Feb. 19th

FSUSD Reopening Decision

Thursday, February 11, 2021, the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District's Governing Board voted to return to in-person instruction once Solano County sustains five consecutive days in the Red Tier.  Based on the current trajectory of Solano County's COVID-19 data, it is anticipated that Solano County may sustain five days in the Red Tier by mid-March.  The return to in-person instruction will be a scaffolded, hybrid model.  

The anticipated hybrid reopening date for Secondary Schools is April 12, 2021 (following Spring Break).  This is contingent upon the county's ability to sustain five consecutive days in the Red Tier and /or any other additional guidelines issued by the state.  Families will have the option to continue on Distance Learning for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year, if they do not choose to participate in the hybrid model of in-person learning.

During the week of February 22nd, we will be sending all families information regarding the Hybrid Model and Distance Learning options that will become available April 12 (contingent upon conditions listed above).  A Hybrid Model Intent digital form will also be sent and MUST be completed and submitted by Friday, February 26th.  Assistance in completing the form will be available by phone and in the ECHS office Tuesday, February 23rd through Friday, February 26th, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM.

What does the HYBRID MODEL look like for Early College High School?

  • ECHS will maintain whole class Distance Learning Instruction (at home) Monday through Thursday.  Due to many of the students’ online college class times we are unable to change our class times Monday through Thursday.  

  • All students will participate in Distance Learning (at home) on Fridays, according to the current schedule from 7:45am-9:25am.

  • Once the Hybrid Model Intent forms have been received and reviewed, if we have more students who have indicated that they will participate in the Hybrid Model In-person Learning than we can safely put in a classroom (desks 4-6 feet apart) we will divide them into two cohorts.  Students would then have the option to come to school in the afternoons every other Friday with their cohort.  If our numbers are small enough students who opt in will come to campus every Friday after the morning online sessions have concluded.

  • No new material will be covered during the Friday In-Person afternoon sessions. In-person sessions will take the place of the students’ asynchronous time.

  • Lunch for all students remains AT HOME, and additional time has been added to account for the travel time to school.  The hybrid bell schedule will be sent to ALL Families as soon as it is approved.

What If I Don't Want to Participate in the Hybrid Model?

  • The Distance Learning Model remains available for families who do not wish to have their students come onto campus to participate in the Hybrid In-Person Learning Model.  Students will continue with whole class Distance Learning instruction Monday-Thursday as well as Friday mornings.

  • Friday Afternoon Asynchronous time will become independent, as teachers will no longer be available for Google Meets Friday afternoons.  Teachers will be available during office hours Monday-Thursday for remote assistance via Google Meets.

Please note:  If a family indicates on the Hybrid Model Intent form that they have decided to stay on Distance Learning, they will remain in Distance Learning for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year.  If a family chooses the hybrid in-person learning model, they will remain in the hybrid model for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year.  Students cannot "bounce" back and forth between the two schedules.  Please give the options careful thought and discuss them as a family so you are prepared to make a choice when the Hybrid Model Intent form is sent out next week.

Additional Resources:

Please click HERE for the ECHS Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Information for procedures regarding COVID-19.

Please click HERE for the FSUSD Guide for Families

IMPORTANT:  If you have questions about the information above, please feel free to reach out to me through email at johnpi@fsusd.org or by phone at 707-862-7159.

 Aca Deca is going to State!

The Academic Decathlon team has qualified for the State competition for the first time in school history!  Congratulations to all of the ECHS students that participated in the North Bay Regional Competition.  Coach Williamson and Coach Freitas are hard at work getting the team ready.  Maximiliano Gonzalez Barba, Micah Schmidt, Angelo Velasco, Chloe Woods, Jack Flynn, Ky'lon Brooks, Marcus Bautista, Tianeh Parsi, and Dean Ramos will be competing.  Good luck team!

March 3 Essay Competition

March 16 and 17 Objective Tests

March 20 Speech and Interviews

March 27 Award Ceremony

ECHS Parent Group

Thank you to everyone who attended the ECHS Parent Group meeting on Wednesday night.  We had a good amount of parents join for the first time.  We love having new parents come!  If you would like to join us next month the meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 16th from 6:00-7:00pm.  If you plan to attend feel free to email me and I can send you a calendar invite.  Here is the Google Meet link to join:


Congratulations to Susan Harris

Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Ken Whittemore came by the office this morning and presented Susan Harris with a plaque for being named the ECHS Classified Employee of the Year!  Susan Harris does so much for the students, staff, and families here at ECHS.  We truly appreciate her hard work and dedication!

Agreement and Expectation Letters

Today we mailed home Agreement and Expectation letters to all the 9th, 10th , and 11th grade families along with the 2021-2022 ECHS School Calendar.  Please sign and return the agreements by March 5th.  You can drop them by our office any day between 8:00-4:00pm or scan and email to Susan Harris at susanharr@fsusd.org.  We need to know if you are returning to ECHS next year or if anybody is planning to leave the program.  This information will help us in planning our class schedule and adding students from the wait-list if needed.  

