
Staff Contacts

The ECHS teachers have new classroom phones.  The ringers will most likely be turned down while teaching but you can call teachers directly and leave messages.  The voicemail will go to the teacher's email as well.  Please feel free to reach out to teachers either by phone or email.

If there is an emergency or you need to pick up your son or daughter early please continue to call the RHS Attendance Office at 707-863-7950 or ECHS Secretary, Susan Harris.

I have been without a cell phone for most of this week.  I apologize if you have tired to call me on it.

Here is the staff phone directory:

John Pizzo 

707-862-7159 (cell # 707-410-0267)

Susan Harris 


Mae Valles

707 435-3551

Shannon Freitas
707 416-2341

Melissa Nance
707 419-3877

Karen Smith
707 416-2353

Lisa Turgeon-Staggs
707 416-2384

Quinten Voyce
707 205-3419

Pam Williamson
707 419-3878


I really want to thank everyone who donated goodies for us to hand out to kids for Trunk or Treat and Malloween.  We gave out candy to thousands of kids at both events!

Our mall kiosk will be set up until Thanksgiving.  Stop by if you can and donate cans for the Contra Costa Food Bank.  The school that donates the most cans wins $2,000!

Such a fun week!

This was one of the worst weeks for me to have a broken phone.  The students enjoyed the ECHS Monster Mash event as well as the SCC costume competition and Hypnotist Show.  I was unable to take all the pictures I wanted to but the students were taking pictures and I know a lot will be going into the ECHS Magazine.  If you haven't purchased the magazine there is still plenty of time.  The magazine is made by the students and it's our version of a yearbook and comes out at the end of the year.  

Parent Meeting

Our next ECHS parent meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 26 at 6:00pm in room 1104.  This meeting is open to all ECHS parents.


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