC Davis and to bring awareness about peoples' misconceptions of Islam.  Information gained was used to create an expectations vs reality poster.

*Next year, Omar will attend UC Davis.

Carmel Tenenbaum                  Creative Arts
Carmel's project focused on the differences between different traditional wear around the world and what affected them. She learned how climate, social class, politics and resources can change the traditional outfit from location to location. To go along with the creative arts theme, she designed a modern twist on some of the outfits and then made her class create one of their own as well.

*Next year, Carmel will attend the University of California at Berkeley majoring in Political Science with an emphasis in International Relations.

Julian Ulloa-Villagrana             Community Service
Julian worked with his mentor, Mike Aliscad, to put on a confirmation retreat for Catholic youth. He helped train other youth to prepare speeches based on parables from the Bible. In the end, an all day event was held in Sacramento, California.

*Next year, Julian will continue at Solano College with a goal of transferring to the Kaiser Allied program to earn his Bachelor's Degree in Radiology.

Justin Ward                              Career Exploration
Justin’s project was to explore what it would be like to own and operate a business. This involved buying and selling items on various online platforms and making sure the businesses turned a profit. After selling  products, he created a professional earnings report about the results.

*Next year, Justin will continue at Solano College with a goal of transferring to a CSU studying Business Administration.

Nylah Weekley                          Creative Arts
First, Nylah spent her time watching some tutorials learning how to create certain art styles. Next, she actually started practicing with various different mediums. Lastly, after becoming comfortable with said mediums, she made some pieces and compiled them all into a digital booklet.

*Next year, Nylah will attend either San Francisco State or Arizona State University.

Gabriel Zazueta                        Career Exploration
Gabriel’s project was to research the general paths that students need to take to get into the nursing field. Gabriel became CPR certified and interviewed some employed nurses. The end project was to create a handbook for students who are interested in nursing to learn more about the field and its educational requirements. 

*Next year, Gabriel will continue at Solano College with a goal of transferring to a four year university to finish a Bachelor's in Nursing.

Upcoming Dates

May 6th, Monday: Assist-A-Grad Awards @ 7pm, Fairfield Community Center (Willow Hall)

May 14th, Tuesday: Scholar Athlete Awards

May 16th, Thursday: Highest Honors Awards

May 17th-May 23: SCC Finals

May 23rd, Thursday: SCC Graduation

May 24th, Friday: No School

May 27th, Monday: Memorial Day No School

May 28th, Tuesday: 6 period day

May 30th, Thursday: ECHS Senior Awards @ 6pm, Suisun (Joseph Nelson Community Center)

May 31st, Friday: Great America Senior Trip

June 5th & 6th, Thursday & Friday: HS Finals

June 7th, Friday: High School Graduation

June 7th, Friday: Disney Grad Night @ 11pm thru Sunday @10am


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