August 27

Tutoring Support

In addition to our after-school Math support (SAS) available every Monday and Thursday from 3:00pm-4:00pm, we are kicking off Peer Tutoring next week.  Peer Tutoring will take place on Fridays during break periods and Wednesdays from 3:00pm-4:00pm.  We will continue visiting College Readiness classes to speak with students about Peer Tutoring.  ECHS Peer Tutoring matches ECHS students who need help in either high school or college classes with other ECHS who have successfully completed the course.  Peer tutors earn volunteer hours and letters of recommendation from Mrs. Mae and/or Mr. Pizzo.  If any students would like to be a tutor or want to sign up for tutoring please see let me know.  Students can stop by the office or email me at

*Solano College also has tutoring support for students with their college classwork.  Please see Mrs. Mae if you have questions or need help with this.

For Fall 2021, the ASTC will begin to offer online support to Solano students during the second week of school (beginning on Monday, 23 August) in two ways:

  1. Tutoring in select subjects* by our Instructional Assistants (degreed) and Peer Tutors (current Solano students) will be held via Zoom through our ASTC Canvas shell
    1. To access our ASTC Canvas shell, students need to self-register at the following Canvas link:  This self-registration link is also enabled in the navigation bar in the blueprint for Canvas.  (n.b.: for those interested, yes, TUTR 500 has been eliminated, the ASTC Canvas shell is not an actual course, and the ASTC shell will never show up on a transcript nor does it carry units).
    2. Once a student is in the ASTC Canvas shell, they can view the virtual tutor schedule on the landing page.  ASTC staff update the virtual tutoring schedule as needed.   
    3. Our Guide to Accessing the ASTC Online gives step-by-step instructions.

*subjects covered by SCC employees at this time are those with the history of highest need, including Math, Biology, Chemistry, and Writing.

  1. Tutoring for all subjects will be available through NetTutor (a virtual national tutoring service).
    1. Tutoring with NetTutor is via NetTutor’s platform, linked from the Canvas shell of any of a students’ classes. 
    2. NetTutor is 24/7 for some subjects (including Math) and offers schedules for many other subjects (Please note that the linked schedule defaults to Eastern Time and is subject to change)
    3. ASTC staff has prepared some helpful guides: NetTutor Student User GuideNetTutor Accessibility Overview, and How to Activate Audio/Video Functionality (for students).


Solano College also posts information on its social media accounts.  These Study Skills workshops were posted on the SCC Instagram account.  We highly recommend the Monday or Tuesday from 3:30-4:30 Zoom sessions next week.  

National Honor Society

Dear 10th, 11th, and 12th Grade Students at ECHS,

Do you have at least a 3.0 GPA and wish to apply for the National Honor Society for the 2021-2022 School Year? Keep reading and then if you decide to apply use the Google Form attached below.

*Applications are due by Tuesday, August 31st

Membership in the National Honor Society (NHS) is one of the highest honors that can be awarded to a high school student. Our chapter has worked hard to bring the accomplishments of outstanding students to the attention of parents, teachers, peers, and the community. Our chapter strives to give practical meaning to the Society’s standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These four ideals are considered as the basis for selection. No student is inducted simply because of a high academic average. The National Honor Society strives to recognize the total student—one who excels in all of these areas. The standards used for selection are:

Scholarship: 3.0 cumulative average

Leadership, service, and character: as demonstrated by activities and teacher evaluations

Membership, however, is more than an honor. It is an ongoing responsibility and an obligation to continue to demonstrate those outstanding qualities that result in a student’s selection. Membership also carries a responsibility to the chapter. If our NHS chapter is to be effective and meaningful, each member must become involved.

Each member MUST attend our monthly meetings starting on Friday, September 3rd at LUNCH and continuing on the first Friday of the month @ Lunch for the remainder of the school year.

We hope you will submit your candidate information form so that the faculty council can evaluate your candidacy.


Mrs. Smith

ECHS NHS Advisor

Aeries and Classroom Tutorials

Hi everyone:

The FSUSD librarian team & I have put together step-by-step tutorials to walk students & teachers through different tech applications. I have requested Spanish translations & they are in the works. In the meantime, these are the tutorials I have finished: please feel free to share them with students & families. The videos will have Spanish subtitles as well (that's in progress). These tutorials are being shared district-wide. 

If you have a request for a specific tutorial, let me know! I would be happy to expand on these. 
All of these tutorials are also on the RHS Library website. 

Traci Pratt, MLIS
Bitmoji Image
Go to the RHS Library

Picture Makeups

If you missed your school photo and haven't gotten your RHS ID card please make sure to mark your calendars and go to the SCC cafeteria on Thursday, September 16th between 11:30-1:00.

Back to School Nights

We enjoyed being able to hold our Parent Nights in person again.  We held our 9th grade Parent Night on Tuesday and our 10th grade Parent Night on Thursday.  Links to the slide that were reviewed by staff were sent out directly to 9th and 10th-grade parents.  If you have any questions please reach out to me or the teachers directly.

Tuesday, August 31 is our 11th and 12th grade Parent Night.  We will start at 6:00pm in the SCC cafeteria (1400 building).  Please come if you can.  Parking is free all semester and masks are required inside all buildings on campus.  We will also plan to record the session and send it out to 11th and 12th-grade parents the following day.  Here are some pictures of our staff members presenting from earlier in the week.

Honor Roll

I had the pleasure of visiting every 10th, 11th, and 12th grade College Readiness class today to hand out our academic awards.  We missed a few semesters due to distance learning so I had multiple semesters of awards to pass out.  Students who earned a 3.5 GPA or higher (high school and college classes combined) for a semester earned an academic excellence pin.  Students who make the honor roll (3.5 or higher) for three semesters earn their academic letters.  Each semester the students make the honor roll after earning their letter they receive a lantern patch.   Students who earn a 4.0 GPA or higher also receive a Golden Mustang pin.  

I am so impressed by our students' achievements especially through the challenges of distance learning the last three semesters!  I look forward to coming back to classes again in January and awarding students with more pins, letters, and lantern patches.

College and Career

Our College and Career Technician Danica Matthews was in classrooms speaking with our 10th grade College Readiness classes today.  Please click the link below to see her weekly announcements.

ECHS CC Weekly Announcements 8/30-9/3

Club Rush

Today we had our Club Rush event in the cafeteria.  Students had the opportunity to check out the different clubs that we offer during lunchtime.  Next week the club meetings will begin.  We encourage all students to join at least one club on campus.

Upcoming Events

ECHS 11th and 12th Grade Parent Night Aug. 31st, 6:00pm SCC Cafeteria

PTSO Meeting Sept. 8th, 6:00pm (virtual)

RHS Athletic Boosters (RAB) Sept. 15th 7:00 at RHS

ECHS Parent Group Sept. 16 at SCC Cafeteria 5:30-6:30pm

RHS Football Home vs West Park Sept. 17

RHS Football Home vs Northgate Sept. 24

Homecoming Football vs Armijo Oct. 1

Homecoming Dance Oct. 2

ECHS 9th-10th Grade Counselor Info. Night Oct. 14th, 6:00-7:00pm at SCC

ECHS 11th-12th Grade Counselor Info. Night Oct. 21st, 6:00-7:00pm at SCC


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