October 27

ECHS will be participating in the Trunk or Treat event on Monday, Oct. 30th.  We are still collecting candy donations to hand out to children.  If you are able to donate some candy, please send it to school Monday. 

Homecoming was a blast last Friday!  Many of the ECHS students attended the football game last Friday and some even participated in the skits.  The senior class was awarded best skit.

Saturday was the homecoming dance and we had approximately 100 ECHS students attend.  There were over 500 students in the Multi-Purpose room at Rodriguez.  It was a pleasure seeing the students dressed up and having a good time.

Monday I had the privilege of spending some time in one of the 10th grade College Readiness classes.  Students worked together in tutorial groups.  ECHS students work collaboratively and help each other out with their high school and college work.  

Wednesday night I had the opportunity to watch some ECHS students play Waterpolo before heading to Mae's Counselor Night.  Mae did a transcript review with parents, talked about our 4-year plan and IGETC, and introduced parents to Naviance.  Students will be using Naviance more and more in their College Readiness classes.  Naviance helps students with interest surveys, career searches, college searches, scholarship matches, and much more.  If you would like Mae to send you the slides from the presentation or if you have any questions please email her at MaeV@fsusd.org

Thursday, we honored the students who earned a 3.5 GPA or higher last semester.  Students received pins and academic letters along with a frozen yogurt treat.  The booster groups (PTSO, Atheltic Booster, and the REU) donated gift cards that were raffled off as well.  55 students made the honor roll and received academic awards.  That number should double when we do this again next semester and the freshman are eligible.  

Thursday night, I attended the FSUSD Governing Board meeting.  ECHS 9th grade students Davin So and Ainsley Purcell, were honored for achieving the highest possible scaled score in Math on the CAASPP last year in 8th grade.  Great job Davin and Ainsley!

Senior Pitches continued throughout the week.  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday seniors presented their ideas for Personal or Career Exploration, Community Service, and Creative Arts.  After sitting on the panel all week it is clear that these projects are going to be amazing and ECHS students go above and beyond!

Have a wonderful weekend everybody!


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