March 28

Counselor Corner

Update for CSU SAT/ACT Requirements: The CSU Board of Trustees unanimously approved the Committee on Educational Policy's resolution to amend Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations to remove SAT and ACT standardized tests from undergraduate admissions. The board's action eliminates standardized tests in the university's undergraduate admissions processes. The CSU is now TEST FREE! Read the press release to learn more about this important vote. The CSU Undergraduate Admissions and Standardized Tests site has additional details as well. Any submitted test scores by admitted students would be considered only for purposes of student placement in math or English courses. During the temporary suspension of testing through the pandemic, CSU campuses and programs have used multiple factors to augment GPAs, using a Multiple Factor Admission Score. Here is a link for your review:

Solano College Important Dates: Friday, April 1 - The last day to drop a course with a Withdraw or "W" grade. Please see me for information before dropping any classes. The Fall 2022 Schedule will be published. Special Admissions Forms will be provided during CR classes to be returned the following week before Spring Break. Here is a link for review:

Need to see me? Please make an appointment: 

Mae Valles, School Counselor (email is best!) 
Office: 707/416-2384
Monday-Thursday @ ECHS Office, Room 337 
Fridays @ the Cafeteria 

ECHS CC Weekly Announcement Bulletin

If you haven't already done so please check out Mrs. Danica's College and Career weekly bulletin.  This week there is information on CSUs, job fairs, video and podcast contests, scholarships, and more!  Here is the link:

ECHS CC Weekly Announcement Bulletin 3/28 - 4/1


The RHS/ECHS prom will be held on Saturday, May 28th at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.  More information coming soon but here are the details that we know so far:

-Tickets will go on sale as early as April 4th.  The price will be between $110 to $130 per ticket.

-Only 11th and 12th-grade students can attend.  

-RHS and ECHS students can bring guests from other schools as long as the guests are in 11th or 12th grade.

-The venue in San Franciso is requiring everyone who attends to be fully vaccinated or have a negative COVID test.  

-Masks are required in the building except while eating or drinking or in the area where the dance floor is with an open roof.  

*More information will be provided in the coming soon but with all the questions I have been receiving, I wanted to put out the details I have at this time.  

Academic Support

Students, if you need support with your high school classes please drop by and see your counselor, Mrs. Mae.  We are here to support you and can discuss supports offered by the college for help with college work as well as ways to help you with high school work.

As a reminder, we always have Math support available with our ECHS Math teachers every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm in 300A and 300B.  

The new SCC Library and Learning Resource Center are now open Monday-Thursday 9:30am-2:00pm   ECHS students have full access to the new library and tutoring services for college classes.  

*Students, please remember masks are still required in the SCC library building at all times.  


The Rodriguez High School Yearbook is on sale for $120.  This is a hardcover book made by the RHS Yearbook class students.  This yearbook has a section for ECHS and includes our students who competed on RHS sports teams and participated in after-school events at RHS.

Please visit the following website to purchase the RHS yearbook:

The Early College Magazine is our program's version of a yearbook.  The magazine is created by the ECHS Leadership students and just includes Early College.  You can purchase the ECHS Magazine now using the link below or you can bring $25 cash to the ECHS office.  

ECHS Magazine

ECHS Parent Group

Our next ECHS Parent Group meeting is on Wednesday, April 20th from 5:30-6:30pm.  This meeting will be held virtually through Google Meet.  Please email me at if you would like to attend and I will send you a calendar invitation with the meeting link.  These meetings are open to any and all ECHS parents who would like to attend to hear about things taking place at ECHS, ask questions, provide feedback, and help plan future events.

Upcoming Student Events

After School Events:

Friday, April 29th Fashion Design Event 3:00-4:30pm Cafeteria

Friday, May 6 Game Night 3:00-4:30pm Cafeteria

Friday, May 13 Lip Sync Battle/Music Experience 3:00-4:30

Lunchtime Events:

Wednesday, March 30 Talent Show

Thursday, March 31 Senior Recess (field by 1700)

April 4 - April 8 Spirit Week (more info coming soon)

Tuesday, April 5 Senior Picnic (field by 300 portables)

Thursday, April 7 GSA Carnival

Friday, April 8th Rally in the gym

*Much more being planned for after Spring Break!

Important Dates

April 11-15 High School and College Spring Break

April 20th ECHS Parent Group Meeting 5:30-6:30pm (Virtual through Google Meet)

April 22 End of the 2nd Progress Report Grading Period

May 13th Senior Project Showcase 1:00-2:30pm SCC Cafeteria

May 25th ECHS Senior Acknowledgement Ceremony at 6:00pm Willow Hall
May 26th SCC Graduation 

May 27 Off Day for ECHS

May 28th Prom

May 30 Off Day (Memorial Day)

June 9th Last Day of School
June 10th RHS/ECHS Graduation Ceremony at 6:00pm


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