
ECHS Spirit Wear

Huge thank you to our ECHS Parent Leader Marilyn Barker.  She has set up a website for us to buy ECHS spirit wear.  Check out www.ShopECHS.com You can order shirts, sweatshirts, hats, bags, and more.  

Senior Projects

The ECHS seniors have completed their Senior Project Pitches.   The seniors received feedback and guidance from the review panels which were made up of classmates, parents, and ECHS staff.  The seniors are now hard at work on their Senior Projects that fall into one or more of the following categories: Career Exploration, Community Service, or Creative Arts.

Mark your calendars for Friday, May 8th
at Solano College in the 1400 cafeteria building.  This is the date for the Senior Project Showcase. The seniors will be showing off their projects from 10:00-12:00 to the younger ECHS students to inspire them and get them thinking about their own future senior projects.  From 1:00-3:00pm the Showcase is open to the public. We are inviting parents, community members, district staff, and even elected officials to come to Solano College to see what the ECHS senior class has accomplished with their projects.     

Lunchtime Activities
This week at ECHS students enjoyed playing different card games at lunch. Tuesday we started with Uno and each day this week there were different organized games for students to participate in during lunchtime. These games were a great way for students from different grade levels to get to know each other, destress a little, and have an extra fun activity to do during the school day.

Wellness Week
Next week is Wellness Week at ECHS.  The ECHS staff, along with two students clubs (HOPE and GSA), have come together to plan school-wide activities to support wellness.  Each day of the week has a different color, theme, and activities for students to participate in during lunch.

City Council/School Board Meeting
Tuesday night there was a joint meeting between Fairfield City Council and Fairfield-Suisun School Board. The meeting was held to hear a presentation from the students from the Fairfield Youth Commission and the Fairfield-Suisun Student Advisory Council. The students presentation focused on three major issues affecting students in our district's schools: mental health, vaping, and safe routes to school. Early College was well represented with our students presenting, asking questions, and participating in the discussion. The students did an excellent job and we are excited about the work being done to support these issues and more that impact students throughout the school district.

Short Stories

On Wednesday, the students in Ms. Nance's English classes read their short stories on stage.  The students had worked well in groups and had written very detailed and creative stories.  It was a blast listening to the stories and watching the students perform.  Our students are truly amazing!

Cal State East Bay

We want to thank Ms. Vallejo for arranging for Cal State East Bay to come to campus Friday.  Our students asked some great questions and learned a lot about the Cal State system!

Student of Week

Dean Ramos and Bria Posey are this week's students of the week.  9th graders Bria and Dean have been taking American Sign Language classes here at Solano College since 7th grade.  They are both in ASL 4 and will be taking ASL 5 next semester.  They are on their way to becoming sign language translators!  Both students are doing well in their high school classes and are in multiple student clubs.  Bria is a member of GSA, HOPE, and Drama Club.  Dean is a member of GSA, Drama, Debate, Aca Deca, and Key Club.  Great job students!

8th grade Info. Nights

If you know people who are interested in the Early College program as an option for high school, please invite them to one of our two Information Nights here at Solano Community College. The first Information night is on Tuesday, November 19th from 6:30-7:30pm. The second night is on Wednesday, December 11th from 6:00-7:00pm. Both nights will cover the same information and will be held in the 1400 Building on the Solano College campus. We have a flyer for the Information Night along with a parking pass posted on our Early College web page. There are also flyers available through 8th grade counselors and 8th grade college and career techs.

ECHS Parent Group

Please note that the next ECHS Parent Group meeting will be held on Thursday night instead of our usual Mondays.  The next meeting is Thursday, November 21st from 6:00-7:00pm in room 305.  

Book Drive

The ECHS Key Club will collect children's books through the end of the month.  If you have any books that you would like to donate to local hospitals please send them to the office.  Thanks!


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