September 28
1,536.5 SCC College Units
We have 236 total students in the Early College High School program. Our students are currently enrolled in 457 SCC classes for a total of 1,536.5 college units.
Here is some data from each of our four classes:
Seniors Class of 2019 43 Students
Spring 2018 Completed 117 SCC Courses
(363.5 units) 3.3 College GPA average
Fall 2018 Enrolled in 125 SCC Courses
(410.5 units) 9.54 per student average
Juniors Class of 2020 66 Students
Spring 2018 148 SCC Course (462
units) 3.18 College GPA average
Fall 2018 Enrolled in 156 SCC Courses
(531 units) 8.04 per student average
Sophomores Class of 2021 62 Students
Spring 2018 102 SCC Courses (321
Units) 2.87 College GPA average
Fall 2018 Enrolled in 110 SCC Course
(368 units) 5.93 per student average
Freshman Class of 2022 65 Students
Fall 2018 Enrolled in 66 SCC Courses
(227 units) 3.49 per student average
SCC Classes
The students are currently enrolled in:
Seniors Class of 2019 43 Students
(Fall 2018)
1st Sem Span Part 2 (1),
2nd Sem Span Part 1 (1), Algebra For Calc (6), Analyt Geo/Calc I (6),
Argument/Debate (1), Astronomy Lab (4), College Composition (27), Concepts Crim
Law (1), Crit Thk/Writ Lit (11), Elem Statistics (1), Gen Chem I, Lec/Lab (1),
Gen Chem II, Lec/Lab (1), General Astronomy (1), Group Communication (1),
Hist/U.S. to 1865 (3), Int Amer/Govt & Pol (1), Interm Algebra (10), Interm
Chem, Lec/Lab (1), International Pol (1), Intro Computer Sci (1), Intro Human
Biology (1), Intro Lbry Resrch/Info Comptnc (27), Intro To Business (1),
Intro/Publ Speaking (1), Introduction to Psychology (1), Introduction to
Sociology (1), Multicultural Music (1), Physical Anthro Lab (1), Pre-Calculus
Math (6), Prin Economics (3), Prin/Acctng-Manag (1), Trigonometry (2), Women in
Amer Hist (1)
Juniors Class of 2020 66 Students
(Fall 2018)
1st Sem French Pt 1 (1),
1st Sem Span Part 2 (5), 2nd Sem Span Part 1 (4), 2nd Semester French (2),
Abnormal Psychology (3), Acting 1 (1), Algebra For Calc (7), Amer Cultures Film
(5), Analyt Geo/Calc I (2), Analyt Geo/Calc II (1), Argument/Debate (1), Art
Appreciation (2), Art History (3), Art of Photography (1), Astronomy Lab (6),
Beginning Film Photo (1), Biological Psychology (3), Child Development (2),
Choir (1), College Composition (2), Elem Statistics (5), Gen Chem I, Lec/Lab
(12), General Astronomy (1), Graphic Design I (1), Hist/U.S. to 1865 (9), Human
Anatomy (3), Int Amer/Govt & Pol (4), Interm Algebra (1), Intro Chem,
Lec/Lab (1), Intro Computer Sci (1), Intro Human Biology (6), Intro Lbry
Resrch/Info Comptnc (2), Intro to Crim Just (12), Intro to Theatre (1),
Intro/Publ Speaking (8), Introduction to Biology (2), Introduction to
Psychology (6), Introduction to Sociology (2), Juvenile Procedures (1),
Multicultural Music (2), Music Fundamentals (1), Nutrition (1), Physical Anthro
(2), Pre-Calculus Math (5), Social Iss/Prob (2), The Solar System (11), Women
in Amer Hist (1)
Sophomores Class of 2021 62 Students
(Fall 2018)
1st Sem Span Part 1 (3),
1st Sem Span Part 2 (9), 2nd Sem Span Part 1 (13), 2nd Sem Spanish (4), 2nd
Semester French (6), Acting 1 (1), Biology Of Sex (1), Int Amer/Govt & Pol
(3), Intro SJS (2), Intro to Cinema (1), Intro to Crim Just (32), Intro/Publ
Speaking (9), Introduction to Psychology (17), Introduction to Sociology (9)
Freshman Class of 2022 65 Students
(Fall 2018)
1st Sem French Pt 1 (17),
1st Sem Span Part 1 (8), 1st Sem Spanish (14), Afri Amer Hist/1877 (1), Art
History (3), ASL 1 (5), Intro to Crim Just (2), Intro/Publ Speaking (3),
Introduction to Psychology (3), Introduction to Sociology (3), Music
Fundamentals (4), Symphony Orchestra (1), Wld Hist Since 1500 (2)
9th and 10th Grade Intervention
9th Grade
Every Friday from 10:00-11:00 School Counselor, Ms. Valles is in classroom 443 to help work with 9th grade students along with our 12th grade Math tutors. All 9th grade students have this time available to them. 9th grade students who are not passing a class are required to attend until they at least have a C or higher in every class.
