
SCC Return to In-Person Classes

If you signed up for in-person college classes, they will begin being held on campus on Tuesday, Feb. 22nd.  Students with in-person college classes are expected to come to campus for their college classes next week.

Students attending in-person college classes need to follow all of the Solano College COVID protocols.  Please visit https://welcome.solano.edu/coronavirus/ for more information.  

Students taking in-person college classes must submit their vaccination cards or participate in Solano College's weekly testing.  *This does not apply to ECHS students who come to campus for high school classes and have online college classes.  

Next week, Feb. 21- Feb 25 is vacation week for our school district  There are no high school classes during this time. Breakfast and lunch services will not be available from February 21-25.  Mrs. Mae will be working on campus on Tuesday, Feb. 22, Wednesday, Feb. 23, and Thursday, Feb. 24 if students would like to meet with her.  Please email her if you are interested in making an appointment to meet during this time. 

Reminder, students with in-person college classes, it is very important that you behave on campus. You represent the ECHS program in and out of the classrooms.  The college is open Feb. 22-25 and support is available if needed.  Mrs. Mae can be reached by email at maev@fsusd.org or phone at 707-435-3551.

Don't forget to have the Solano Safe App downloaded and/or have the On-Duty Campus Sheriff's number saved in case of an emergency on campus 707-580-6526

Counselor Corner

Attention 12th Graders! 

Cal Grant Application Deadline

1) Wednesday, March 2nd - Cal Grant is money for college you
don’t have to pay back. Don't miss out, completing your FASFA application (
https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa) or CADAA (https://dream.csac.ca.gov/landing) by March 2nd. 

2) FASFA/CADAA Workshop February 24, 2022 – 5:30pm – 7:30pm - sign up via: 


Deadline To Submit Degree Petitions for Spring 2022 Conferral

Friday 3/4/22 – Last Day to Submit Degree Petitions for Spring 2022 Conferral by 6:00pm! Email your completed paperwork to admissions@solano.edu Please review this link for additional  information https://welcome.solano.edu/graduation-apply/  


Assist-A-Grad Scholarship Due Tuesday, March 1

Assist-A-Grad Scholarship
Foundation, Inc.'s deadline to submit is Tuesday, March 1, 2022, to Ms. Danica by 12:00pm. You can drop it off at the office or save the PDF and attach it to an email to Ms. Danica @ 
danicam@fsusd.org. This will ensure that Ms. Danica can review it and provide feedback if needed before the hard deadline. You are not allowed to go to the Assist-A-Grad office to drop off any applications. NO HANDWRITTEN APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. 

Need to see me? Please make an appointment: 



Mae Valles, School Counselor
maev@fsusd.org (email is best!) 
Office: 707/416-2384
Monday-Thursday @ ECHS Office Room 337 
Fridays @ the Cafeteria 

Progress Report Grades

The Progress Report grading period ends today, Friday, Feb. 18.  The teachers will be submitting grades by the end of the day on Monday, Feb. 28th. Grades will be visible to students and families in Aeries on Tuesday, Feb. 29th.  

Lunch-time Events

This week we had three days of special events hosted by our BSU to celebrate Black History Month.  I'd like to give a special shout-out to the officers who planned these events.  Tuesday we had student presentations, Wednesday there was a student panel, and Thursday we had poetry readings.  Thanks again to our guest speaker, Genea Brice.  

Today there was an organized game of freeze tag out on the field.  The students had a great time playing the game and enjoying the wonderful weather we had today!

Coming in March we have more fun student events.  Stay tuned for more information on these events after the break:

After school (3:00-4:30)

11th - Jewelry Night
18th - Academic Olympics
25th - Spring Fling 
31st - Talent Show

Lunchtime 12:00-12:45

2nd - Book Exchange
8th-   Mafia Game
11th - Just Dance
18th - Women's History Event
23rd - Fiber Art
25th - Board Games 

Playoff Win!

Congratulations to the RHS Girls Basketball team for their playoff win last night.  Good luck on Monday!

Important Dates

Feb. 21-25 No High School Classes (President's Week)

April 11-15 High School and College Spring Break

April 22 End of the 2nd Progress Report Grading Period

May 13th Senior Project Showcase

May 25th ECHS Senior Awards at 6:00pm Willow Hall
May 26th SCC Graduation Ceremony at 6:00pm

May 27 Off Day for ECHS

May 28th Prom

May 30 Off Day (Memorial Day)

June 9th Last Day of School
June 10th RHS/ECHS Graduation Ceremony  at 6:00pm


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