Dec. 10th

Finals Schedule

We are on a special schedule for high school finals next week on Wednesday, Dec. 15, and Thursday, Dec. 16.  Lunch will be served after school on both days in the cafeteria.

*If students have a college final exam that conflicts with a high school class or final we have asked them to contact their high school teachers and we will excuse them and work with them to make up what they missed.

Dec. 15
1st Period 8:00-9:15
3rd Period 9:30-10:45
5th Period 11:00-12:15

Dec. 16
2nd Period 8:00-9:15
4th Period 9:30-10:45
6th Period 11:00-12:15

Pegasus Post (Special Finals Edition)

Cocoa and Cram

On Monday, Dec. 13th and Tuesday, Dec. 14th we are having our Cocoa and Cram event from 3:00-4:30pm in the Cafeteria.  We are encouraging students to stay after school each day to study together, get help from their high school teachers and student tutors, and enjoy some hot cocoa.

*We are looking for prepacked snack donations to put out for the students to enjoy with their hot cocoa.  If you can help out, please drop snacks by the office the morning of the event.

Winter Break

There is no school for students on Friday, December 17th.  Students have no classes Dec. 17th- Jan. 9th for Winter Break.

*We started 5 days earlier than the rest of the school district in the summer.  The students and staff get those 5 days back on (Jan. 4, Jan. 5, Jan. 6, Jan. 7, and May 27).

High School classes resume on Monday, Jan. 10th.

We are off on Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 17th

College Classes resume on Tuesday, Jan. 18th

RHS Library

Students are often so busy with high school and college classes that they don't have time to just read for pleasure.  With 3 weeks off, winter break is a great time to read a book for fun.  RHS Librarian, Traci Pratt has sent us some recommendations.  Students can email her and check a book out for the break.

ECHS Students have two options to get books via the library:

Students can email me ( request for a print book. They can find books on the RHS catalog Destiny. I will check it out to them & mail it via district mail to their English teacher.

Students can access digital book downloads via the SORA platform & login using their FSUSD login
1) They can download SORA from their app store on their phone or tablet  
2) There is a link to SORA on the RHS library website
3) They can go to

Thank you so much for asking!
Traci Pratt, MLIS
Teacher Librarian
Rodriguez High School

SORA Step-By-Step Instructions (English & Spanish)

Deck the Doors

We had some creative and interesting doors this year!  Congratulations to Mrs. Pratt's 4th Period class for winning!  Mrs. Krutz's 4th Period Class was a close second.  We also love our office door and decorations, thank you Leadership.  Great job everyone!

Canned Food and Toy Drive

We want to thank all the students and families that donated to our Canned Food and Toy Drive!  I don't have a final count yet but there were definitely a few thousand cans and toys.  ECHS really supports the community!

ECHS Wellness Week

Wellness Week was a hit! Each day we had a different lunch event put on by the following groups. Monday- BSU, Tuesday- Academic Decathlon, Wednesday- GSA, and Thursday- Key Club and Honor Society. Today we concluded the week with an after-school winter event put on by Leadership. Approximately 150 students stayed after school to hang out with each other, listen to music, and build gingerbread houses.

Counselor Corner

With the conclusion of the Ghosted sessions, here are Social/Emotional Supports available for our ECHS students.

1) I am available for one on one check-ins for limited social/emotional support as well as academic support.

3) Coping Skills Workshops, if you are interested, please let me or Mr. Pizzo know.

4) Care Solace - To access community-based mental health services, students with Medi-cal or Medicare insurance, or for students who are uninsured mental health services can be requested through Solano County Mental Health Access Line at 1(800)547-0495. To identify other community-based mental health providers please visit solanocares.orgStudents and families may also contact their insurance network providers to request mental health services.

5) Solano College offers Wellness Counseling:

Wellness Counseling

What is it?
In partnership with JFK University, PsyD or MFT (Marriage and Family Therapy) recent graduates or current students of JFK University provide brief (6-8 sessions) mental health therapy. The therapists will be supervised by JFK faculty as they accrue hours toward licensure. These services are FREE and first-come, first-served based on availability and appropriateness of the issues to the type of services provided.  Services are available when classes are in-session.

How can Wellness Counselors help?
Wellness counselors provide brief (6-8 sessions) mental health therapy.  These are some of the topics they can help with: test anxiety, relationship issues, life transitions, abuse, anxiety, depression, conflict/exploration of identity, substance use, grief/loss, and more.

Wellness Therapy Request Process

  • Due to the COVID 19 physical distancing protocols, Wellness Counselors are unavailable to see students in-person at this time. They will continue to see existing and new clients through online video sessions.
  • Requests for therapy are submitted online through a secure portal.
  • After submitting the request form, it will be reviewed by JFK Wellness Counselors who will contact the student directly to assess needed services and set up appointments (due to the nature of brief therapy, there may be a wait time, which the therapist will discuss with any potential client).

