
Officer Joe's Toy Drive

It was so great to see Officer Holocek out at ECHS last week on Friday morning!  ECHS is supporting Officer Joe's Toys for Tots Toy Drive. Please bring new, unwrapped toys after break. We are having a competition to see what class brings in the most toys between 12/2-12/13. The winning class will earn a pizza party. Please bring the toys to the following rooms:

9th grade- Staggs
10th grade-Smith
11th grade- Freitas
12th grade- Williamson

Special Admissions Forms

If students have not turned in their special admission forms they are due asap.  Solano College needs these forms in so students can be cleared before we register for classes on Thursday, December 5th.  If you have questions about course selection or the class registration process please let ECHS Counselor Mae Valles or I know.  Thanks

School Lunch

Just a reminder school lunch is delivered to ECHS everyday.  Here is our current menu for November- February.

National Honor Society

On Monday, November 18th we held our National Honor Society Induction ceremony.  We welcomed in 25 new members.  We now have 49 current students in our ECHS Honor Society Chapter.  Each of the students have demonstrated the following National Honor Society qualities: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character.  

ECHS Spirit Wear

Don't forget to check out the website that our Parent Leader Marilyn Barker has set up for us at www.ShopECHS.com You can order shirts, sweatshirts, hats, bags, and more.  

8th grade Info. Nights

If you know people who are interested in the Early College program as an option for high school, please invite them to our next Information Night here at Solano Community College on Wednesday, December 11th from 6:00-7:00pm. We have a flyer for the Information Night along with a parking pass posted on our Early College web page. There are also flyers available through 8th grade counselors and 8th grade college and career techs. 


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