
Academic Awards

Last week we honored 107 ECHS 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students that earned an Academic Pin with a GPA of 3.5 or higher (including college classes)!  The students also got a frozen yogurt at lunch for their achievement.  

These are some of our students that received their Academic Letters as well for 3 semesters with 3.5 GPAs or higher.

Congratulations Nyree, Phon, and Ryan!

Senior Pitches

This week just about half of the seniors completed their Senior Pitches for their Senior Project.  The projects are going to be amazing!  The projects fall into one of the following categories:  Creative Arts, Career Exploration, and Community Service.  We love having parents come and sit on the panels to hear the seniors give their pitches and help provide them feedback.  If you are interested in listening to the pitches, please let us know which session you plan to attend and check in with Ms. Harris in the office and few minutes before the start time.  Here are the remaining sessions:

Monday, 11/4 8:00-10:00am
Tuesday, 11/5 1:00-3:00pm
Wednesday, 11/6 9:00-10:00am
Thursday, 11/7 1:00-3:00pm

*Please mark your calendars for the Senior Project Showcase event.  Every senior will have a display and will be showing off what they accomplished.  The showcase is scheduled for Friday, May 8th.  We are inviting parents of all grade levels and members of the community to come from 1:00-3:00pm to the SCC cafeteria to see what the students have achieved.

ECHS Limited Edition Shirts

Our ECHS Parent Leader, Ms. Barker has set up a chance for us to buy ECHS shirts for only $12 and sweatshirts for $25.  We are working on getting more ECHS spirit wear soon, but if you are interested in this opportunity get your orders in to the ECHS office by Wednesday 11/6.

*Order forms have been emailed out to the students and we also have order forms here in the office.  

Class of 2020

The RHS graduation is on Friday, June 12th at 10:00am.  

A Jostens rep came and spoke to the seniors during Economics class today.  Every student received a packet with information on how to order their cap and gown.  The Jostens rep will be back on campus in the SCC cafeteria on Thursday, November 14th from 11:50-12:50 to answer questions and collect orders.

ECHS Lunch

Lunch is delivered here daily from the RHS cafeteria for students who qualify for free lunch or choose to purchase it. Check out the new November-February ECHS lunch menu. You can’t beat $3.25 for a lunch that includes fresh fruit, veggies, and milk everyday.

Alumni Spotlight

Charjit Kaur was one of our graduates from the ECHS Class of 2019.  She decided to continue here at Solano this semester as an adult student.  She stopped by earlier this week and let us know she will have her AA degree completed this semester and has been accepted as a mid-year transfer to University of San Francisco.  We are so proud of Charjit!

ECHS Student of the Week

*I didn't do blog entry last week, so this week I have two students of the week.  

First, we we have Alexa Amador Trejo.  Alexa is the MEL Cross Country Individual Champion as a Sophomore!  At the league championship meet last week Alexa finished the 3 mile race in 19 minutes and 27 seconds beating the 2nd place finisher by 14 seconds.  We are so proud of Alexa for representing RHS and ECHS so well!

Our second student of the week is 10th grader Madeline Sciortino.  Madelene just returned from Ethopia.  Here is what she wrote about her trip.  Sounds like an amazing experience!

I was given an amazing opportunity to go to Yetebon, Ethiopia. I went with a group of doctors, nurses, and a child life specialist, we went through an organization called Project Mercy. It is a family-run organization that has provided hospitals and schools in Yetebon. While there we saw over 1,600 kids preschool through 8th grade. We would do health assessments which consisted of height, weight, BMI, being examined by one of the 3 public health officers, and lastly pharmacy. While half of our team was doing that the other half was at the local hospital run by project mercy. At the hospital, they did OBGYN and general surgeries. I had an opportunity to observe during complicated OB surgeries as well as a c-section which was done with a vertical incision which isn’t commonly seen in the United States. These interested me because I want to be an OB/GYN. I also met so many kids that were beautiful and full of energy. One of my favorite memories was when the preschool came and they would sit on the scale because they weren’t familiar with it. It was so amazing to be the first experience these kids had with anything medical. We were able to treat every kid for worms and we most commonly also treated for trachoma, Tinea, Scabies, or Lice. I enjoyed working in the clinic because I was able to interact with the kids. My favorite part wasn’t seeing the operations it was playing with the kids, singing the ABC’s and watching them chase after bubbles. I am so thankful for the opportunity I was given as well as the people and places I was exposed to. It was truly life-changing, I learned so much from the people there, they changed my view on the world and verified that I want to spend the rest of my life serving communities that are forgotten about.

Halloween at ECHS

Thanks you to everyone who donated candy for us to give out to kids at the annual FSUSD Trunk or Treat event on Wednesday.  We had thousands of kids come by to get some candy and play our games.  Special thanks to the Leadership students for planning and setting up the games, decorating my car, and volunteering their time for the kids from our community.

Thursday, we partnered with the ASSC to put on the Harvest Festival here on campus.  SCC and ECHS students got some free food, had games to play, and even got to go through the haunted hallway.  Many of our students also dressed up and participated in the SCC costume contest. 

Here are some pictures from both Trunk or Treat, SCC Harvest Festival, and Halloween day at ECHS.

Connect Four Champion

The students seem to really be enjoying the game tables in the cafeteria during lunch and on breaks from class.  I have to give a shout out to 11th grader Andres Ortiz, he seems to be pretty much unbeatable!

Karaoke Night

Karaoke Night is a can't miss event for all students!  Next Friday, 11/8 from 3:30-5:00 we will be in the back part of the cafeteria using the stage and sound system.  Students do not have to sing to come.  There is room for the whole school to attend and watch the kids who want to sing preform.  We hope to see everyone there to have a good time hanging out after school.  

Volunteer Opportunity 11/2 and 11/3

There is a large swim meet here on campus tomorrow and Sunday put on by SASO.  They are looking for high school student volunteers to help starting at 9:00am both days.  Volunteers can check in at the pool at 8:30am with Miriam Rivera.  This is a great opportunity for 9th and 10th graders to get some volunteer hours towards their tiered diplomas.


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