
Distance Learning

Last night, our Governing Board voted to continue in distance learning until they reconsider the decision at the January 14, 2021 meeting.  This means that we will begin second semester also in Distance Learning.  This was not an easy decision and we know many of our staff and students really wanted to start getting back to campus sooner.  This morning, I joined Mrs. Krutz in the 12th grade College Readiness classes to talk with our seniors.  They are especially disappointed that their senior year is online.  My message to them and all ECHS students is that we are working extra hard to make this the best year possible.  We are staying positive and focusing on all the great things we are able to do.  I am so proud of the ECHS students and staff for their hard work and determination.  We are not letting distance learning bring us down but rather thriving and continuing to make ECHS a premier learning environment for all!

Here is a link to the an article in today's Daily Republic on last night's board meeting:


Emotional Well-Being

Mrs. Williamson shared an article from the New York Times with her students this morning entitled, "Dear Teenagers, Here's How to Protect Your Emotional Well-Being." 

It's not too long and I think it's a good article for all students to read.  Here is the link to the article:


Be Real Week 10/19-10/23

Here is a message from Mrs. Nance:

Our students of HOPE club are excited to collaborate with BSU (our brand new Black Student Union club) & GSA (Gender &  Sexuality Alliance) club, to launch a new event to promote mental health. This event addresses issues that are unique to 2020, such as isolation depression, anxiety and other mental health issues that so many of us face currently. During the week of October 19, students will have a chance to participate in informative panels, “FlipTok” videos and  breakout rooms where we will have the opportunity to discuss issues and also to have some fun! Next week be on the lookout for some preview videos and info about this unprecedented event!


Fun during Lunchtime

Starting next week Leadership is organizing an online game for fun.  If you want to play Among Us join in.  Students will be placed into groups of 10 to play together.  I am looking forward to joining in.  Watch out for the Imposter!

ECHS Honor Roll

Students will be honored for their academic achievement in making the honor roll with a 3.5 or higher GPA last semester.  Academic letters and pins will be distributed to the students in a drive-thru event.  

71% of the Class of 2023, 68% of the Class of 2022, and 69% of the Class of 2021 earned a 3.5 GPA or higher with their college classes included last semester!

No High School Classes on Monday

There are no high school classes on Monday 10/12 but Solano College is still in session.  Students, if you have live college class sessions, make sure you attend.  All of the ECHS teachers and staff members have the day off but I am working, if anyone needs support with anything.  You can always reach me by email or phone.

Office Line 707-862-7159
Work Cell Line 707-410-0267

Tuesday, 10/13 we will be on a special 1,3,5,2,4,6 schedule.  There are no schedule conflicts for students with college classes as Solano College is off for a staff development day.

Here is the schedule for 10/13:

8:00-8:50 (1st Period)
9:00-9:50 (3rd Period) 
10:00-10:50 (5th Period) 
11:00-11:50 (2nd Period) 
12:00-12:50 (Lunch/Club Time)
1:00-1:50 (4th Period)
2:00-2:50 (6th Period)

Flipped Classrooms

Shout out to Mrs. Turgeon-Staggs and Mrs. Freitas for working on ways to best meet their students' needs for learning math through distance learning.   They have started “flipped” classrooms.  They are pre-recording their math lessons for students to watch on their own during asynchronous time.  Students can pause and rewatch the videos on their own time and at their own speed.  The Math teachers are using the “live” time to reteach, have discussions, facilitate student interactions, and answer student questions.  This is new at ECHS but early feedback to these “flipped” classrooms have been positive. 

College Tutoring

ECHS students are Solano College students and have access to support for college classes.  Our counselor Ms. Mae sent this in an email to all students on Tuesday 10/6 earlier this week.  Students, please contact Ms. Mae or myself asap if you have questions or need help with getting this set up.  In addition to getting help during the school day every Friday from one of our peer tutors, this is a great way to get additional help with college classes.

All Solano Community College students can access free online tutoring through NetTutor. They just need to log in to Canvas, pick any course, and on the side there is a link for NetTutor. Online math tutoring is available 24 hours a day, every day of the week. Writing assignments can be submitted 24 hours a day, every day of the week and all writing submissions to NetTutor will maintain a 48-72-hour turnaround time. All other subjects will follow the NetTutor subject hours for the semester.


See the attached NetTutor Student User Guide PFD for more detailed instructions. You can find the NetTutor schedule here:  https://www.nettutor.com/schedule.


Additionally, we will have Solano Community College Instructional Assistants (IAs) working on Zoom through Canvas (TUTR 500 course). They will start this upcoming Thursday, October 7th. We are still finalizing their schedule, but students can refer to our ASTC Webpage later on this week for more information on how to connect with the IAs over Zoom and what their schedule will be. We will also be putting out an announcement on Canvas (most likely Thursday) to announce the IAs schedule and link them to a step-by-step guide on connecting with the IAs on Zoom.


In order to be able to connect with the IAs in Canvas, students need to sign up for TUTR 500. TUTR 500 is a free, non-credit, open-entry/open-exit course (meaning they can add it at any time during the semester) available to all SCC students. TUTR 500 will never appear on student transcripts and will not affect financial aid. The College requires enrollment in TUTR 500 so that we can monitor usage of the ASTC, evaluate the ASTC's effectiveness, and ensure continued offering of the ASTC resources. Students can add it just like they add any other class (see attached TUTR 500 Enroll Instru PDF):


Log into My Solano.

¨ Click the “Student” tab.

¨ Select the “Add or Drop Classes” option.

¨ Ensure you’re signing up for Spring 2020 before you continue.

