Feb. 21

Progress Reports

Today is the end of the first progress report grading period of the second semester.  The high school teachers will have their grade books updated and grades posted by the end of the day on Monday.  Grades will be available to students and parents in Aeries by Tuesday morning.  If you need help accessing your student's grades please contact ECHS Secretary, Susan Harris at 707-862-7158 or email her at Susanharr@fsusd.org.

Students struggling in high school classes are strongly encouraged to attend School After School every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm with our high school teachers for additional support.

Student tutors are available every Friday from 10:00-11:00am and 2:00-3:00pm.  The tutors are happy to help and are highly skilled in math and other areas.  

*Additionally, free tutoring support is available in the SCC Library Tutoring Center for help with college classes.

Exciting News

The Fairfield-Suisun School District and Solano Community College are working on a plan to expand the Early College program to up to 100 students at each grade level.  This would eventually take ECHS from 250 total students to 400.  With adding more students we would be adding up to 4 more high school teachers.  We received a total of 170 applications from 8th graders looking to join ECHS next school year.  I am so proud of the students and staff here at ECHS!  The hard work that everyone puts in and all the positive achievements have not gone unnoticed.  ECHS is the best place to be!

Senior Class Fundraiser

The ECHS Senior Class is doing a fundraiser to help raise money for their graduation stoles and Senior Sunset celebration.  We have been collecting clothes, shoes, bedding, towels, and other accessories.  If you have these items to donate, please send them to school Monday.  We are taking everything we have to Savers after school Monday afternoon and Savers will write a check back to the Senior Class for 25 cents per pound of items.

Panoramic Picture/ECHS Magazine

Friday, February 28 we will be taking a panoramic picture with all of the ECHS students together in the gym at 8:30am.  After the whole school picture we will excuse students in grades 9-11 and take a special class of 2020 picture with the senior class.  Students can purchase the panoramic picture if they would like (order forms will be passed out early next week) and the pictures will be in the ECHS Magazine.

The ECHS Magazine is our version of a yearbook.  The students are working hard on this year's addition and includes a lot of great memories from throughout the year.  The Magazine can be purchased for $25 in the ECHS office (the price will go up in April after Spring Break).  

ECHS Winter Sports Stars 

Winter sports are finishing up and we had many of our ECHS students participate on RHS Soccer, Basketball, and Cheer teams.  Next up is spring sports and we have students trying out for Softball, Baseball, Track and Field, Swimming and Diving, Badminton, Boys Golf, and Boys Tennis.

Two of our ECHS students were recognized by the MEL sports league.  

12th grader Talyssa Tucker earned All-League for Girls Soccer and 10th grader Brooklyn Giles earned an Honorable Mention for All-League for Girls Basketball.  Congratulations to both Talyssa and Brooklyn!

ECHS Spirit Wear

Our Parent Leader Marilyn Barker has set up a website for us to purchase ECHS spirit wear.  If you haven't checked it out the website is www.ShopECHS.com  

The turnaround time on orders is usually about 2 weeks.  


The 11th-12th grade prom is right around the corner.  It will be held on Saturday, April 4th from 8:00pm-12:00am in San Francisco at the California Academy of Sciences.  We will have permission slips in the ECHS office and will start ticket sales next week.

Video Game Week

Next week is the start of video game week.  All week during lunchtime there will be fun games for students to participate in as well as a competitive Smash Bros tournament.  The finals of the tournament will be held Friday in the Lecture Hall on the big screen with lots of seating for students to come and cheer on the finalists. 

Student of the Week

11th grader Prynces Perez is the ECHS student of the week!  Prynces is doing well with all of her college and high school classes.  Last semester she earned a 4.0 GPA.  She recently found a wallet on campus and of course made sure to get it returned to the owner.  Prynces also volunteers to help tutor younger students every Friday during 5th period.  We are very proud of Prynces for always working hard, doing the right thing, and representing the ECHS program so well!

Upcoming Events/Important Dates

Feb. 24 ECHS Parent Group 6:00-7:00pm (room 305)

Feb. 24-28 Video Game Week/Tournaments (During Lunch)

*Feb. 28 Last day to submit SCC degree petitions 

Feb. 28 ECHS Panoramic Picture

*March 5  Last day for 12th grade students to turn in Assist-A-Grad applications to the ECHS office

March 20 ECHS Lip Sync Battle

April 4 RHS/ECHS 11th-12th grade Prom 

May 8 Senior Project Showcase

May 13 FSUSD Highest Honors Ceremony

May 21 SCC Commencement

May 27 ECHS Senior Night Awards (6:00-7:30pm)

June 12 RHS/ECHS Graduation (10:00am)


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