
Academic Support

Our first Progress Report grades are out now.  Students and parents can log into Aeries to see the grades.  If any parents need help accessing the Aeries Parent Portal please contact Susan Harris at 707-862-7158 or susanharr@fsusd.org for assistance.

Progress report grades are posted to show students and families how the students are doing in their high school classes.  The grades are there to show progress and are not submitted to colleges.  Grades that go on the high school transcript come at the end of each semester (1st semester- December 18th and 2nd semester- June 8th).

*There are no progress report grades for college classes.  We count on the students to let us know how they are doing in their college classes throughout the semester.  College Readiness teachers are asking for students' reflections throughout the semester and we will work with students who are struggling to help them be successful.

School After School (SAS) runs every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm for students who need help with Math.  Mrs. Freitas and Mrs. Staggs have a special SAS Google Classroom and the code is zbxgfaf.

We also have 3 one hour sessions of Peer Tutoring every Friday.  Please see Mrs. Mae's Counselor Corner and contact her for more information at maev@fsusd.org.

Virtual Wellness Center

Have you seen the RHS Virtual Wellness Center?  If not, here is the link to check it out.  


The Virtual Wellness Center is a place for staff, students, and families to find tools and strategies for managing emotions and feelings.  We are here to support you!

Here are some of the features:

Physical Fitness

With distance learning it is more important than ever for us all to make sure we are taking care of our mental wellness as well as our physical wellness.  I want to give a shout out to our PE teacher Mr. Spinelli, as he has been working with all our students in PE to stay active.  This week he had lessons on workouts that focused on different muscle groups and students were really engaged in the learning.  Mr. Spinelli's workouts can be done in any available space that the students have without the use of special equipment.  For example, the students filled their backpack with different amounts of weights and used it for curls and other exercises.

I highly encourage everyone even if they don't have PE class this year to find time daily to get away from the computer, phone, and tv screens to exercise.  Get outside and walk or jog, dance, stretch, do yoga, or some other form of daily exercise.

Student of the Week

11th grader Landen Nguyen is our ECHS Student of the Week!  Landen is doing an excellent job in all of this high school classes and has become a leader at ECHS.  Landen joined Leadership class this year and is working on the Magazine Committee.  Landen is also a member of the RHS Cross Country team.  

Last semester Landen earned a 3.8 high school GPA and a 4.0 college GPA.  Landen took Spanish 003 and and Bio 015 in the spring and Music 013 (Multicultural Music) over the summer and earned an A in all three courses.  Landen is currently taking Math 002 (Algebra of Calculus) and Hist. 017 (Women in America History).  Landen has already earned 31 total college units.  Great job Landen!

ECHS Club Spotlight

One of our lunchtime clubs is Aca Deca.  Aca Deca is our club that competes every year in the North Bay Region Academic Decathlon competition under the guidance of our coaches, Mrs. Williamson and Mrs. Freitas.  Last year we competed against the following 14 high schools: Dixon High School, Vanden High School, Jesse Bethel, MIT Academy, Vallejo High School, Maria Carrillo High School, Casa Grande, Petaluma, American Canyon, Davis Senior High School, Upper Lake High School, Willits High School, and River City High School.  We came in 5th place overall as a team!  This year the topic is the Cold War.  This year the competition may not take place in person but it will go on and we will be ready!

(2019/2020 team)

RHS Athletics

Some of the RHS sports teams have started conditioning outside following social distancing and safety practices.  Cross Country and JV Football (9th and 10th grades) have started working out and Waterpolo starts on Monday.  Many other sports will be starting in October and later this semester.  We are hopeful high school athletics will start back up in January.  The plan is to shorten the three sports seasons into two shortened seasons.

Conditioning is optional and not required in order to try-out for teams when they start back up.  I will post more information about sports weekly once more information becomes available.  There is also sports information posted on the Rodriguez High School Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/rodriguezhigh

If students want to start going out they need to complete the athletic participation paperwork and bring a copy of their current physical to the coach.  Here are the coaches contacts for the sports that are conditioning now:

JV Football (Grades 9-10)- Coach Myles King mylesk@fsusd.org

Cross Country- Coach Anthony Carillo anthonyca@fsusd.org

Boys Waterpolo- Coach Nick Smith nwssmith@ucdavis.edu

Girls Waterpolo- Coach Amber Phelps amberp@fsusd.org

Rodriguez High School Athletic Director- Tracy Cordes tracyc@fsusd.org

Counselor Corner

Click here! ECHS School Counselor Website The 11th and 12th grade Parent Information Night Presentation and Video are posted there.

Reminder for 12th Graders: There are various things you must do to ensure your college application process goes smoothly. 

First, you must add the colleges you are applying to on Naviance by visiting the website: https://student.naviance.com/rodriguezhs ***Make sure you are logged into your FSUSD email account and you will need to click "Continue With Single Sign On". Naviance is the program ECHS uses to send documents such as official transcripts, letters of recommendation, and additional Common Application documents needed to process your college applications.

Secondly, if you are applying for UCs, you must create an account first and then you can start inputting your high school and college courses. I posted a video on how to do so on my google classroom. Here is the link for the UC application: https://apply.universityofcalifornia.edu/my-application/login

Third, if you are applying for CSUs, the application for Fall 2021 does not open until next Thursday, October 1, 2020. You will have to create an account first and then input the high school and college courses. Here is the link for the CSU application: https://www2.calstate.edu/apply

Peer Tutoring! Please complete this google form by Thursday of each week so I can let the tutors know and they can help you during the times below: https://forms.gle/WVHWCWWRCYtTDWsp7

My counselor support session times with tutors are as follows every Friday:


Click here! Session 1 @ 10:00am


Click here! Session 2 @ 1:00pm


Click here! Session 3 @ 2:00pm

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Mae Valles
School Counselor

maev@fsusd.org (email is best!)
Work Cell#: 707/435-3551
Office: 707/416-2384

Cooking with Cans

ECHS 12th grader Veronica Hernandez-Gonzalez shared this with the ECHS students earlier today.  Here is the link with more information:

PAL has a weekly program called Cooking with Cans that meets every Friday at 4pm on Zoom. Members learn how to make delicious homemade meals using things available at PAL's food pantry (open and available to local students for FREE!) like peach whip, chicken nuggets, sushi bowls and so much more! We promise you that you won't be disappointed with the mouthwatering foods you'll make! Along with Cooking with Cans, PAL members can sign up for activities like the Extreme Study Spot Makeover, Project Runway Mask Challenge, Among Us along with tons more! For how to sign up, please look at the attached flyers! October is going to be a VERY FUN month, so be sure to be on the lookout for all the amazing activities to come by following PAL's social media! 

Facebook: Fairfieldpal1

Twitter: @pal-fairfield

Instagram: ff_pal_center

Return to Campus

The FSUSD Governing Board had a discussion on bringing students back to campuses last night.  No decision has been made at this point but I will be sending out more information as soon as it becomes available.  As a district we will be in distance learning through at least October 16th.  The Governing Board meets again on October 8th and will discuss any possible changes to the distance learning plan at that time.  Here is a link to an article in the Daily Republic about last night's meeting.


Upcoming Dates

October 15- ECHS Parent Group 2nd Meeting 6:00-7:00pm
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/hvt-swry-tse

October 30- End of the second high school grading period
Progress Report grades post in Aeries on November 2

November 12ECHS Parent Group 3rd Meeting 6:00-7:00pm
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/unm-gauc-mxv

December 3- Registration for Spring Semester college classes


December 17- End of the first semester
Report Card grades post in Aeries on December 18th

December 18- January 8 Winter Break (3 weeks no high school or college classes)


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