Oct. 20

Senior Pitches have begun!  

7 of the Seniors presented their Senior Project plans today and they were great!  We heard about building a robot to help the blind, cleaning up a creek, volunteering in a hospital NICU, teaching little kids about science and doing experiments with them, starting a peer support group on campus, educating people about what food banks need and helping people in need with nutrition, participating in a fire academy and working with children on fire safety.  Jewel, Trinity, Joel H., Jaski, Nikki, Olivia, and Macen really set the bar high!  I can't wait to hear what the other senior students have been planning.  

Today Ms. Kandahari joined the panel to hear the pitches.  We are looking for other interested parents to participate.  If you are able to attend one of the sessions and help give students feedback on their pitches, please let me know.

Next week the pitches take place Monday 1:00-3:00, Wednesday 1:00-3:00, and Friday 10:00-11:00  all in Mr. Voyce's classroom 1642.

ECHS Parent Group

On Tuesday, the ECHS Parent Group met for the second time from 2:00-3:00.  This group provides a chance for parents to come and meet with me to hear directly about what is going on at ECHS, give feedback, and help plan future events.  If you would like to come, our next meeting is Tuesday, Nov. 14 from 2:00-3:00 in room 1635.

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Trunk or Treat

ECHS students will be participating in Trunk or Treat this year on Monday, Oct. 30 from 5:00-7:30 at the Fairfield-Suisun Adult School.  This is an event put on by FSUSD where kids in the community have a safe place to come and trick or treat.  

*We are collecting candy donations to give out to children.  


The Rodriguez High School Parent Teacher Student Organization (which includes ECHS) is having a Senior Night for Parents on Tuesday, October 24 from 7:00-8:00 at RHS in the library.  There will be lot of information for seniors regarding graduation, senior trip, grad night to Disneyland, and other events for seniors.  

There will be general PTSO business toward the end of the meeting.  The PTSO is looking for more parents to join.  The cost is $10 per family (you don't have to pay to attend the Senior meeting).  


*Reminder ECHS Counselor-Parent Information Night is Wednesday, October 25 at Rodriguez High School in the library from 6:00-7:00.  

Mae Valles will be reviewing transcripts, high school graduation, ECHS 4 year sample plans, AA degrees, Naviance, scholarships, and more. 

Here is an email that School Counselor Mae Valles sent the students today:

Good afternoon, ECHS Students!
Just wanted to send a friendly reminder for the following updated dates to be mindful of:
1) Monday, November 1, 2017 - Solano's Spring 2018 Schedule will be coming out. Please be sure to make time to go into the Solano website to check when the courses are being offered. Please see attachment for instructions on how to do that. 

2) SPECIAL ADMIT FORM DUE DATES: - Please note your CR teacher can have different due dates to ensure that it gets back to me by my designated due dates.  

If you meet your CR teacher on a Wednesday, it is due by WednesdayNov. 8th

If you meet your CR teacher on a Thursday, it is due by Thursday, Nov 9th 

Pizzo and I will submit to Solano Admissions and Records by Friday, November 10, 2017

3) If you are unsure of what classes to take, please take the time to use the IGETC form to check off classes you have completed so you can see which area of the IGETC needs to be addressed. I have attached the IGETC form as well. If you still have questions, please send me an email. 

3) Monday, December 11, 2017 – K12 STUDENTS CAN ENROLL FOR CLASSES. I am advising to log in a week before to check if Solano Admissions and Records has cleared you for your classes. Please see attachment for instructions on how to do that. 

Have a great weekend! 


Mae Valles


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It's almost 5:00 so that's all from me today on the blog.  I need to head over to the Homecoming football game at RHS.  

Tomorrow night I will be at the Homecoming dance as well from 7:00-10:00.  We sold just under 100 tickets to ECHS students.  It will be great to see the students at both the game and dance.  

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Have a great weekend everyone!


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