
 Virtual Spirit Week

Next week is Spirit Week at ECHS!  We are encouraging everyone at ECHS to participate and send in pictures to the slideshow at: tinyurl.com/echsSpiritWeek

Student Lunches

Last week I included information about student lunches in the blog but things have changed since then.  Lunches are now free for all students!  Here is the updated information:


Students of the Week

Kaitlin-Kiana Yaroch is one of our ECHS students of the week!  Kaitlin is in the 0 period Leadership class and is working on the Celebrations Committee.  She is also a member of the HOPE club and Senior Class club.  Kaitlin did really well with all of her high school classes last semester and earned a 4.0 college GPA!  Kaitlin earned an A in Comm 001 (Public Speaking) and an A in Hist 037 (Women in American History) during the spring semester.  She also took English 001 over the summer and got an A as well.  She has now completed 38 college units.  Great job Kaitlin!

(Photo taken by Francessca Callahan)

Avanish Saini is one our ECHS students of the week!  Avi is a leader in the ECHS program and has had a great start to the school year.  Avi's teachers have reported that he leads class discussions and has been working hard to raise his GPA.  Avi has been taking Water and Wastewater Technology classes at Solano College and has been doing an excellent job!  He is working towards Certificate of Achievement and Associate in Science Degree.  Avi plans to stay at SCC one more year after high school and then transfer to a four-year university to study Environmental Engineering.  Avi has already completed 33.5 college units all while working a part-time job.  Excellent work Avi!

ECHS Parent Group

Thank you to everyone who attended our first ECHS Parent Group meeting of the year last night.  We had an excellent turnout in our Google Meet meeting.  If you missed the meeting you can come to any of the future meetings.  These meetings are always open to all ECHS parents and are a chance for parents to hear about what's happening at ECHS, give feedback, and help plan future events.  


The Rodriguez High School/ECHS Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) met last week for the first time this school year.  Maureen Kerr is our ECHS parent representative.  Below is a message from her.  Please support this organization; they support ECHS students and staff and put on Grad Night.  

ECHS families are encouraged to join the Rodriguez High School PTSO. 
Scroll to the bottom of the home page@  Rodriguez High School PTSO and click "Donate Now"
Membership is only $10 per family, and no commitment is required!  (Though we'd love to have you join us to support teachers, students and Rodriguez High/ECHS students.). Our next virtual meeting is Oct. 14 @ 5:30.  Please see the website to request the meeting link.

ECHS College and Career Technician

We are so excited to announce that Danica Matthews is our College and Career Technician.  She has worked with many of our students in previous years at the middle school level and will now be working with ECHS, PSA, and MGCCA.  Ms. Matthews will be popping into College Readiness classes soon to meet the ECHS students and go over all the supports that she is able to provide.  Ms. Matthews has already set up a Google Classroom which is the College and Career Activities and Resource Hub and it is especially important for senior students to join now.  Here is the code 44fnqpq

Ms. Matthew has already posted a Google Doc. with important dates for 2020 seniors as well as information about the upcoming virtual college fair.  Check it out!

Important Dates for Seniors 2020

CSU application submission window: October 1st to November 30th

Students you can start working on your COLLEGE application now by clicking and or visiting the link:  https://www2.calstate.edu/apply/freshman 

*Please REMEMBER to submit your applications on or by November 29th to ensure that you are able to submit your application just  in case the application site is overwhelmed and crashes.


UC application submission window: CURRENTLY open NOW through November 30th 

Nine campuses, one application. Students you can start working on your application now at:  https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/apply-now.html   


*The FINAL day to submit your application online is November 30th. Also please be advised that you are encouraged to submit your applications at latest on or by November 29th  just in case the application site is overwhelmed and crashes.


Private and Out of State Colleges:

 Each university will have a different admissions timeline, please refer to the individual site regarding admissions criteria and deadlines.






California Community College:

 Most CCC's will begin accepting applications in February-March, and will be accepted though a continually rolling basis. You can click/visit the website below for more information.



FAFSA + Dream Act: 

Can start working on the FAFSA beginning October 1st and ending March 2nd. 

As part of the FAFSA application process your parent's and or guardian's tax returns from the 2 years previous will be requested unless the student has special circumstances.To apply click/visit the link: https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa





Please be advised that the CSU and UC application fee waivers are embedded within the applications themselves, and students can check to see if they qualify by entering in their family's financial information (total household income). If a student qualifies, then students can apply to up to 4 CSU's and 4 UC's for free. If you need a fee waiver for a private/out of state school, you  or and your counselor can check to see if a particular school accepts NACAC forms: https://www.nacacfairs.org/globalassets/college-fair--homepage/ncf-documents/learn/student-application-fee-waiver-2018.pdf

Virtual College Fair Sept. 14- Sept. 17


Here is the email the Ms. Matthews sent the seniors this week:

Hello Students-

My name is Miss Danica and I am your friendly College and Career Tech here with an important announcement, check it out...

Everything about this school year is NEW, DIFFERENT, and UNIQUE! Why should the annual COLLEGE FAIR be any different.....As you may or not know our school district hosts a College Fair every school year at one of the main high school campuses. This year due to COVID-19 the College Fairs will come to you VIRTUAL STYLE. Starting next week, September 14th through September 17th is the UC Campuses Virtual College Week. The attachment provides the schedule of days for a particular University along with a ZOOM link registration code. Please be advised that there is a REGISTRATION CAPACITY for each University, so you may want to register today!

Dates and Universities:

September 14th, 2020

UC San Diego

5:00 – 5:30 pm

Capacity: 5,000 participants

UC Santa Barbara

6:00 – 6:30 pm

Capacity: 1,000 participants

September 15th, 2020

UC Davis

5:00 – 5:30 pm

Capacity: Unlimited

UC Santa Cruz

6:00-6:30 pm

Capacity: 1,000 participants

September 16th, 2020

UC Los Angeles

6:00-6:30 pm

Capacity: 1, 000 participants

UC Irvine

6:00-6:30 pm

Capacity: Unlimited

September 17th, 2020

UC Riverside

5:30-6:00 pm

Capacity: 1,000 participants

UC Merced

6:00-6:30 pm

Capacity: 1,000 participants

UC Berkeley

7:00-7:30 pm

Capacity: 5,000 participants

*Please be sure to click on the link/attachment for the ZOOM registration link and important additional information.


Canned Food and School Supplies Drive

We are collecting canned food and school supplies for the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano County.  We have bins at the ECHS Office here at SCC and at Rodriguez High School as well.  Please drop off food or supplies if you can.  You can also make an online donation at https://tinyurl.com/Virtfooddr

Upcoming Dates

September 17- 9th and 10th Grade Parent Information Night Live Online at 6:00pm
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/ctu-yxwe-xho

September 18- End of the first high school grading period
Progress Report grades post in Aeries on September 22

September 23- 11th and 12th Grade Parent Information Night Live Online at 6:00pm
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/zgm-htrz-npr

October 15- ECHS Parent Group 2nd Meeting 6:00-7:00pm

Google Meet link: meet.google.com/hvt-swry-tse

October 30- End of the second high school grading period
Progress Report grades post in Aeries on November 2

November 12ECHS Parent Group 3rd Meeting 6:00-7:00pm
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/unm-gauc-mxv


December 17- End of the first semester
Report Card grades post in Aeries on December 18th

December 18- January 8 Winter Break (3 weeks no high school or college classes)


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