Sept. 21


The Homecoming Dance is on Saturday, Oct. 6th from 7:00pm-10:00pm at Rodriguez High School.  Students that would like to attend, need to buy their dance tickets ahead of time.  I will being selling dance tickets every day next week during lunch in the cafeteria.  Tickets are $20 or $10 w/ASB card.  Students need to have a dance form with a parent signature turned in before a ticket can be purchased.  The Dance Form and Guest Form are attached to the parent email and will be available from me in the cafeteria at lunch or in my office.


PSAT is taking place on Saturday, Oct. 13 starting at 8:00 am  at Rodriguez High School.  We highly encourage 10th and 11th graders to take the exam.  It is also now available to 9th grade students that would like to take it as well.  I will continue to sell PSAT exams on Monday for $16 during lunch in the cafeteria.  We take cash or check.  Checks need to be addressed to Rodriguez High School and include an address and driver's license #.  

Principal for a Day

We had the pleasure of welcoming Fairfield City Manager, David White to campus to be the ECHS, “Principal of the Day,” on Wednesday.  We stopped into the SCC Board Room to visit with the SCC Management Team, observed five high school classrooms, and visited with a group of ECHS seniors in the cafeteria fishbowl.  Senior students Michael, Joelle, Ryan, Jose, Crystal, Elya, Matthew, and Justin all volunteered to visit with our City Manager during their break time.  The students shared their ECHS experiences with him and also learned a lot about the city of Fairfield that they didn’t know before .  David White stated that he was very impressed with the ECHS program and the students here.  He plans to return to campus for the Senior Project Showcase event in May.

Parent Group

If you would like to get involved in out parent group, please come out and join us on Monday night, Sept. 24.  We will be meeting in room 1104 starting at 6:00 pm.  We will be discussing what is going on at ECHS and will start planning upcoming events.  This group is open to all parents of ECHS students grades 9-12.  


We are so excited that there are a lot more lunches being picked up daily in room 1635.   We would love to see the number of lunches delivered to increase from 20 to 50.  We still have many students who qualify for free/reduced lunch but are not picking it up.  Also the lunches can be bought through the website  We want to see the students make healthy choices.  I ate the school lunch with students Wednesday and got orange chicken, carrots, rice, apples, juice, and chocolate milk.  Not a bad deal for the student price of $3.25.


I was off-campus all day today and unfortunately missed the Color Run.  I can’t wait to see all the pictures on Monday.  Mae Valles and I did have the pleasure of attending the California Coalition of Early & Middle College (CCEMC) conference in Sacramento with SCC staff members Jenny Gonzalez, Debbie Graham, and SCC Vice President of Academic Affairs David Williams.  The highlight for me was hearing from a panel of former graduates of Middle/Early Colleges and learning about their experiences on what worked and what they wished could have been better for them while attending high school.  The graduates we heard from are now either students at universities like UC Davis, in law and medical schools, and university graduates with master degrees.  Hearing their advice and college success stories was truly inspiring.  I am committed to making sure each and every ECHS student has the best possible learning environment and program during their four years here.  

Upcoming Events

-Sept. 24 ECHS Parent Group (1st Meeting of the School Year)  6:00pm Portable Classroom 1104 at Solano College

-Oct. 1 11th-12th Grade Academic Counseling Night at RHS Library 6:00-7:00pm

-Oct. 5 Homecoming RHS Football vs Fairfield High

-Oct. 6 Homecoming Dance 7:00-10:00pm at RHS

-Oct. 13 PSAT at Rodriguez High School 8:00am

-Oct. 15 9th-10th Grade Academic Counseling Night at RHS Library 6:00-7:00pm

-Oct. 30 Trunk or Treat at the FSUSD Adult School


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