May 27th

Senior Awards Ceremony

On Wednesday, May 25th, we held a special ceremony to honor the ECHS Class of 2022.  The 63 ECHS seniors are all on track to graduate from Rodriguez High School on June 10th.  The event included student speakers, awards, and the presentation of an ECHS stole to every ECHS senior to wear in the upcoming graduation ceremony. We are so proud of the ECHS Class of 2022!

SCC Graduation/Car-mencement

On Thursday, May 26th, Solano College held a "Car-mencement" graduation ceremony.  19 of our ECHS seniors graduated from Solano College along with many of our ECHS alumni.  Congratulations to all of the SCC graduates!

Student Board Member

Last night Dean Ramos, ECHS 11th grader, was sworn in as the new Student Board Member for the 2022-2023 school year.  Dean joins the FSUSD School Board and will be representing more than 22,000 FSUSD students!  Congratulations Dean!

Prom Reminder

We have over 700 students attending the RHS/ECHS prom tomorrow night (96 ECHS students and 14 ECHS guests).  The prom is being held at the California Academy of Sciences, located at 55 Music Concourse Dr. in San Francisco.  The prom is from 8:00pm-12:00am.  Students, please make sure you arrive no later than 9:00pm.  You will also be required to remain at the dance until 11:30pm unless a parent is there to pick you up.  I will be there the entire time.  If you have any issues or need support, please call my work cell number (707-410-0267).  Please make sure you are behaving and being responsible.  We want this to be a very special, safe, and fun event!

Spirit Week

Next week is Spirt Week at ECHS.  Each day Leadership has planned different dress-up themes.  Leadership is also doing a fundraiser selling green and black spirit shirts.  If you would like to buy one see Mrs. Williamson in room 1624.  

Finals Week

Early College High School final exams take place on Wednesday, June 8th, and Thursday, June 9th. Lunch will be served for students who choose to stay after school starting at 12:15.

Here is the Finals Schedule:

Wednesday, June 8th
1st Period 8:00-9:15
3rd Period 9:30-10:45
5th Period 11:00-12:15

Thursday, June 9th
2nd Period 8:00-9:15
4th Period 9:30-10:45
6th Period 11:00-12:15

Important Dates

June 9th Last Day of School
June 10th RHS/ECHS Graduation Ceremony at 6:00pm


August 10th 1st Day of High School Classes for the Fall Semester

August 15th 1st Day of College Classes for the Fall Semester


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