Feb. 26

Counselor Corner

Solano College Reminders!  For Spring 2021, Solano College will no longer offer the COVID EW if you fail a class. The last day to drop a full-term college course with a "W" is April 2, 2021. So if you are thinking of dropping a course for any reason, please email me or schedule a meeting or drop in during my drop-in hours on Wednesdays at 3pm/Fridays at 10am, 1pm, and 2pm. We can talk about it first before you drop it. 

For drop-in hours, please visit my google classroom for the google meet link named "Counselor Support Session (Wednesdays/Fridays)" or use the class code: tnydo4y

These same drop-in hours have tutors available to help with high school math retake packets, reviewing notes, getting help with college classes, etc.! 

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Mae Valles
School Counselor

maev@fsusd.org (email is best!)
Work Cell#: 707/435-3551
Office: 707/416-2384

Senior Spotlight

This week our senior spotlight is on Prynces Perez.  Prynces has done an amazing job at ECHS!  She has made the honor roll every semester and has completed 48 college units.  She is currently a member of the ECHS Robotics, Key Club, and Senior Class Club.  She is also a leader with GENUp Fairfield-Suisun.  Prynces has been accepted into University of the Pacific's Pre-Dental Advantage Program.  Great job Prynces!

RHS Sports

Cross Country, Boys Golf, and Girls Tennis seasons are underway.  Girls Tennis has a match Monday vs Armijo, Boys Golf goes against Vanden Tuesday, and Cross Country competes against Vacaville Wednesday.  Good luck to all of the ECHS and RHS athletes that are competing!

Football is starting up Monday and Swimming and Diving, Baseball, Softball, Track and Field, Badminton, and Volleyball are starting up soon.  If you are interested in any of these sports please contact the coaches right away or Athletic Director Tracy Cordes at tracyc@fsusd.org.  Here are the RHS coach's email addresses:

Chopped: Senior Edition

The senior class had a Chopped competition on Friday afternoon.  The mystery basket ingredient that had to be used in each dish was honey.  Congratulations to the winners Jacob and Nhu!  Here are their winning dishes:


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