May 1

We miss our students!

We miss seeing our students so much! Since our last day on campus back on March 13th, the ECHS staff have been doing the best we can to stay connected to all of the students. Distance learning has been a challenge for us all, but I am so proud of the ECHS students and staff for their perseverance!

SCC Registration

We register for classes on May 11th. Every student has received their high school schedule for next school year. Ms. Mae ran some group sessions to provide students support with selecting their college classes. She is available next week to answer questions about class selections and registration. The Special Admissions forms need to be submitted to Ms. Mae's Google Classroom ASAP. It takes us a couple of days after it is submitted to print, sign, and turn in to Solano College. Solano College also needs a day or two turn around to get students cleared. Please don't wait! Get fall SA forms turned in Monday or Tuesday at the latest if possible. Thank you!

Seniors: If you are continuing at Solano next year, you should already be registering. There is no need for the SA form. You should be automatically rolled over to adult student status and can register now. Ms. Mae can help if needed.

Summer classes at SCC are not included as part of the ECHS program. Students can take classes if they choose, but are responsible for all costs or fees as well as book purchases. Summer SCC classes are also online, which can be challenging for many of our students. We caution students from taking on too much in the summer. If students do choose to take summer courses, there is a spot in Ms. Mae's Google Classroom to submit Summer SA forms.

Class of 2020

The seniors have been hit especially hard during this time. So many special senior events like prom, senior sunset, grad night, and many more have been cancelled . We are planning a special online ECHS Senior Awards to honor every single senior. Seniors will be able to submit a custom slide with their cap and gown picture, as well as other pictures and items that they would like to include. Caps and gowns are scheduled to be ready for pickup on May 26, but we are working on getting them sooner. We may need to push the Senior Awards date back to June. More information will be coming out soon.

There will be a prerecorded online RHS Graduation ceremony as well as a district Highest Honors ceremony that will take place for the students who earned that distinction. All 66 ECHS seniors are on track to graduate from high school and 25 of the seniors will also be graduating from Solano College with AA degrees later this month!

I have been doing a daily Senior Spotlight for the past few weeks on the ECHS Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages. If you haven't checked it out yet, please do. The ECHS seniors are amazing!

Last call for the ECHS Magazine

The magazine is the ECHS version of a yearbook.  The students have been working hard all year to get it completed with so many amazing color photos.  Every student will have their photo in it and there will be pictures of our activities, club events, special features, and more!  It is only $25 and if you haven't ordered one yet, there are still a few days left.  Please send checks or money orders to the district office (2490 Hilborn Rd. Fairfield 94534).  Checks need to be payable to FSUSD and include a driver's license # and student name.  The payment needs to be received by May 8th so don't wait!

Welcome Stephanie Krutz!

I would like to introduce Mrs. Krutz.  She will be joining us in the fall.  She is going to teach English 9 and College Readiness 12 next school year at ECHS.  Mrs. Krutz has been teaching in the district for the last 13 years and the last ten years at Rodriguez High School.  She has taught English 10, English 10 Honors, English 12, and AP Literature.  She has also been a class advisor and will be a great support for next year's seniors in CR as they apply to college, write their college essays, apply for scholarships, get support with their college English 1 and 2 courses, and so much more!  Welcome Mrs. Krutz to the ECHS family.  Here is a picture of her with her family.

Mental Health

This is such a difficult time for so many of us.  Ms. Mae is available to talk with students who need support. We also have two school psychologists who support ECHS: Melinda Mackenzie and Sabrina Lujan-Reyes.  Students, please reach out if you need support and we will continue to check in weekly.

Mrs. Mackenzie shared this link of online resources for mental health and support:

Upcoming Dates

I hope you all have a great weekend.  We will be posting dates and times of the Graduation, Senior Awards, and Highest Honors ceremonies as soon as possible.  We are working hard to make sure these events are special and truly honor our amazing students!



  1. With so much parking space at SCC, can you not consider having a drive by graduation just like what some other schools are doing?


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