
College Class Registration for Spring 2021

There has been a delay with the SCC class schedule coming out.  We expected it to have already, but we now expect it to be released sometime next week.  To ensure everything is processed in time, we have asked that students turn in Special Admissions forms now and be cleared for extra courses just in case.  By getting cleared for extra courses ahead to time, students will have plenty of options to pick from once the course schedule is released and we are able to register on December 3.  

When we do register for courses on December 3rd, Mrs. Mae and I always recommend quality over quantity when it comes to a student's schedule.  College classes are tough and with the challenges of distance learning, we really want to make sure student's aren't taking on too much.  The requirement of ECHS is that every student have at least 1 college class for 3 units and no more than 11.5 college units each semester.  Students do not have to ever take more than 1 college class per semester.  We highly recommend students who are struggling to get C grades in high school classes, only take 1 college class and utilize the supports that are available.  Students wanting to take 2 college courses should be earning around a 3.5 GPA or higher with mostly A and B grades.  Students wanting to take more than 2 college classes need special approval and need to excelling in all areas.  Finding a balance with course loads is the key to success here at ECHS.  Every ECHS student is already far ahead in college credits and experience than an average student in a traditional high school program.  The goal for every student is earn a bachelor's degree at a pace that makes sense for them.  

Internet Access

If anybody has any access issues with limited or no internet, please reach out to us asap.  We can add students to the waitlist for a hotspot to bring home or make arrangements for students to come to campus to work either in the office or in a classroom supervised by our campus monitor, Elvira Preciado.  A couple college professor have reached out to me to let me know some of the ECHS students are having poor home connections and they can't be heard on class Zoom meeting.  We don't want internet speed or access to be a barrier for students academic success.  

Be Real Week

This has been an amazing week here at ECHS!  The GSA, BSU, and HOPE clubs came together to plan a week of activities that support mental wellness.  Special thanks to Mrs. Nance who worked with all three clubs to coordinate each day's activities.  Mental wellness is a focus here at ECHS and we will continue plan activities and supports throughout the year to support our community.

10th Grade Book Pickup

We have a drive thru pick up planned for this coming Monday, October 26th from 5:00pm to 6:00pm in the main parking lot in front of the flagpole, Please come and pick up your novel!  We'll be there!  Don't worry though if there is some reason you can't make it, we'll have them in the office all week and you can pick them up from us anytime from 9:00am to 3:30pm. 

Start your engines and get ready for "Things Fall Apart" coming soon at a drive thru near you!!

Susan J. Harris
Secretary II / Registrar / Attendance
Early College High School
4000 Suisun Valley Road/Building 300/Room 309
Fairfield, CA 94534
(707) 862-7158 x 2411  susanharr@fsusd.org

ECHS Special Edition Shirt

Last call for the ECHS Special Edition shirt.  If you want to get this shirt place your order now.  There are now 45 orders and once we hit 50 we will be placing the order next week.  This shirt will no longer be available after that.  The shirt comes out to $19.87.


Student of the Week

11th grader Charlie Young is one of our ECHS students of the week.  He earned a B+ or higher in every class on his last progress report.  Charlie's teachers stated that he is working hard and despite the challenges of distance learning, he continues to improve in all areas.  Charlie participates in class chats, turns in work on time, and considers feedback and adjusts accordingly.  Charlie has completed 24 college units and has taken all four of the SCC Makerspace classes.  Last semester Charlie took Drafting 045 (Introduction to Computer-Aided Drafting).  This semester he is taking Drafting 079 (Blueprint Reading) and Math 002 (Algebra of Calculus). Great work Charlie!

9th grader Leilani Montero is our other student of the week.  Leilani earned all A grades on her last progress report.  Leilani's teachers report that she sticks around during asynchronous time to ask clarifying questions and complete practice assignments.  Mr. Voyce stated that Leilani is, "A real self advocate for wanting to excel by understanding the material well, even when challenging."  Leilani's teachers appreciate her positive attitude towards learning.  Great job Leilani!

Spirit Week

Next week is Spirit week at ECHS with a Halloween theme.  Students check your emails for a link on how to participate.  

Upcoming Dates

October 28- Cash for College Presentation and Virtual Workshop 5:30-8:00pm 

October 30- End of the second high school grading period
Progress Report grades post in Aeries on November 2

November 12ECHS Parent Group 3rd Meeting 6:00-7:00pm
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/unm-gauc-mxv

December 3- Registration for Spring Semester college classes


December 17- End of the first semester
Report Card grades post in Aeries on December 18th

December 18- January 8 Winter Break (3 weeks no high school or college classes)


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