March 4th

Spring Fling Dance/Night Rally

There is going to be a night rally/spring dance at Rodriguez High School on March 26th from 7:00-10:00pm.  Everything will take place outside in the A-Quad and is open to all RHS and ECHS students.  The permission slip will be coming out this week and then we will start sales.  Tickets are $15 or $5 if you purchased the ASB card earlier in the year.

ECHS Lunch Rally/Panoramic Picture

More information is to come soon but wanted to let everyone know our next ECHS school rally and the panoramic picture will take place on Friday, April 8th.  The seniors will take a special Class of 2022 group picture at 11:30, then we will take an entire school panoramic picture at 11:45 followed by a special lunchtime rally in the SCC gym.  

Women's History Month

There are some virtual Women's History Month events taking place this month.  Students who want to participate but have a high school class conflict may be able to be excused with a parent permission slip.  See Mr. Pizzo for more information.

Academic Support

Students, if you need support with your high school classes please drop by and see your counselor Mrs. Mae.  We are here to support you and can discuss supports offered by the college for help with college work and we can discuss ways to help you with high school work.

As a reminder, we always have Math help with our ECHS Math teachers every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm in 300A and 300B.  We also have academic support with Mrs. Nance every Wednesday from 3:00-4:00pm in 1635.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new SCC Library and Learning Resource Center is on March 16th from 4:00-5:00pm.  After that students will have access to the new library and tutoring services for college classes will have more in-person options.

A2MEND "Breaking Generational Curses"

Check out these opportunities for students taking place virtually.  For more information please contact

Upcoming Student Events

After School Events:

Friday, March 11th- Jewelry Night 3:00-4:30pm Cafeteria

Friday, March 18th- Academic Olympics 3:00-4:30pm Cafeteria

Saturday, March 26 Spring Dance 7:00-10:00pm RHS A-Quad

Friday, April 29th Fashion Design Event 3:00-4:30pm Cafeteria

Lunchtime Events:

Tuesday, March 8 Mafia Game 

Friday, March 11th Just Dance

Thursday, March 17th St. Patrick's Day Event

Friday, March 18th Women's History Event

Tuesday, March 22nd Fiber Art Event

Thursday, March 31 Talent Show

Friday, April 8th Panoramic Picture and Rally in the gym

Important Dates

March 15th ECHS Parent Group Virtual 5:30-6:30pm (Email for meeting invite)

March 16th SCC Library and Learning Resource Center Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 4:00-5:00pm

April 11-15 High School and College Spring Break

April 22 End of the 2nd Progress Report Grading Period

May 13th Senior Project Showcase 1:00-2:30pm SCC Cafeteria

May 25th ECHS Senior Acknowledgement Ceremony at 6:00pm Willow Hall
May 26th SCC Graduation Ceremony 

May 27 Off Day for ECHS

May 28th Prom

May 30 Off Day (Memorial Day)

June 9th Last Day of School
June 10th RHS/ECHS Graduation Ceremony  at 6:00pm


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