**Please note, wellness counseling is NOT for immediate crisis situations.  If you feel you are in immediate crisis, please call police services or the resources below**

Crisis Text Line-Free 24/7 and Confidential (Text "Courage" to 741741)
Solano County 24 Hour Crisis Line (707) 428-1131

Solano College Instant Urgent Care

Solano College and Instant Urgent Care (IUC) are now offering free telehealth for students, including mental health services. To make an appointment for a virtual visit, please go to the following link: or call  (408) 687-4806.

Soon we expect to also offer free health services at the IUC clinic in Fairfield on Travis Blvd., across from the Solano Mall. We will let you know when and how you can access services that are covered by your student health center fee.

More Mental Health/Wellness Resources

Please note these resources are not directly connected with Solano Community College.

  • The California Peer-Run Warm Line offers non-emergency emotional support and referrals to anyone in the state needing mental health help. The line is toll-free, and it will be staffed daily for most of the day.
    • The number is 1-855-845-7415. You can use it via telephone or instant messaging.

Need to see me? Please make an appointment: 

Mae Valles, School Counselor (email is best!) 
Office: 707/416-2384

STOPit App.

We have a new way for students to anonymously report incidents.  We have posters up in the classrooms and the app can be downloaded in the App Store and Google Play.  


If you are a 9th or 11th-grade student, parent, or staff member and you haven't done so already please take a few minutes to complete the California School Climate, Health & Learning Surveys (CALSCHLS).

9th and 11th Grade Students 

ECHS Parents (All Grades) 

  • The California Department of Education created a system of surveys to measure school climate, health, and learning.  This system of surveys is referred to as CalSCHLS and it provides school districts and communities with quality local data to improve student academic performance and social-emotional, behavioral, and physical health of all youth. This system of surveys assesses key indicators linked to success in school, career, and life. As with the majority of districts in California, Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District (FSUSD) uses CalSCHLS data as a LCAP indicator. 


Rodriguez Sports Teams

We are currently in our winter sports season.  Good luck to all of our ECHS student-athletes competing on the Rodriguez High School Winter Sports Teams.

JV Boys Soccer
Mateo Flores

Varsity Boys Soccer
Xabier Eraso
Luis Orozco
Gavin Ryan
Evan Wadsworth

JV Girls Soccer
Alyna Guerrero
Hadiya Muhaimin
Euniss Solorio

Varsity Girls Soccer
Sophia Ammons
Anika Kopp
Morgan Witt

Razel Kelly Sardeng
Annilynn Rielle Martinez
Josiah McGrew
Munther Saleh

Boys Basketball
Jasher Arriola
Jordan Juco
Lucas Rapolla
Edwin Akpoli

Girls Basketball
Brooklyn Giles

Some of the spring sports are conditioning now and others will be starting soon.  The seasons officially kick off next semester but please start contacting the coaches directly for more specific conditioning and tryout dates and information.  Here is a list of coaches for the RHS Spring Sports:

Badminton- Contact Athletic Director Tracy Cordes

Baseball- Contact Head Coach James Maldonado

Boys Golf- Contact Athletic Director Tracy Cordes

Softball- Contact Head Coach Tracy Cordes

Swimming and Diving- Contact Head Coach Sarah McLaughlin

Boys Tennis- Contact Head Coach Sebastien Remy

Track and Field- Contact Head Coach Curtis Reed

College Class Waitlists

On Wednesday, December 1st the students all registered for their Spring 2022 college classes.  Some college classes were full and students got waitlisted for a college class.  Students, if you are waitlisted please see the information below.  You need to monitor your email in case a spot opens in the class and you get 48 hours to add the course.

If you have been waitlisted, please review this document for SCC's process:

You will need to access your MySolano email via

From the home page, you will click the GMAIL link on the right-hand side; please screenshot below.

If it makes you link it on your Chromebook, you will have to log-in using your Mysolano email which is is your "MySolano login"

Need to see me? Please make an appointment: 

Mae Valles, School Counselor (email is best!) 
Office: 707/416-2384

College Class Support

ECHS Class of 2022 Senior Awards

Seniors, mark your calendars now and invite your families to the ECHS Class of 2022 Senior Awards.  We have booked the Willow Hall Community Center in Fairfield for Wednesday, May 25th at 6:00pm.  The last two years we have had to do this event online so we are super excited to be able to have an in-person ceremony.  Every ECHS senior finishing the program will be honored and presented with a special stole to wear at the June 10th graduation ceremony.

Upcoming Events


Dec. 13th and 14th Cocoa and Cram

Dec. 15th and 16th Finals Exams

Dec. 17th- Jan. 7th Winter Break (No High School or College Classes)

Jan. 10 First day back for high school classes

Jan. 18 First day back for college classes


April 11-15 Spring Break (No High School or College Classes)

May 13th Senior Project Showcase

May 25th ECHS Senior Awards at 6:00pm Willow Hall
May 26th SCC Graduation Ceremony at 6:00pm

June 9th Last Day of School
June 10th RHS/ECHS Graduation Ceremony  at 6:00pm


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