May 22

Finishing Strong

Our message to all ECHS students for this school year is to, "Finish Strong!"  College classes have completed and now we have two weeks left for students to focus on their high school classes and do their best.  We are here to support the students.  Grades can only go up and we have been encouraging students to do what they can raise their grades.  Students who have already earned A grades are also encouraged to continue to do their best and, "finish strong!"  The teachers are adding points into the Aeries grade book and providing students feedback on their work.  We are in the homestretch and the last day of school is June 5th.  At that point the ECHS teachers are going to look at 3 grades (June 5th current grade in the grade book, 1st progress report this semester, and the 2nd progress report this semester, and then issue whatever grade is the highest of the 3 for the student's final mark. 

SCC Fall Classes

This week Solano Community College put out this official message:

"Solano Community College, acting out of care for our community, has made the decision to conduct most Fall 2020 classes in an online format.  Some courses that require in-person instruction will be allowed to host some face-to-face learning activities.  Students already enrolled in Fall classes will see changes to their schedule in the coming days and are encouraged to check their class schedules regularly."

With this decision almost all college classes our ECHS students are taking will be online.  We understand that this creates an additional challenge as online college classes can often be more difficult without the in-person instruction.  We encourage everyone to look at their schedule and possibly consider reducing the amount of college classes they are taking for the fall semester.  ECHS School Counselor Mae Valles will be available the next few weeks to meet with students and/or parents who have questions or need support in planning fall class schedules.

It is important that every student check their schedules as some college classes will still have required online meeting times while other class will be asynchronous and will not have required times students have to log in at.  With many asynchronous college classes, students have more options of classes available to them with classes being online with no required meeting times.  With less time conflicts, students may want to make changes to their college schedules.  If so, please submit a new SA form and we will help get these changes done in a timely manner.  Ms. Mae and I are available to assist with this.  Please reach out with any questions.

*Questions have come up in respect to if fall high school classes will be online as well.  The Fairfield-Suisun School District is looking into multiple options for the fall.  Our students health and safety is our top priority.  No official decisions have been made at this point.  I will make sure to pass on any information I receive in the coming days and weeks.  

SCC Graduation

On Thursday night the SCC graduation was aired online.  If you missed it, the link is on the SCC website  SCC Superintendent/President Dr. Celia Esposito-Noy gave a shout out to our 25 ECHS seniors who earned their AA degrees with 60 or more college units completed.  We wish we could have had an in-person ceremony, but was nice to see our student's pictures and names come across the screen in the online presentation.  We are also so proud of our ECHS alumni from the class of 2019 who stayed at SCC for an additional year and have now completed their AA degrees.  We congratulate all of this year's SCC graduates!

Student Board Member

Thursday night as the SCC graduation was airing, the FSUSD Board meeting was taking place as well.  ECHS senior Eric Cortes served as the Student Board Member for the final time.  Eric did an excellent job all year representing the students in our school district.  His leadership has been truly inspiring!

As Eric's term finished up, Armijo's Chantel Martino, as well as our very own, Jacob Francisco, were sworn in as Student Board Member and Student Board Member Alternate.  ECHS student, Mashika Mrema was also announced as the Student Advisory Coucil's Secretary.  Congratulations to Chantel, Jacob, and Mashika!

Highest Honors

Every year FSUSD honors all of the high school students who have been able to graduate from high school with an overall weighted GPA of 4.0 or higher.  With all the weighted college classes that ECHS students take throughout high school, we had 20 students achieve this amazing status!  We honored all the district highest honors students in a drive-thru event Friday morning at the district office.  There is also an online ceremony that will be airing on the FSUSD YouTube account at 6:00pm on Wednesday, May 27th.  

Here is a link to this morning's Daily Republic article on the event:

Here are some photos of the event:

Drive-Thru Event- May 27

Wednesday, May 27th we are holding a drive-thru event in the SCC parking lot #3 (outside of building 300).  We will be maintaining social distancing and you will not need to get out of the car.  Please return all high school and college textbooks.  ECHS Magazines and RHS yearbooks will be distributed as well.

Here is the schedule:

Seniors 12:00-1:00 
*Seniors please make sure to also return your Chromebook and charger. Cap and Gowns will be ready for pickup.

Juniors 1:00-2:00

Sophomores 2:00-3:00

Freshman 3:00-4:00

*If you are unable to come during your scheduled time please drop your books in the drop off box outside of the ECHS office (door 309) on May 28 or May 29 between 9:00-3:00.  Mrs. Harris and I will be working in the office both days.

Checking Out Summer Textbooks- June 3

Online SCC summer classes start on June 8th.  Students who chose to take college summer classes are responsible for any and all fees as well as textbooks.  If we have the college textbook needed on our shelf, we will be able to check them out to students.  Students will be responsible for all lost or damaged books they check out.

*Summer college textbook check-out will be by appointment only on Wednesday, June 3rd.  Students, please email your book request to Mrs. Harris at  Mrs. Harris will let you know if we have the book available and arrange a time it can be picked up on June 3rd.

Honoring the Class of 2020

ECHS Senior Awards-Monday, June 15th 
Our plan is to air the ECHS Senior Awards ceremony on YouTube at 6:00pm on June 5th.  We will honor every ECHS senior and present our department awards.

*Seniors please complete your Google slide and submit it by June 3rd.  More information will be emailed to you.

Graduation-Wednesday, June 17th 
The RHS/ECHS Graduation Ceremony will air online at 3:30pm on June 17th.

Diploma Pick-up-Thursday, June 18th 
We our planning a special diploma pickup event.  We will be outside on campus from 10:00am-1:00pm for students to come with their families to pickup their diploma.  We encourage students to come in their cap and gown to take a picture.  Many of the ECHS teachers and staff members will be there and I will hand every student their diploma.

*ECHS senior parent, Valerie Ackermann is organizing efforts to get balloons and possibly flowers to make a backdrop for the photos.  If you would like to help with these efforts, please email or call Valerie at or 707-290-3356.  There will also be a post coming in the ECHS Parent Facebook Group.  We are looking forward to seeing all of our seniors and having a special send off.  Students will be emailed specific appointments at staggered times to make sure we follow all social distancing standards.


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