Week 3

Week 3- Principal's Message

We returned this week after a few days off due to the fires.  We had smokey skies but we are finding our grove with Distance Learning here at ECHS.  The students are doing well attending the Live Synchronous classes and engaging with their teachers and peers.  College classes are back up and running as well and the students that I have talked to are enjoying their classes.  

Early College students are so amazing, but at times some can take on too much.  We want our students to be well-rounded and take a course load that they are able to handle without feeling overwhelmed or overly stressed.  We stress quality over quantity here at ECHS.  I would much rather see a student be successful with a high GPA with fewer college units over a student that is stressed out, earning C grades or lower, and taking multiple college classes.  The requirement for ECHS students is a minimum of 1 college class each semester.  After first semester in 9th grade students have the option of taking 3-11 college units per semester but for many students 3 units is plenty.  Every 3 college units the students earn, turn into 10 high school credits on their high school transcript.  So taking even 1 class puts our students ahead credit wise and every college class successfully completed is one more step toward our ultimate goal of getting every one of our students earning a college degree. 

Distance Learning has made some college classes that were already difficult that much more challenging.  If any students are feeling overwhelmed, please contact ECHS counselor Mae Valles maev@fsusd.org.  It is not too late to drop a college class but we need to know about it prior to you dropping.  Friday, September 4th is the last day to drop a college course without getting a W or any other negative mark on your transcript.

Club Rush

On Monday we held Club Rush.  Information was sent out to all the students on what clubs we have this semester, when they meet, and how to join.  Some clubs have already started but it's not too late to join.  Here is the link to the Club Rush info:



Here is the message I sent to all students this morning regarding textbooks and online codes.

If you have received an email from Beth Davisson or Susan Harris that your textbook is ready for pick up, please come by with a mask on to get it from our office in the SCC 300 building door 309.  We are open for book pick up every weekday from 9:00-4:00pm.

As of this morning, we have now placed an order for every book that was submitted on the google form.  If you haven't received an email please don't submit the book order again.  You can email Bethd@fsusd.org and she can check on the status for you if you would like.  

If you haven't submitted your book requests and you have a book you need. please submit the request right away.  If you want me to send you the link again, please let me know.

If there is an online code required for a college class and we have not gotten that for you yet, please email bethd@fsusd.org and we can work on getting you that today.  

I hope everyone is doing well.  Please reach out if you have any questions or need support with anything.  Have a great weekend!

Class of 2021 

The Senior Class Club met today at lunch and they are planning a Virtual Senior Sunrise for the entire ECHS Senior Class.  It will take place on the morning of Friday, September 18th.  Stay tuned for more information on the online event coming soon.

Ms. Mae is sending out a lot of important information for our seniors regarding applying to college, scholarships, financial aid applications, and more.  Seniors, in case you missed the email from Ms. Mae it is posted below.  

Don't forget to add my google classroom. Here is the code: ux6erqw 

I will be posting videos on how to impute your college classes on your UC application and your CSU application, using Naviance to get all your documents sent for your college applications starting next week for your review. 

That way when I come into CR, you guys can use that time for questions. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Mae Valles
School Counselor

maev@fsusd.org (email is best!)
Work Cell#: 707/435-3551
Office: 707/416-2384

Distance Learning Attendance

The Live Synchronous class sessions are required.  Students who miss the live sessions are asked to email their teachers or follow up with them during asynchronous time or during office hours to find out what was missed.  Parents please report out absences just as you would if we were attending school in person.  ECHS Secretary, Susan Harris can be reached at 707-862-7158 or Susanharr@fsusd.org

If students have a required college class session that they have to miss, we ask that the students reach out to their college professor directly themselves.  

Academic Support

School After School (SAS) has begun with our Math teachers and will continue to run every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm.

Peer Tutoring is also starting for various subjects and will run between 10:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00 every Friday.  