Assist-A-Grad Scholarships

Hello Seniors-

This is a FRIENDLY reminder....

I HIGHLY encourage YOU all to APPLY, APPLY, APPLY to ASSIST-A-GRAD if you will be attending College in the Fall 2021. It is a GREAT opportunity to receive a local scholarship, which increases your chances of being awarded one because instead of applying with other Seniors around the Country it's just Seniors applying in Solano County. Which levels the playing field...........

  • If you need assistance with completing the application or have questions about any of the scholarships, please feel free to reach out to me at danicam@fsusd.org
  • Students with a 2.0-3.0 are also encouraged to APPLY, so don't let your GPA get in your way and stop you from applying 
  • If you do not have access to printing, you can send your application and additional paperwork to Mrs. Harris in the ECHS office at susanharr@fsusd.org and she will print it out and make copies for you. To send your application and paperwork follow the steps on the application instructions document attached 
  • You may submit your completed application packet to the ECHS school. Contact Mrs. Harris for available drop off times
  • You may also drop off your application packet directly to the ASSIST-A-GRAD Scholarship Foundation, INC. c/o Fairfield-Suisun Chamber of Commerce. Located at 111 Webster Street, Fairfield, CA 94533.                            
  • 2021 Scholarship Drop-Off Schedule is attached and will posted in the College and Career Activities & Resource Hub at 44fnpqp

Happy FRI-YAY!!!

All the best,

Miss. D

Meal Pickups

FSUSD Meal Pick up Free for all FSUSD Students!

Once per week students can receive a box of food that will contain five breakfasts and five lunches. The box will be FREE of charge for any students in FSUSD! Any student or parent (with student ID #) can pick up a box on any following day from any one of the following locations from 7:00 AM and 1:00 PM:

Mondays- Fairview Elementary School
Tuesdays - Grange Middle School

Wednesdays - Armijo High School

Thursdays - Green Valley Middle School

Fridays - Crystal Middle School

Student ID numbers will be required to receive a box and students can only receive one box per week. Students can not receive boxes from more than one location in the same week.

Trivia Night

Join us next week on Wednesday, February 24 from 3:00-4:00 for Trivia Night!  Join the Google Classroom Code: 23XNOTC

Senior Spotlights

Our senior class is amazing!  Our students are getting accepted into Fresno State, Sac State, Cal Poly, Alabama State, Texas Tech., CSU East Bay, Cal Maritime, Hawaii Pacific, Chico State, University of the Pacific, and so much more!  We are still waiting to hear from UCs and others but early results of the college applications have been great!  I am going to start spotlighting seniors each week.

Our first Senior Spotlight is Jolie Perez.  Jolie has been accepted into Cal Lutheran, Chico State, Fullerton, Monterey Bay, Cal Poly Pomona, and waiting to still hear from others.  As of right now she is thinking about Fullerton to major in Business and Marketing.  Jolie has been a member of Key Club, Leadership, and National Honor Society.  Theatre has been a huge part of her life as she as been participating in theaters and productions since 2009.  This year with productions being shut down due to COVID, she has been working at Chick-fil-A.  Jolie is on track to finish high school with 63 college units completed with AA degrees in Criminal Justice and Liberal Arts.  Great job Jolie!

Our second Senior Spotlight is Maya Miller.  Maya has been accepted to Texas Tech, Sam Houston State, Hawaii Pacific, NAU, Montana State, New Mexico State, Arizona State, and waiting to hear from more!  She is planning to major in Nursing.  Throughout high school she has participated in Leadership, National Honor Society, and Senior Class Club.  She has also been in 4-H for 11 years and has been in Allstar Cheer for 10 years.  This year she joined the RHS cheer team but due to COVID hasn't been able to do much with the RHS team.  Maya is also a lifeguard and teaches water aerobics every Saturday.  She is on pace to finish high with 60 college units and an AA degree in University Studies.  Great Job Maya!

Wellness Week

Interclub Council met today and we are hard at work planning with Leadership a Wellness Week with the theme of Self Care/Self Love for the whole school.  We are planning for the week of March 22-26.  Stay tuned for more information and all the wonderful activities and things the students are planning.  Should be a great week!  Here are the groups that are taking place each day:

Monday- Leadership
Tuesday- National Honor Society
Thursday- HOPE
Friday- GSA

Social-Emotional Support

Care Solace for Our Families! *REMINDER*


Social-emotional support has been identified by staff, students, and families as one of the top priorities. Our district has partnered with Care Solace to provide these supports.

With Care Solace, families and staff gain access to a dedicated Care Concierge team, with experts available around-the-clock to guide users through processes related to insurance, provider availability, wait times and scheduling. Care Solace's care navigation system uses proprietary technology and a vast database of behavioral and mental healthcare resources to find carefully vetted therapists and programs in minutes.

Care Solace is now available to Fairfield-Suisun families and staff.



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