Oct. 13

School is set to resume on Monday, October 16 for Early College and Solano Community College.    


The PSAT that was scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 14 has been cancelled.  We are working on a plan to offer the PSAT at Early College from 8:00-12:00 on Wednesday, Oct. 25th to students that have paid for the test.  Students taking the test will be excused from their high school classes but will have to speak with their college professors if the test time conflicts with a college class.  Refunds will be offered to students that are unable to take the test on Oct. 25th and we may be able to sell a few more tests to students who haven't paid yet.  We will put out more information this upcoming week regarding the PSAT.

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The Homecoming Game is Friday, October 20th vs Wood.  The JV game starts at 5:00pm and Varsity begins at 7:30pm.  The Homecoming skits will take place during halftime of the Varsity game.

The Homecoming Dance is on Saturday, October 21th from 7:00-10:00pm.  The last day to buy tickets is Tuesday, October 17th.  Students can buy tickets with me in my office (147).  In order to buy a ticket students need to have Dance Pass form filled out and signed by a parent or guardian.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  


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