March 11th


Masks on Campus

Here is a picture of the new signs we are putting up before school Monday in our high school classrooms.

The masks mandate has been lifted in K-12 schools starting Monday, March 14th.  It is very important to note though that the mask mandate has not been lifted here at Solano College.  Students are required to continue wearing masks in all indoor areas on the SCC campus except once inside a high school classroom.  Once inside a high school classroom, students may choose to wear their masks but it will not be required.

We understand this may cause some confusion so I went to every College Readiness class today to talk with the students directly.  

We will continue to pass out masks to students who are in need.  Students will need to wear a mask to walk into any building on campus besides our 10 high school classrooms (300A, 300B, 305, 306, 307, 1626, 1634, 1635, 1642, and 1645).

Example 1- An ECHS student has a high school class in the 1600 hallway (Mrs. Williamson's class 1626 and Mrs. Krutz's class 1642) they are required to have their masks on while entering the hallway and using the restrooms but once they are in the high school classroom, they may take the mask off if they choose.

Example 2- An ECHS student wants to go to the bookstore or library on campus.  The student will need to wear a mask at all times.

Example 3- An ECHS student wants to go get food in the SCC cafeteria.  The student must wear a mask while in the food line and at all times in the cafeteria unless seated at a table and eating or drinking.  Once a student is finished eating or drinking, they are required to wear their mask.

Example 4- An ECHS student has an in-person college class.  Nothing has changed, they are required to use the Course Key app to get a green pass and are required to wear a mask in class.

Mrs. Smith

We want to congratulate Mrs. Smith on the recent birth of her son!  She is now on maternity leave for the remainder of the school year.  

We are very fortunate that Mrs. Nolte has joined us to take over as the long-term sub through June.  Mrs. Nolte can be reached at  We are also being supported by the RHS/ECHS English Department Chair, Kristin Warsaw.  Mrs. Warsaw is helping with Mrs. Smith's lesson plans and is taking care of the grading.  Mrs. Warsaw can be reached at  We are working hard to make sure our students are still making progress and we really appreciate what the students have already accomplished while working with Mrs. Nolte!

Spring Fling Dance/Night Rally

There is going to be a night rally/spring dance at Rodriguez High School on March 26th from 7:00-10:00pm.  Everything will take place outside in the A-Quad and is open to all RHS and ECHS students  The permission slips are available in the ECHS office and must be submitted prior to purchasing a ticket.  Tickets are on sale now for $15 or $5 if you purchased the ASB card earlier in the year.


The RHS/ECHS prom will be held on Saturday, May 28th at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.  More information coming soon but here are the details that we know so far:

-Tickets will go on sale after the Spring Dance as early as March 28.  The price will be between $110 to $130 per ticket.

-Only 11th and 12th-grade students can attend.  

-RHS and ECHS students can bring guests from other schools as long as the guests are in 11th or 12th grade.

-The venue in San Franciso is requiring everyone who attends to be fully vaccinated or have a negative COVID test.  

-Masks are required in the building except while eating or drinking or in the area where the dance floor is with an open roof.  

*More information will be provided in the coming weeks but with all the questions I have been receiving, I wanted to put out the details I have at this time.  

Academic Support

Students, if you need support with your high school classes please drop by and see your counselor, Mrs. Mae.  We are here to support you and can discuss supports offered by the college for help with college work as well as ways to help you with high school work.

As a reminder, we always have Math support available with our ECHS Math teachers every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm in 300A and 300B.  

The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new SCC Library and Learning Resource Center is on Tuesday, March 16th from 4:00-5:00pm.  Students will then have access to the new library and tutoring services for college classes and will have more in-person options on campus.


The Rodriguez High School Yearbook is on sale now for $120.  This is a hardcover book made by the RHS Yearbook class students.  This yearbook has a section for ECHS and includes our students who competed on RHS sports teams and participated in after-school events at RHS.

Please visit the following website to purchase the RHS yearbook:

The Early College Magazine is our program's version of a yearbook.  The magazine is created by the ECHS Leadership students and just includes Early College.  You can purchase the ECHS Magazine now using the link below or you can bring $25 cash to the ECHS office.  

ECHS Magazine

ECHS Parent Group

Our next ECHS Parent Group meeting is on Tuesday, March 15th at 5:30pm.  This meeting will be held virtually through Google Meet.  Please email me at if you would like to attend and I will send you a calendar invitation with the meeting link.  These meetings are open to any and all ECHS parents who would like to attend to hear about things taking place at ECHS, ask questions, provide feedback, and help plan future events.

Upcoming Student Events

After School Events:

Friday, March 18th- Academic Olympics 3:00-4:30pm Cafeteria

Saturday, March 26 Spring Dance 7:00-10:00pm RHS A-Quad

Friday, April 29th Fashion Design Event 3:00-4:30pm Cafeteria

Lunchtime Events:

Thursday, March 17th St. Patrick's Day Event

Friday, March 18th Women's History Event

Tuesday, March 22nd Fiber Art Event

Thursday, March 31 Talent Show

Friday, April 8th Rally in the gym

Important Dates

March 15th ECHS Parent Group Virtual 5:30-6:30pm (Email for meeting invite)

March 16th SCC Library and Learning Resource Center Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 4:00-5:00pm

April 11-15 High School and College Spring Break

April 22 End of the 2nd Progress Report Grading Period

May 13th Senior Project Showcase 1:00-2:30pm SCC Cafeteria

May 25th ECHS Senior Acknowledgement Ceremony at 6:00pm Willow Hall
May 26th SCC Graduation Ceremony 

May 27 Off Day for ECHS

May 28th Prom

May 30 Off Day (Memorial Day)

June 9th Last Day of School
June 10th RHS/ECHS Graduation Ceremony  at 6:00pm


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