
Ringing the Bells

Four years ago multiple schools in the district starting participating in a "Ringing the Bells" event in support of the Salvation Army.  This turned in to a friendly competition to see which school or district office staff group could bring in the most money.  Early College won in 2016 and has won each year since!  Tomorrow we will be out in front of Macy's (upstairs) ringing the bells from 10:00am-6:00pm.  We are trying to win the trophy for the 4th year in a row!  If you are able to come by the mall and drop off your spare change or even drop off a check to the Salvation Army come on by!  Leadership students will be out every hour rain or shine along with an adult supervisor.  My shift is 10:00-12:00 and then Ms. Harris, Ms. Freitas, Ms. Staggs, and Ms. Nance will be out there with the students.  Come on by and see us!  We are happy to help the Salvation Army in support of our local community.  

Night Rally/Dance at RHS

Next Friday, December 13th, there will be an after school rally followed by the dance from 6:00-9:00pm at Rodriguez High School.  There will be performances and activities for the first hour, followed by a free two hour dance.  All ECHS students are invited and encouraged to attend.  There is no cost but students need the permission slip signed.  All students have been emailed the permission slip and we will have some in the ECHS office on Monday.


College finals are right around the corner followed by high school class finals.  We strongly encourage students to use the SCC tutoring center for help with college classes and attend SAS Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm for help with their high school classes.

We will also have our Cocoa and Cram event on Dec. 17th where the teachers will all be staying after school for a couple hours to help students with some last minute studying.  I will have more information regarding this event in next week's blog.

Door Decorating

We had a door decorating competition today.  Here are the entries. Congratulations to the Sophomores on their Snoopy door for winning!

Officer Joe's Toy Drive

ECHS is supporting Officer Joe's Toys for Tots Toy Drive. Please bring new, unwrapped toys now through 12/13. The winning class will earn a pizza party. Please bring the toys to the following rooms:

9th grade- Staggs
10th grade-Smith
11th grade- Freitas
12th grade- Williamson

ECHS Spirit Wear

Don't forget to check out the website that our Parent Leader Marilyn Barker has set up for us at www.ShopECHS.com You can order shirts, sweatshirts, hats, bags, and more.  

The site was down for a short time but is up and running just in time for people doing some holiday shopping.


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