
ECHS Office

The ECHS office is open here at Solano College, if you ever need anything please come by.  We know distance learning is a challenge so if we can help with tech issues, get you a book or any needed school supplies, or even print or scan a document for you we are here to help.  We wear our masks and social distance. We can also meet you in the parking lot if you need to switch out a Chromebook or pick up a book.  Feel free to call ahead 707-862-7158 or email Susan Harris at susanharr@fsusd.org.

Our CAL/OSHA COVID-19 School Site Plan is on our website at www.fsusd.org/earlycollege

SA Forms/Spring 2021

On Friday afternoon, I turned in all of the Special Admissions forms that were submitted this week.  We are asking the students to log in to their MySolano accounts next week to make sure they are cleared for the correct classes and that there is hold on their account.  If there are any issues, we have the month of November to get it corrected before we register on December 3rd.  If students need help accessing their MySolano accounts, they should ask their College Readiness teacher for help.

*Students please avoid taking on too much as you plan for next semester.  We may or may not be back to in-person instruction for our high school classes, but we know the SCC classes will be online for the entire Spring 2021 semester.  Many of the SCC online classes will continue to be 100% asynchronous with no class meeting times where students can do the class at their own time.  Again, we would like to emphasize quality over quantity, just because multiple college classes fit into your schedule it doesn't mean its a good idea.  We want students to have a balanced schedule and not feel overwhelmed or overly stressed.  Please take the time to talk to your College Readiness teachers, see your counselor Mrs. Mae, or give me a call (707-862-7159) if you have questions about classes.  

If you aren't sure which classes transfer to the UC and CSUs visit Mrs. Mae's Google Classroom and visit her website  https://sites.google.com/fsusd.org/echs-school-counselor/home

Here is the IGETC to use as a guide:

ECHS Class of 2025

We are staring to recruit students to join ECHS in next year's 9th grade class.  We are holding three virtual Information Nights.  We will cover the same information at all three nights and the third session will be translated for Spanish speakers.  If you know any 8th graders who may be interested in joining us, please pass along this information.

Student of the Week

11th grader Danielle Murphy is one of our ECHS Students of the Week.  Danielle is the Vice President of Leadership and is on the Magazine Committee.  She is also a member of the Academic Decathlon Team, BSU, and HOPE clubs.

Danielle is excelling in all of her high school classes and her overall college GPA is a 4.0!  This semester Danielle is taking both Math 011 (Elementary Statistics) and Math 051 (Trigonometry).  With summer terms included Danielle has already completed 42 college units.  Great work Danielle!

9th grader Shelby Banovitz is our other ECHS Student of the Week.  Shelby's teachers all reported that she is doing an excellent job.  Mr. Spinelli stated that, "Shelby is awesome!  She always has her camera on, works out hard, takes notes, has lots of enthusiasm, pays attentions, and turns everything in.  I cannot say enough about her!"

Shelby is taking Spanish 31 and has joined GSA.  She participated in Wellness week activities and plans to join the HOPE club as well.  Great job Shelby!

Spirit Week

We had a great Halloween Spirit week with a lot of student participation.  Each day of the week we had a different theme and the students submitted some really fun photos.  Here are the winners from Friday's costume competition.

Scariest: Jonthan Sanchez

Funniest: Marielle Velasco

Most Creative: Anika Lum 

(made the costume herself)


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