¨ Type in any of these CRNs into the text box at the bottom of the page:

                                      Fall 2020 CRNs: 80993, 80994 ¨ Click “Submit”

¨ Review your course list to confirm your enrollment in tutoring.

**Please note that once you enroll, it can take up to 24 hours to update the system.***


Please note that there referrals are not necessary and students do not need to make an appointment. The Instructional Assistants, as well as NetTutor, operate on a “drop-in” basis.  If students have any issues and/or question regarding tutoring/tutors, they can email us at ASTC@solano.edu. We typically respond back within 1 business day.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Mae Valles
School Counselor

maev@fsusd.org (email is best!)
Work Cell#: 707/435-3551
Office: 707/416-2384

Student of the Week

12th grader Jonah San Gabriel is the ECHS student of the week.  Jonah is excelling in all of his high school and college classes.  Jonah's college GPA is 3.83 and he has already completed 54 college units.  Jonah is a member of the ECHS Honor Society and Key Club.  Jonah is also a star swimmer on the Rodriguez High School swim team.  He was a Section finalist as a freshman and sophomore and a member of the 200 freestyle relay team that broke the RHS school record!

The Para Ti Global Nonprofit Organization reached out and want to honor Jonah for his amazing work as an Ambassador.  Here are some of his highlights:

Para Ti Global Ambassador Spotlight:
Age: 17 years old
School: FSUSD Early College High School Program
Member since 2017
***Mexico Food Drive l
***Mexico Pizza Drive
*** Antioch Toy Drive
***Wildfires of California Text to Donate Program
***UFC 10th year anniversary Fundraiser
***Mexico Literacy Program

Stop the Spread Spread the Love❤
Raised almost $1000 for this program and still contributing.
THANK YOU JONAH for all your dedication in helping CHANGE THE WORLD...PARA TI

Para Ti Global Outstanding Ambassador
Recognized by Solano County

One in a Million Multiplying Good/ Jefferson Award: 2020
National Award

If you would like to help out please contact Jonah @ www.paratiglobal.org

ECHS Club Spotlight

12th grader Davin So represents the ECHS Robotics Club and the club advisor is Mrs. Turgeon Staggs.  The Robotics Club meets on Tuesdays and is open for anybody at ECHS to join.  If you are interested check it out next week on Tuesday Here is a message from Davin:

For the Robotics/STEM club we meet every Tuesday at lunch. Originally we focused on programming Linkbots, but because of Distance Learning we have adapted it into more of a career exploration club. We look at many different majors and careers that a student might be interested in. We also plan on doing activities that are related to STEM, such as code.org, DIY science experiments, and other activities that the members would like to do.  Next Tuesday, we are having a guest speaker from Genentech tell us about their experience as a STEM major and how it's like to work in the STEM field. 

Planning for College

Below are some of the things our Career and College Tech. Danica Matthews has been sending out. Please contact Ms. Danica if you have any questions.  

Cash 4 College

Hello ECHS Seniors-

As we prepare for College, figuring out how to pay for it can be overwhelming to students and parents alike....

The Office of College and Career will be hosting a Virtual Cash for College Presentation and Workshop for students and families this month on October 28th from 5:30-8 pm. 

Financial aid experts will be presenting on how to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid(FAFSA), CA Dream Act Application (CADAA), and Chafee Grant for Foster Youth. 

To PARTICIPATE in this FREE event, please fill out the Pre Registration by October 23rd( highly recommended that you fill out form by this date BUT NOT REQUIRED). 

 See, click on the attachment for the flyer..

Click on the link for the Pre-Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1KCOJDEp0zqXwR9FCyrhp_nmtHKfdOK1RzY1JPt3T9Dg/edit

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly at danicam@fsusd.org

Make it a GREAT one!

Black College Expo

There is an online event next Friday, 10/16 for students to get some valuable information and learn about HBCUs. Here is the link if you are interested in attending.


Sac State Virtual Presentation

Hello ECHS Students-

The College and Career Center Presents Virtual College Presentations After School Events......

Making the decision to go to College is a BIG decision. Choosing the right College fit for you takes time and research too. Check out the College Virtual Presentation After school events. 

In order to continue to offer these types of events, student participation is GREATLY needed so please consider attending so we can continue to offer College Presentations. 

CSU Sacramento: 10/16/2020 from 2:30-3:30

If you are interested in attending this event please fill out the form by clicking on the link here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1lcXoGNkJ5X4E10XhN26CjhpdJk92wWEh7oX39aG4CrE/edit

UC Irvine Virtual Presentation

Hello ECHS Students-

The College and Career Center Presents Virtual College Presentations After School Events......

Making the decision to go to College is a BIG decision. Choosing the right College fit for you takes time and research too. Check out the College Virtual Presentation After school events. 

In order to continue to offer these types of events, student participation is GREATLY needed so please consider attending so we can continue to offer College Presentations. 

UCI (Irvine: 10/22/2020 from 2:30-3:30

If you are interested in attending this event please fill out the form by clicking on the link here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1X44w1ce6gr4I-F6Lkl66J1TnAI2uoiJbEWj54LJ72gQ/edit

If you are having issues with accessing this form please email me directly at danicam@fsusd.org 

Upcoming Dates

October 15- ECHS Parent Group 2nd Meeting 6:00-7:00pm
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/hvt-swry-tse

October 30- End of the second high school grading period
Progress Report grades post in Aeries on November 2

November 12ECHS Parent Group 3rd Meeting 6:00-7:00pm
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/unm-gauc-mxv

December 3- Registration for Spring Semester college classes


December 17- End of the first semester
Report Card grades post in Aeries on December 18th

December 18- January 8 Winter Break (3 weeks no high school or college classes)


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