*Students who need help with high school classes or would like to become a Peer Tutor please reach out to Ms. Mae maev@fsusd.org.  

Students can earn official volunteer hours for serving as a Peer Tutor.  Students from the Class of 2022 and after, who complete 50 or more community service volunteer hours, become eligible to earn a high school diploma with a special distinction.  

Students of the Week

10th grade students Sarah Davis, Bria Smith, Daniel Prince, Tianeh Parsi, Anika Koop, and Marcus Bautista are the ECHS Students of the Week!  They reached out to me over the summer with a plan and we met together today to get their plan up and running,  These students all took Spanish 31 and Spanish 32 last year as freshman.  They know first hand how hard the adjustment can be from 8th grade to taking college Spanish.  They have a plan to tutor and support any 9th grader who is taking Spanish this year.  They have developed strategies and helpful tips for success to use as you go through Professor Paeng's Spanish class.  Ms. Turgeon-Staggs will be talking with 9th graders in College Readiness on Monday and we are ready to support any student who is interested.  I am so proud of these students for thinking about ways to help others without being asked.  This is what ECHS is truly about!  

Counselor Corner

I hope everyone is well! 

Don't forget to add my google classroom! 

Current 9th Graders Code: h7d3ab6

Current 10th Graders Code: ulo53wv

Current 11th Graders Code: sg6iqcs

Current 12th Graders Code: ux6erqw

College Tutoring All Solano Community College students are able to access free online tutoring through NetTutor. Solano Community College tutors will work on Zoom through Canvas (TUTR 500 course). They will start in mid-September.  

Simply log in to Canvas, pick a course, and on the side there is a link for NetTutor. Online math tutoring is available 24 hours a day, every day of the week. Writing assignments can be submitted 24 hours a day, every day of the week and all writing submissions to NetTutor will maintain a 48-72 hour turnaround time. All other subjects will follow the NetTutor subject hours for the semester.  Additionally, you must register for TUTR 500. This is a free service. It is NOT a graded course. It will not appear on your transcripts and it will not affect your GPA. It is simply a way for you to access tutoring resources online.   Still need to register for TUTR 500? Log into My Solano.¨ Click the “Student” tab.¨ Select the “Add or Drop Classes” option.¨  Ensure you’re signing up for Fall 2020 before you continue. Type in any of these CRNs into the text box at the bottom of the page: Fall 2020 CRNs: 80993, 80994¨ Click “Submit”¨  Review your course list to confirm your enrollment in tutoring. **Please note that once you enroll, it can take up to 24 hours to update the system.***   

Dates and Deadlines Reminder This is a reminder that the last day to add a college course with an "add code" is Friday, September 4, 2020.

Remember, you need to be registered for at least one college course to stay in ECHS. Make sure you are officially registered for a college course, you need to log into your MySolano account: click "Student" tab and then click"View Print Schedule and Bill". Then click "Submit". If you are not sure what you see on that screen, you can always screenshot it and send it to me via email to maev@fsusd.org Please review the following link for your review: http://www.solano.edu/ar/dates.php  

I am available for meetings through appointments only. Please schedule an appointment with me for any questions. Here is my link for appointments: http://tiny.cc/ECHS-CounselorCal

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Mae Valles
School Counselor

maev@fsusd.org (email is best!)
Work Cell#: 707/435-3551
Office: 707/416-2384

Back to School Night

We are not having a traditional Back-to-School Night.  This is not a normal year and we want to make it as much as a user friendly experience as possible for everyone.  The staff is working on preparing videos to send out.  Thursday, September 3rd I will email out multiple links to videos for everyone to watch at their convenience.  There will be a video link from myself, School Counselor Mae Valles, and each teacher for each subject they teach.  We are asking the students to give their parents their high school schedule so you know which videos to watch.  Each video will let you know about the teacher, what they are teaching, and their class expectations.  After back to school night you will have each teacher's contact information so you can follow up with questions through email, phone, or a meeting during office hours if needed.


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