Feb. 7th

Ms. D

Friday was our campus monitor Deana Davis' last day with us here at ECHS.  We so appreciate her and everything she has brought to the ECHS program.  Ms. D has made such a huge impact on the students and will be greatly missed here.  We wish her the best with everything moving forward.  

We may go a week or two without a campus monitor or with a sub until a replacement is hired.  The next few weeks I will be out of the office more, walking through the library, and spending extra time in the cafeteria.  I have asked the students to make sure they all continue to behave on campus.  Every ECHS student represents the entire ECHS program at all times.  We want to make sure ECHS continues to be seen in a positive light to the college and community.

This week I also reminded students that if they ever need immediate help on campus to use the Solano Safe app on their phone or call or text the on campus sheriffs at 707-580-6526 (cell) or 707-864-7131 (office).  Students can also call or text me on my work cell line 707-410-0267 if need immediate assistance. 

Academic Decathlon Team

Our Academic Decathlon team did an amazing job last weekend at the North Bay Region Academic Decathlon competition!  The ECHS team came in 5th place overall out of 15 teams from high schools in Napa, Solano, Sonoma, Yolo, Lake and Mendociono counties.  

We also earned 48 individual medals in the 10 categories.  Here is a breakdown of the categories our students won medals in:

3- Literature
5-Social Science

Paint Night

Paint Night was a hit after school on Friday!  Students and staff enjoyed watching Bob Ross and creating their masterpieces.

Rotary Awards

Congratulations to Eric Cortes and Isabella Biscocho for earning Rotary Awards.  Both students are truly leaders at ECHS! 

This school year as well as last school year, Isabella has served as Leadership President.  As president, she runs the meetings, makes school board presentations, works to support all students, and is well respected by all her classmates and school staff.  Isabella goes above and beyond with everything that she does.  She truly cares for others and wants to do what is best for her school and community.  Isabella is driven to always do her best and encourage others to do the same. 

Eric is currently serving as the FSUSD Governing Board Student Board Member.  In this role he represents the over 20,000 students in the Fairfield-Suisun School District.  He attends all board meetings, makes presentations, works with the board on issues that impact students of all ages in the school district.  Eric is well liked by all his classmates and is caring and respectful to everyone he encounters on a daily basis.  He is a strong communicator and leader.  He is able to relate to all students with backgrounds different than his own because he always takes the time to listen and shows compassion to all.

Dance/Rally/Escape Room

Saturday night, over 300 students from RHS and ECHS got together for a fun night.  The Rally included dancers, singers, and even a Smash Bros competition before it turned into a dance for everyone.


Head Swim Coach, Sarah McLaughlin, came to ECHS at lunch on Friday and held a lunch meeting for students interested in swimming or diving.  If students missed the lunch meeting but would like to try out for swimming or diving, they should email Coach McLaughlin directly at sarahm@fsusd.org.

Head Cheer Coach, Amy Serviss, is already gearing up for next school.  Students interested in trying out for next year's cheer team need to have their physical paperwork completed and athletic clearance filled out online.  Clinic days are March 9-10 and March 12-13 from 6:00-8:00pm.  Tryouts are Saturday, March 14th starting at 8:30am at RHS.  For more information students are asked to email Coach Serviss at rodriguezcheerleading@gmail.com.

Thursday night Principal, Clarence Isadore, announced that former RHS student and NFL football player, Stevie Johnson, will be taking over as the Head Football Coach at RHS.  Stevie Johnson played wide receiver for the University of Kentucky and in the NFL for the Buffalo Bills, San Francisco 49ers, and San Diego Chargers.  

Volunteer Opportunity

Solano College is looking for volunteers to help set up and work the upcoming Crab Feed on March 6th and 7th.  The Crab Feed is a fundraiser for the Solano College Foundation.  Students that are able to volunteer are asked to see Ms. Mae for more details about the event.  

10th grade Inspire

10th graders from Armijo, Fairfield, PSA, Rodriguez, and ECHS participated in the Inspire event on Friday.  Students got to tour local businesses and then came back to campus for a special presentation with guest speakers.  36 ECHS students were selected to attend the event at RHS.  Our students went to Northbay and Kaiser, Before the Movies, the Water Treatment Facility, and Six Flags.  The guest speaker at RHS was Mariah Farr.  Mariah graduated from RHS in 2012 and currently works for the Sacramento Police Department.

Black History Month

We had two events this week that many of our ECHS students attended.  Both events were film presentations and discussions led by Professor Johnson and Professor Jones.  There are two more events coming up that we are encouraging our students to attend on Feb. 11 and Feb. 20.


Seniors planning to graduate from Solano in May, need to meet with a Solano counselor and file a petition to receive their Associate's Degree by February 28th.

Upcoming Events/Important Dates

Feb. 24 ECHS Parent Group 6:00-7:00pm (room 305)

Feb. 24-28 Video Game Week/Tournaments (During Lunch)

Feb. 28 Last day to submit SCC degree petitions 

*March 5  Last day for 12th grade students to turn in Assist-A-Grad applications to the ECHS office

March 13 ECHS Lip Sync Battle

March 27 ECHS Talent Show

April 4 RHS/ECHS 11th-12th grade Prom 

May 8 Senior Project Showcase

May 21 SCC Commencement

May 27 ECHS Senior Night Awards (6:00-7pm)

June 12 RHS/ECHS Graduation (10:00am)


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