May 15th

College Classes

We want to wish all the students the best as they go into their last week of college classes for this semester.  This has been a really challenging time for everyone but we are so proud of the students and all their hard work to keep up with college and high school classes.  If anybody needs any last minute help or support, please reach out to myself and ECHS counselor Mae Valles.

SCC Fall Registration

Ms. Mae and I have been working hard all week to make sure every student has at least one college class and a schedule that works for them next semester.  If anybody still needs support, we are here to help and have made time available next week to meet with students and/or parents who have questions. 

This week the California State Universities and Universities of California announced their fall classes will be online.  We imagine the California Community Colleges will follow suit.  If that does happen, more class options may become available that work with student's schedules.  Stay tuned for more information soon.

Drive-Thru Event

On May 27th from 12:00-4:00 pm, we are holding a drive thru drop off/pickup event at Solano College in the parking lot, please see the schedule provided below for your student's drive-thru window.  

We would like every students to come by and drop off their high school and college textbooks. This is very important in helping us be prepared for next year. 

Students who ordered the ECHS magazine can pick them up at this event.  We may have a few extra available for purchase for $25.

Returning students can keep their Chromebooks over the summer.  Seniors and any other students who are leaving ECHS need to return their Chromebooks.

Caps and Gowns will be available for the ECHS seniors!

Here is the schedule:

Seniors 12:00-1:00 
Juniors 1:00-2:00
Sophomores 2:00-3:00
Freshman 3:00-4:00

*More information to come next week regarding specific parking lot location.  There will be a makeup day on Friday, May 29th but you will miss out on seeing your teachers.  

SCC Graduation

The Solano Community College virtual graduation will be posted on Thursday, May 21st at 6:00pm.  The link to the video will be available on the SCC website  We have 25 ECHS students from our 2020 senior class who are earning one or more AA degrees!  

Congratulations to:

Kylee Aguon
Kaela Ahad
Eliza Ancheta
Gabriella Biscocho
Isabella Biscocho
Emily Chao
Alexa Colobong
Eric Cortes
Antonio Duenas
Quintin Eusebio
Lara Faustino
Maverick Ganitano
Blake Gella
Sofia Knight
Maria Medina
Julian Contreras Mendoza
Julia Mercado
Jamal Nasim
Jacqueline Paoli
Isaac Rodriguez
Jirah Sabio
Eva Seward-Aponte
Krishal Sharma
Sriha Srinivasan
Talyssa Tucker

Senior Awards

Senior Awards Night has become an ECHS tradition.  This event has been where we honor every single ECHS senior and present them with their graduation stole.  This year unfortunately we are going to have to prerecord the ceremony and post it online.  We plan to have it completed and ready to post on June 15th.

Seniors we need your help.  We want you to each design your own Google Slide.  You can customize it and add any pictures you would like.  The ECHS staff will use the slides in the video as we honor every student.  We are working on a program now.  If you haven't answered the survey Mrs. Harris sent out, please do so asap.  We encourage you to add a cap and gown picture to your slide after you get it on May 27th.  More information is being sent directly to the seniors next week.

*We are also planning a senior event for each senior to come by  with their immediate families to pick up their high school diplomas, ECHS stoles, and have a chance to take a special picture.  More information coming soon.

Spirit Week

This week we held another spirit week.  Monday was Compliment Day, Tuesday was Plant Day, Wednesday was Mask Day, Thursday was Cowboy Day, and today was Game Day.  Here are just some of the pictures that got sent in:

Important Dates:

May 21 SCC Graduation 6:00pm online

May 27 Highest Honors Online Ceremony time TBD

May 27th 12:00-4:00 Textbook/Chromebook Drop-Off, Cap and Gown and Magazine, RHS Yearbook Pickup

June 15th Senior Awards Online airing at 6:00pm

June 17th RHS/ECHS Graduation Ceremony airing online 3:30pm


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