August 23

ECHS Back to School Nights

It's almost time for Back to School Night. We do things a little differently than other schools.  The ECHS team hosts 3 nights (based on grade level) and provides a presentation for parents and guardians. At the conclusion of the presentation, we open it up for families to ask individual questions to our staff members.  If you are unable to attend in person, recordings of the presentations will be available for families to view at their convenience.  Our first night is tomorrow 8/24 from 6:00-7:30pm for 9th-grade families.  Our 10th-grade night is on 8/26 and our 11th-12th grade night is on 8/31.

*Masks are required for everyone inside all buildings at Solano College.  

Math Support

I had the pleasure of visiting Mrs. Freitas' Math class last week.  The students were doing a hands-on activity from our Math Carnegie curriculum and we work in small groups.  

We have additional after-school support for students who need Math help every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm.  Mrs. Freitas runs the Monday session and Mrs. Turgeon-Staggs runs the Thursday session.  Both teachers can assist students at all Math levels. 



Here is our Lunch Menu for August.  Lunches are free for all students.  

Counselor Corner

I hope the first week of college went well! 

I wanted to let the students know of my drop-in hours starting next week (8/23/2021). Every Monday through Thursday, during lunchtime in my office (300 Building) and Fridays 1st period through 6th period in the cafeteria during off periods, students can drop in to talk to me. Please note on Fridays, I will be at lunch at the same time as students due to being available from 1st period through 6th period. 

Drop in hours are perfect for quick questions. If you need to talk about your 4-year plan, career planning, college planning etc, it is best to use my appointment link below to schedule an appointment. 

Need to see me? Please make an appointment: 

Mae Valles, School Counselor (email is best!)
Work Cell#: 707/435-3551 
Office: 707/416-2384

College and Career Information

Hello ECHS Students-
Here are a few SAT and UC updates, see below. 

SAT Updates:
SAT test is open to 11th and 12th-grade students. It is recommended that 11th-grade students take the SAT by the Spring of their Junior year. 

For dates of testing and to sign up for SAT go to here:

UC Updates: 
Dates and Deadlines
August 1: UC Admission Application opens for fall 2022
Admission by Exam update

UC will not consider SAT or ACT test scores as a factor in admissions decisions for fall 2022-2024 applicants. In light of this change, and the College Board’s discontinuation of SAT Subject Tests, Admission by Examination has been suspended.   

Each UC campus may offer admission to students who do not meet all of the A-G course requirements or minimum GPA requirements under its Admission by Exception policy.

UC Application and Application Center

The UC application for fall 2022 opened on August 1. UC encourages students to spend ample time on their applications, developing each section to reflect the accomplishments, challenges, opportunities, and talents of each student within their own family, school, and community context.  With the application now open, students can begin to craft their applications in preparation for our November filing period. 

The UC Application provides help and support throughout each section of the application. Applicants can view answers to their commonly asked questions on each page of the application by clicking ‘Help’ on the top navigation bar. Additionally, applicants will see blue ‘i’ icons throughout the application. By clicking on the blue ‘i’ icon, applicants will see a definition, explanation, or more context for a question. Lastly, students needing further assistance can contact the UC Application Center via phone or email. The Center is available Monday – Friday, 10am – 6pm (Pacific Time).

For all other UC updates go to the College and Career Google Classroom:

If you have any questions please email me at

All the best, 

Danica Matthews
College and Career Technician
(P) 707-421-3933 EXT. 1467

SCC ID Cards

SCC ID cards are optional but they are such a great deal if you are riding the city bus!  For $5 students can get an SCC ID and the card can be used to ride the city bus for free all semester.  For more information on how to purchase an ID please visit:

Here is information directly from the SCC website:

Student IDs

Need a new Term Sticker:

Students may obtain a new term sticker for their Student ID Card by following these steps:

Note: There is no charge for a new term sticker.

  1. Ensure your mailing address is current*.
  2. Ensure you are registered for the term.
  3. Emailing including the following information:
    • Full name on the student record
    • Solano student identification number.
    • Confirm current mailing address

*The Cashier Office can only mail term stickers if the confirmed mailing address matches the current address student account. Therefore, it is recommended that students ensure their mailing address is current prior to submitting an email request to the Cashier Office.

Need a new or replacement Student ID

  • Step 1: Ensure your mailing address is current.
  • Step 2: Pay a $5.00 student ID fee.
    • Bring $5.00 payment (cash, money order, check, Visa, Mastercard, etc…) to the appointment.
    • If your student account reflects a negative balance (credit) of $5.00 or more. A credit balance can be used towards your student ID purchase if you email from your Solano email account to authorize them to use this credit to be applied to a Student ID purchase.
    • Other payment options
      • Payment online through your MySolano student account.
        • Note: All payments will be applied to current outstanding balances prior to a Student ID purchase. Student account must reflect a negative balance (credit) of $5.00 or more for online payment method to be used.
    • Email completed & signed Credit Card Authorization form with picture ID to
    • Pay in person at the Cashier Office (located between Counseling & Admissions & Records in the 400 building).
    • 3rd party vendor paying for student ID, then email letter/voucher from vendor to
  • Step 3: Make arrangements for ID photo:
    • Email to schedule an appointment to have your picture taken. Be sure to bring:
      • valid picture identification*
      • $5.00 payment into the appointment.
  • OR

    • Email
      • A picture ID in .jpg format (most recent, in color, no glare)
        (*.jpg file of a picture you want reviewed to be approved to add to your student ID and a copy of a valid picture identification *.
    • Once picture is approved you will be notified of the next steps from the Cashier Office team.


    *Examples of valid identification include but are not limited to the following:

    • Passport front page
    • CA ID
    • Driver’s license
    • Birth Certificate
    • Highschool ID (if still in High school)

ASVAB Testing 

The College and Career Department will be coordinating and setting up ASVAB testing for those 11th and 12th graders that are interested in taking the test. 

The ASVAB test is a GREAT test to take for those students who:  
1- are interested in seeing what careers best fit their personality type AND

2- for those students who are interested in going into the Military. 
The ASVAB test will be administered in October, the date and time to be announced in the near future. In addition, interpretation of the test will also be offered in approximately two to three weeks after the test has been completed. Interpretation dates and times are to be announced in the near future as well. 

If you have any questions or concerns about the ASVAB test, please reach out to me. 

If you would like to take the test fill out and submit the form here:

*Please be ADVISED that you ONLY have to fill out this form IF YOU WOULD LIKE to take the ASVAB TEST. If you are NOT interested in taking the test be DISREGARD this message and DO NOT fill out the form. 

I will follow up with those students via email with those students who have filled out the form. 

Make it a GREAT one😀

All the best, 
Danica Matthews
College and Career Technician
(P) 707-421-3933 EXT. 1467


We had a packed stadium on Friday night for the first home RHS football game.  I saw so many ECHS students there having a great time!  Both the RHS JV and Varsity teams won!  It should be an exciting season!  The RHS team is at American Canyon this week and the next home game at RHS is Friday, September 17 vs West Park.

Upcoming Events

9th Grade Parent Night Aug. 24 

10th Grade Parent Night Aug. 26

ECHS Club Rush Aug. 27 (during lunchtime)

11th and 12th Grade Parent Night Aug. 31

RHS Football Home vs West Park Sept. 17

Homecoming Football vs Armijo Oct. 1

Homecoming Dance Oct. 2


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