October 8

Parent Information Nights

Mark your calendars for the upcoming Parent Information nights.  

On Thursday, October 14th in the SCC cafeteria (building 1400) from 6:00-7:00pm is our information night for 9th and 10th-grade parents.  Mrs. Mae will be covering how she supports students, graduation, A-G college entrance requirements, selecting college courses, 4-year plans, and more.

On Thursday, October 21st in the SCC cafeteria (building 1400) from 6:00-7:00pm is our information night for 11th and 12th-grade parents.  Mrs. Mae will be covering how she supports students, graduation, A-G college entrance requirements, applying for college and scholarships, FAFSA, and more.

*There will be Spanish translation available on both nights.  



The FASFA application opened October 1st for the 2022–23 school year. If your 12th-grade student will be attending a college in the Fall of 2022, it is highly recommended to complete the FASFA Application as soon as possible. This application will cover financial aid such as Grants, Scholarships offered by the institution, and student loans for dates starting July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. Please visit the website to complete it online: https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa

Mrs. Mae and Mrs. Danica visited both CR 12 classes today to review the FAFSA and explain how to get everything started with the students today.

If you have questions regarding the FAFSA, please reach out to our College and Career Tech, Danica Matthews at danicam@fsusd.org.

Service Academy Information Webinar 10/14

Congressman John Garamendi’s staff is hosting a virtual U.S. Service Academy Info Night for students interested in the Air Force, West Point, Naval, Merchant Marine, or Coast Guard academies. Representatives from the Academies will be in attendance to discuss the application process and Academy life with students and families. This is an excellent opportunity for high school students to determine if a career in the military is the best fit for them. More information is available at https://garamendi.house.gov/services/service-academy-nominations.

When: Oct 14, 2021, 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Special Spirit Wear Limited Time Offer


Check out these great deals on ECHS shirts and hoodies in both black and green.  Order asap for free shipping to the ECHS office.


Class of 2022 Info. (Jostens)


ECHS Class of 2022,

We've added another Senior Order Week. As the Official Supplier for your school's Graduation items, this year, more than ever before, it is critical to place your graduation order before the Deadline in the video. 

Covid-19 took away so much from so many - prom, sports, school activities, and more - but the one thing that it couldn't steal was Graduation.

Make sure to watch the video below to see all the options available along with limited-time specials.

Click to Order Your Items Online at www.Jostens.com.

Watch the Video for Important information and deadlines.


During the Extended Senior Order Week - All Class Ring orders will receive a Free set of Wireless Earbuds. Watch the video for more information.

Make sure to Watch the Letter Jacket Video!


Jostens Bay Area Team

Dan, Eric, Paul, and Jess

Jostens Bay Area

Short-term Independent Study

If you know you are going to be out of school for 3 or more days there is a short-term independent study option.  We can provide you school work to do while you are out and your absences will be excused.  We just need a 5-day notice so we can get the paperwork prepared and work collected from the teachers.

*Short-term Independent Study is for high school classes.  If you need to miss a college class you need to make arrangements with your college professor.

ECHS Parent Group


Our next ECHS Parent Group meeting is on October 19th from 5:30-6:30 pm in the SCC cafeteria.  These meetings are open to all ECHS parents.  Please come to hear about things taking place inside and out of the classrooms at ECHS, hear directly from students, ask Principal Pizzo questions, and provide feedback.  We will be discussing Senior Awards, the dress code, and much more at the next meeting.

Karaoke Night

Students, plan to stay after school for ECHS Karaoke next Friday, October 15th.  We will be in the cafeteria from 3:00-5:00pm.

Student of the Week

Congratulations to Katelyn Sousa, Nathalia Hernandez, Lili Stukas, and the entire RHS Girls Waterpolo team.  They have been having a great season and on Tuesday they brought in the first-ever water polo tournament trophy to the RHS office.

Katelyn, Nathalia, and Lili are also ECHS students of the week!  Not only are they excelling as athletes after school every day, but they are also doing an excellent job with their high school and college classes.  They truly are scholar-athletes!

Upcoming Events


ECHS 9th-10th Grade Counselor Info. Night Oct. 14th, 6:00-7:00pm SCC Cafeteria
*There will be Spanish translation available
ECHS Karaoke Night Student Event Oct. 15th (date change) from 3:00-5:00pm 
RHS/ECHS PTSO Fundraiser "Rod Rocks the Road" Oct. 15th, 5:00-9:00pm
Back Road Vines https://rodriguezptso.org/
PSAT October 16th at 8:00am at Rodriguez High School (optional for students, the cost is $30)
ECHS Parent Group Oct. 19th, 5:30-6:30pm SCC Cafeteria 
ECHS 11th-12th Grade Counselor Info. Night Oct. 21st, 6:00-7:00pm SCC Cafeteria
*There will be Spanish translation available
RHS Football vs. Vacaville (Last Regular Season Home Game) Senior Night Oct. 22nd
ECHS National Society Induction Ceremony Nov. 9th, 6:00-7:00pm SCC Cafeteria
SCC Graduation Ceremony May 26th at 6:00pm
RHS/ECHS Graduation Ceremony June 10th at 6:00pm


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