August 16th- Return to In Person Learning

 Return to Campus

We kicked off last week with our orientation in the SCC theatre.  Students and families got to hear from Lieutenant Ace Chandra.  We are grateful for the support that the Solano County Sherriff's Department provides to Solano Community College and our Early College program.  Lieutenant Ace talked about campus safety and encouraged everyone to download the Solano Safe phone app.  We also recommend that students save this Emergency number in their phone (707-580-6526).  That number will directly reach the on-duty sheriff cell number and is the quickest way to get support on campus here at SCC in case of an emergency.

I had the pleasure of visiting every College Readiness class on Friday throughout the day to speak to all of the ECHS students.  We reviewed campus procedures, dress code, school rules, textbook checkouts, and more.  If any students have any follow up questions, please come see me during lunch or on a break any day.  It is so wonderful seeing so many students back on campus.  It is going to be an amazing year!


All of our 9th graders, 10th graders, and new students to ECHS have been assigned a student mentor for our Leadership.  The mentors did an excellent job helping at orientation and will be checking in with their mentees throughout the entire school year to help when needed.


Mr. Spinelli is planning to focus on outdoor athletics to kick the year off.  Students got outside during the first week and started playing Frisbee.  We'll be focusing on soccer and other outdoor games before moving into the cardio and weight room and other indoor workout spaces on campus later in the year.  


We are providing free lunch for all students in the cafeteria.  Students can pick up their food in the cafeteria and have the option of eating outside or inside the cafeteria.  Students may remove their masks to eat and drink inside but must put their masks back on when finished.

There are multiple game tables for students to play during lunch and on breaks.

College Readiness

Mrs. Latrous had her College Readiness students outside her classroom doing some get to know you activities.  The students completed rotations and interviewed each other.

Welcome Back Social

At least half of the students in the ECHS program stayed after school on Friday for our Welcome Back Social.  This was a great opportunity for students to finish off our first week back on campus.  We are definitely going to have more activities like this for students throughout the year.  

This Week

College Classes and Textbooks
This week college classes start.  The cafeteria is open to our students from 7:30-3:00 to work on their online college work during high school off periods.  The students were sent a Google link to request their college textbooks, please complete those as soon as possible.  

School After School
Our after school Math tutoring starts this Thursday in the portables.  Math tutoring will run every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm.

Football Friday Night
The first RHS home football game is this Friday night vs Bear Creek.  The JV game is at 5:00pm and Varsity starts at 7:30pm.  Students are required to bring their IDs to the game.  Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students (ID cards are required).  

Upcoming Events

9th Grade Parent Night Aug. 24 

10th Grade Parent Night Aug. 26

11th and 12th Grade Parent Night Aug. 31

Homecoming Football vs Armijo Oct. 1

Homecoming Dance Oct. 2


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