10th Grade
Every Friday from 11:00-12:00 School Counselor, Ms. Valles is in classroom 443 to help work with 10th grade students. We are also working on getting Peer Math Tutors to attend to help in Math. All 10th grade students have this time available to them. 10th grade students who are not passing a class are required to attend until they at least have a C or higher in every class.
Support for all Students
We have School After School support for all students grades 9-12 every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00. The ECHS teachers are here to help students with any high school class.
There is also SCC College Tutoring. We have more students than ever before signed up and getting free tutoring. There are excellent college tutors available to help students with their college classes. There is still time to sign up for college help this semester!
Progress Reports
High School Progress Reports are available online. There is a button for instructions posted on the RHS website to view the progress report. Please contact Ronda Walker or Susan Harris in the RHS Office if you need assistance.
Here is the link for the instructions button:
Message from Ms. Valles
A friendly reminder for my 11th and 12th Grade Counselor Support Night happening next Monday, Oct 1 at 6pm at the RHS Library. I will go into detail about IGETC, explain the Solano College English and Math Assessment process, provide information about college entrance requirements and how college courses are used to fulfill college entrance requirements, how to input college courses on your student's UC/CSU college application, and so much more. I hope to see everyone there! -Mae Valles, ECHS Counselor

Mae Valles
Need to see me? Please make an appointment:
Maker Space
We had another group of students visit the Maker Space Lab on campus today. The students got to make a key chain, construct a box with their name on it, and laser print on a bag. There are multiple 1 unit classes that are available for students to take starting at 3:00. These classes are open to all students. Because they are only 1 unit mini courses, I will even approve 9th graders to take these course as a second college class this semester. We really appreciate Professor Karen Cook inviting our students in for two hour sessions to check out the lab.
Student of the Week
Ky'lon Brooks is this ECHS student of the week! Ky'lon is a 9th grader who has been utilizing the supports that are available. He scheduled an appointment and worked on a positive academic plan with Ms. Valles today. He is working hard with all of his high school classes. He is currently taking the SCC course African American History and doing well. Ky'lon has been balancing his time between high school classes, studying for his college class, and playing on the Rodriguez High School football team. Great work Kylon!
College Clubs
On top of our wonderful high school student clubs that meet during lunch, here is a list of the SCC student clubs that some of the ECHS have joined or may be interested in.
College Fair
I was proud to see so many of the ECHS students at the College Fair during lunch on Thursday in the cafeteria. As I walked around I saw students of all grades speaking with college reps and asking insightful questions.
Upcoming Events
-Oct. 1 ECHS 11th-12th Grade Academic Counseling Parent Night at RHS Library 6:00-7:00pm
-Oct. 4 ECHS National Honor Society Induction Ceremony at 5:00pm in the SCC 1400 Cafeteria Building
-Oct. 5 Homecoming RHS Football vs Fairfield High
-Oct. 6 Homecoming Dance 7:00-10:00pm at RHS (Tickets are still on sell Monday-Thursday next week at lunch in the cafeteria).
-Oct. 13 PSAT at Rodriguez High School 8:00am (Tickets are still on sell for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students until the test sells out).
-Oct. 15 ECHS 9th-10th Grade Academic Counseling Parent Night at RHS Library 6:00-7:00pm
-Oct. 19 Academic Awards (Students with a 3.5 GPA or higher who earned their academic pins or letter will get their awards and a treat during the school day and at lunch).
-Oct. 30 Trunk or Treat at the FSUSD Adult School
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