
SCC Spring Classes

The SCC class schedule for next semester has been released.  The students have been planning out which course or courses to sign up for in their College Readiness classes.  I highly recommend that students not overload themselves.  Taking on a smaller amount of college units will often help students with their stress levels, reduce the amount of homework, and result in a higher GPA.  The overall goal of ECHS is to not earn an AA degree at all costs.  We encourage students to find balance and plan a workload that makes sense for their four year plan and beyond.  We want students to be well rounded and have time to enjoy high school, participate in clubs, play sports, etc.  The requirement of the program is to always have a minimum of 4 high school classes and 1 college class.  

*The Special Admission forms are due to College Readiness teachers by Thursday, November 14th but can be turned in later if students and/or parents have questions.  We just need time to get the forms reviewed and processed by SCC before our registration window opens on December 5th.  Ms. Mae is available by appointment and during drop-in hours if students and/or parents have questions.

Attendance Awareness Contest

Early College had 6 students win awards in the Solano County Office of Education's Attendance Awareness Contest.  

Veronica Hernandez-Gonzalez  took 1st Place in Poster Category

Max Gonzalez, Marielle Velasco, and Prynces Perez took 2nd Place in the Poster Category.

Maverick Ganitano and Julia Mercado took 1st Place in the Vision Board Contest.

Max and Marielle were able to attend the FSUSD Governing Board meeting on Tuesday night and were honored.  

Great job to all the ECHS students!  They really represented the ECHS program well in this Solano County competition!

SCC Groundbreaking Ceremony

Solano College is getting a new Library/Learning Center.  Wednesday was the Groundbreaking Ceremony on campus.  Construction has begun and the new building is scheduled to be completed by the fall semester in 2021.

Karaoke Night

Karaoke Night was a blast!  We had approximately 100 students stay after school on Friday to watch the brave students who signed up to get on stage to perform.

Shout out to Ms. Turgeon-Staggs for joining in the fun to singing, "Hit Me With Your Best Shot."

The winner in the competition portion of the event was Christopher Knight singing and dancing to, "Gangnam Style."

This is definitely one of the most popular after school events.  The students are already talking about holding another one in the spring.

Community Service Opportunity

Green Valley Middle School is looking for some ECHS students to tutor middle school students after school on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:00.  Students that are interested in tutoring are asked to email me or come see me in the office asap.  We would like to start this program on November 18th.

Book Drive

The ECHS Key Club is collecting children's books to donate to local hospitals. If you have any children's books that you would like to donate, we will have a collection bin in the office next week.

Veteran's Day

We appreciate all our nation's veterans for their service.  There are no high school or college classes Monday.

*Classes resume on Tuesday and we will be on a 1,3,5,2,4,6 high school class schedule.  Students with class conflicts are expected to let their high school teachers know and attend their college classes.

Parent Group

For the next ECHS Parent Group meeting we are going to hold it on a Thursday night instead of our usual Monday night.  The meeting is open to all ECHS parents who want to come to hear about things that are going on at ECHS, give feedback, and help plan future events.  The meeting will be on Thursday, November 21 in room 305 from 6:00-7:00pm.


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