Oct. 6th
Yesterday we had the ECHS In-Progress Review meeting. Staff got together to collaboratively look at student data. We discussed current progress report grades, A-G rates, our 4 year plan, supports for students, and how the ECHS students are doing in college classes. Here is some exciting data from last semester:
65 9th grade ECHS students took 72 college classes during the Spring 2017 Semester.
42 A Grades
14 B Grades
14 C Grades
2 D Grades
3.33 Overall College GPA
42 10th grade ECHS students took 99 college classes during the Spring 2017 Semester.
56 A Grades
27 B Grades
12 C Grades
2 D Grades
2 F Grades
3.34 Overall College GPA
37 11th Grade Students took 102 college courses during the Spring 2017 Semester.
48 A Grades
27 B Grades
22 C Grades
1 D Grades
4 F Grades
3.12 Overall College GPA
Early College High School students are really doing well in Solano College classes. We are very proud of them!
Here is an email that ECHS School Counselor Mae Valles sent to the students yesterday:
1) October 16, 2017 - Solano's Spring 2018 Schedule will be coming out. Please be sure to make time to go into the Solano website to check when the courses are being offered. Please see attachment for instructions on how to do that.
*As a reminder Counselor Information Night for parents is on Oct. 25 at RHS in the library from 6:00pm-7:00pm. We will be discussing high school transcripts, IGETC, Naviance, registering for Solano classes, applying for college, scholarships, and more.
**Students can still pay for the PSAT but it may sell out soon. The cost is $20 and students can pay in Ms. Williamson's room (1635) or come see me in my office (147). The test is on Saturday, October 14, at Rodriguez High School. Students will need to check in at 7:45am and the test will run from 8:00-12:00.
The 12th grade students got a visit from the, "Cap and Gown Guy." Bryan Patton spoke to the seniors about getting the cap and gown for high school graduation and the option to purchase other items like announcements, thank you cards, class rings, etc. Bryan works for Academic Affairs and can be reached at 707-344-4339 if you have any questions.
PE Teachers Ms. Cordes and Mr. Gore came to campus to talk to the students about their Independent Study PE work. They discussed the PE logs, the 9th Grade Fitness test, and answered questions the students have about their assignments. Both teachers reminded the students to email them if they have questions or need help with anything.

Tuesday, Oct. 10th I will be leaving campus at 10:00am with the 11th grade students. We will be going to both Sacramento State and UC Davis. We will tour both campuses and attend a presentation on applying to college and the UC requirements. There are a few students that still need to turn in their permission slips in order to attend. I will need those Tuesdays morning first thing or they will not be able to attend with us.
Monday, October 9th there are no high school classes but students will need to attend their regular Monday college classes.
Tuesday, October 10th there are no Solano College classes but there are high school classes. With no college classes and Monday off we will be on a 1-6 Friday class schedule:
1st Period 8:00-8:50
3rd Period 9:00-9:50
5th Period 10:00-10:50
2nd Period 11:00-11:50
Lunch 11:50-12:50
4th Period 1:00-1:50
6th Period 2:00-2:50
*Parents if you need to pick up your child or drop something off please don't walk into the classrooms. You can reach me on my work cell number at 707-410-0267 or Campus Monitor Ms. Deanna at 707-816-2532. This will help keep our classrooms safe and secure and minimize classroom disruptions. Thank you
Here are some fun pictures from the Color Run last Friday. Students got in some exercise while having fun with friends.
65 9th grade ECHS students took 72 college classes during the Spring 2017 Semester.
42 A Grades
14 B Grades
14 C Grades
2 D Grades
3.33 Overall College GPA
42 10th grade ECHS students took 99 college classes during the Spring 2017 Semester.
56 A Grades
27 B Grades
12 C Grades
2 D Grades
2 F Grades
3.34 Overall College GPA
37 11th Grade Students took 102 college courses during the Spring 2017 Semester.
48 A Grades
27 B Grades
22 C Grades
1 D Grades
4 F Grades
3.12 Overall College GPA
Early College High School students are really doing well in Solano College classes. We are very proud of them!
Here is an email that ECHS School Counselor Mae Valles sent to the students yesterday:
Good afternoon, ECHS Students!
Just wanted to send a friendly reminder for the following dates to be mindful of:
2) October 27, 2017- Please have your Special Admit forms returned to your CR teachers so Pizzo and I can review, sign and return to Admissions and Records by the following Monday. Please make sure all parts of the form are completed, incomplete forms will be returned and a delay in getting it over to Admissions and Records will happen.
3) If you are unsure of what classes to take, please take the time to use the IGETC form to check off classes you have completed so you can see which area of the IGETC needs to be addressed. I have attached the IGETC form as well. If you still have questions, please send me an email.
See everyone on Friday!
Mae Valles
Mae Valles
Need to see me? Please make an appointment:
*As a reminder Counselor Information Night for parents is on Oct. 25 at RHS in the library from 6:00pm-7:00pm. We will be discussing high school transcripts, IGETC, Naviance, registering for Solano classes, applying for college, scholarships, and more.
**Students can still pay for the PSAT but it may sell out soon. The cost is $20 and students can pay in Ms. Williamson's room (1635) or come see me in my office (147). The test is on Saturday, October 14, at Rodriguez High School. Students will need to check in at 7:45am and the test will run from 8:00-12:00.
The 12th grade students got a visit from the, "Cap and Gown Guy." Bryan Patton spoke to the seniors about getting the cap and gown for high school graduation and the option to purchase other items like announcements, thank you cards, class rings, etc. Bryan works for Academic Affairs and can be reached at 707-344-4339 if you have any questions.
PE Teachers Ms. Cordes and Mr. Gore came to campus to talk to the students about their Independent Study PE work. They discussed the PE logs, the 9th Grade Fitness test, and answered questions the students have about their assignments. Both teachers reminded the students to email them if they have questions or need help with anything.

Tuesday, Oct. 10th I will be leaving campus at 10:00am with the 11th grade students. We will be going to both Sacramento State and UC Davis. We will tour both campuses and attend a presentation on applying to college and the UC requirements. There are a few students that still need to turn in their permission slips in order to attend. I will need those Tuesdays morning first thing or they will not be able to attend with us.
Monday, October 9th there are no high school classes but students will need to attend their regular Monday college classes.
Tuesday, October 10th there are no Solano College classes but there are high school classes. With no college classes and Monday off we will be on a 1-6 Friday class schedule:
1st Period 8:00-8:50
3rd Period 9:00-9:50
5th Period 10:00-10:50
2nd Period 11:00-11:50
Lunch 11:50-12:50
4th Period 1:00-1:50
6th Period 2:00-2:50
*Parents if you need to pick up your child or drop something off please don't walk into the classrooms. You can reach me on my work cell number at 707-410-0267 or Campus Monitor Ms. Deanna at 707-816-2532. This will help keep our classrooms safe and secure and minimize classroom disruptions. Thank you
Here are some fun pictures from the Color Run last Friday. Students got in some exercise while having fun with friends.
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