September 8

I had the pleasure of visiting the ECHS Leadership meeting during lunch.  I continue to be so impressed by our students.  There was standing room only in classroom.  It is so important for students to get involved in extra activities and so many of our students are doing amazing things.  The students were discussing and planning ECHS activities, fundraisers, and homecoming.  The ECHS students will be joining their peers at RHS to put on Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Homecoming Skits during halftime at the RHS football game on Oct. 20th.  

Fridays are a little different around campus, as there aren't too many college classes taking place.  It feels like we have the place to ourselves at times on Fridays.  Here are a few pics that 11th grade ECHS Noah Singleton took during lunch.  

Missy Vallejo from the College and Career Center at RHS came and spoke with the 12th grade students today during College Readiness.  She reviewed with the students valuable information on applying to college, scholarships, and financial aid.  The Fairfield-Suisun School District College Fair will be at Fairfield High School, September 26, from 5:30-8:00pm.  This will include a FAFSA workshop.

I am going to be out of town this weekend but I encourage students that are interested in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to attend the Recruitment Fair this Sunday.  Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Merchant Marine Academy, and Navy are scheduled to be there as well.  

I am looking forward to seeing all the 9th-10th grade parents next week for ECHS Parent Information night Wednesday at Rodriguez High School starting at 6:00 in the library.


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