
Academic Success

I want to congratulate our seniors on their academic success.  The results are in from last year's California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). 

  • 81% of our seniors met the achievement standard in Math
  • 97% of our seniors met the achievement standard in English Language Arts
I am very impressed with our students and staff here at ECHS.  We made some significant gains last school year and we are continuing this year to strive for excellence!  

Special shout out to Kylee Aguon, Gabriella Biscocho, Isabella Biscocho, Antonio Duenas, Maverick Ganitano, Blake Gella, Julian Mendoza Contreras, Madison Montgomery, Jamal Nasim, Jacqueline Paoli, Isaac Rodriguez, Eva Seward-Aponte, Sriha Srinivasan, and Amirreza Yazdanfar.  Each of these students earned the highest possible scaled score on the CAASPP in ELA!  

The students are all pictured here with their teacher Karen Smith who they each had for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade English class.  

College Textbooks

At this point every student should have all their college textbooks.  If not, students can stop by the office before school, during lunch, after school, or during CR with their teacher's permission to get what they need.  

Morning Drop-Off

With school staring Monday at all the other schools in the district please plan for some extra traffic on the way to school in many areas around town.  Please do remember not to speed in the SCC parking lot.  The sheriffs have been out each morning slowing driving down and they will be ticketing people in an effort to keep the SCC students safe.  Please also use the designated drop zone as it helps with the flow of traffic as well.

Student of the Week

Jamal Nasim is our first Student of the Week this school year.  Jamal not only earned the highest scaled score possible on the ELA CAASPP, but he also earned the highest possible score in Math!

Jamal's college classes this semester are Spanish 34, English 1, and Bio. 16.  Jamal plans to major in Chemical Engineering and hopes to go to UC Berkeley.  He is a member of the Academic Decathlon team and a member of the Senior Class Club.  He enjoys playing and watching basketball.  


The 9th grade students toured the Academic Success & Tutoring Center (ASTC) today.  We will continue to encourage all students to take advantage of the services available there for support with college classes.  The tutoring schedule is posted online at:


Spanish and ASL are up now and we learned today that French tutoring will start soon.  

School After School (SAS)

We had a low turn out in SAS this week and want to encourage more students to come.  We are focusing on Math but students can come for help with any of their high school classes.  

Mondays SAS is with Ms. Freitas from 3:00-4:00 in room 1642.

Thursdays SAS is with Ms. Turgeon-Staggs from 3:00-4:00 in room 1635.

SCC Clubs and Activites

ECHS students are also SCC students and have access to the many different college clubs and activities that take place on campus.  Here are a few things students may be interested in.

ECHS Parent Group

Thank you to everyone who came on Monday night to our Parent Mixer.  We had our largest turnout ever!  If you would like to join the ECHS parent group our next two meetings are September 23 and October 21 from 6:00-7:00pm.  These meetings are a great chance to hear about things that are going on at ECHS, help plan future events, and give feedback.


Spicy chicken burgers on Monday and pizza on Tuesday next week.  Lunch is delivered to the ECHS office everyday.

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, August 27th ECHS Makeup Pictures 11:30-12:30

Friday, August 30 First RHS Football Game (Home vs Piedmont)

Friday, September 6 ECHS Back to School Student Social 3:00-5:00 at the SCC stadium (Rescheduled from August 16th)

Friday, September 6 RHS Football (Home vs Elk Grove)

Monday, September 9th 9th-10th Grade Parent Information Night 6:00-7:30pm at SCC in the 1400 Cafeteria Building 

Friday, September 13th Senior Sunrise at the SCC stadium

Monday, September 16th 11th-12th Grade Parent Information Night 6:00-7:30pm at SCC in the 1400 Cafeteria Building 

Monday, September 23 ECHS Parent Group Meeting 6:00-7:00pm


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