
Winter Break

There are no high school or college classes until Jan. 13th.  I hope all of the students and staff have a wonderful break!  I am back on Jan. 6th if anyone needs to get in touch or meet with me.

The rest of the FSUSD schools are open Jan. 6-10.  We ask that the ECHS students please do not go on other campuses during the school day during our break.  

*We got a special delivery today.  80 new chairs arrived!  Students in Ms. Nance and Mr. Voyce's room are going to be a lot more comfortable in 2020!

Staff Appreciation Luncheon

The ECHS staff is so grateful for the wonderful lunch and gift baskets.  Wednesday was so special for us!  Thank you to all the parents who contributed towards this wonderful event.  

Ringing the Bells

Early College won the Battle of the Bells for the 4th year in a row!  We were outside Macy's all day Saturday, December 7th.  Leadership students along with Ms. Freitas, Ms. Stagg, Ms. Harris, and Ms. Nance were ringing the bells for the Salvation Army.  We brought in $484.24 at our location and as a school district we brought in over $1,800.  The Salvation Army will be at ECHS the Friday we get back to bring the us a trophy and to give the students and staff who participated a pizza party.

Toys for Tots

Officer Holocek is the School Resource Officer at RHS.  Every year he organizes a toy drive for Toys for Tots.  ECHS participates in support of the cause.  We had a competition to see which grade level could bring in the most toys for Toys for Tots.  It was really close but the Seniors edged out the Juniors for the win. Overall ECHS brought in 2,077 toys!  Our students and families were so generous with these donations to this great cause!

ECHS Student in the News

11th grader Nyree Johnson is a cheerleader on the RHS Cheer team.  She is headed to London on 12/26 to participate in the London New Year's Day Parade. We are very proud of Nyree for earning a chance to participate in this.  

Here is a link to the article in the Daily Republic:

ECHS Parent Group

On Tuesday, January 14 at 4:00 we will have our Open House event for 8th grade students and their families.  We will be taking the students and their families to meet our staff and tour the campus.  As we discussed at the last parent group meeting, I would like a group of current ECHS parents to be there to talk to perspective new parents.  As you know, deciding to send a student out of 8th grade to Early College is a big decision for parents and I want to make sure they are well informed.

We will have our January ECHS Parent Group meeting after the Open House on Tuesday, January 14th at 6:00pm in room 305.  Come for the Open House to help and stay for the meeting.  All ECHS parents are welcome.

Second Semester

We had a great first semester and we are looking forward to a wonderful second semester!  There is so much to look forward to in 2020: We have an ECHS January rally, Paint Night, 11th/12th grade prom, ECHS Talent Show, Lip Sync Battle, Senior Awards, RHS Night Rally/Dance, Mario Kart lunch competition, Senior Project Showcase, Graduation, and so much more!

Our first week back we will be working hard to get students the college textbooks that they need.  Students that still have college textbooks out from last semester need to turn them in asap so we can get them checked in and then back out to their classmates.

We will start School After School (SAS) right away the first day back.  Ms. Mae will now be at ECHS everyday next semester after 11:00am.  Any students that failed a high school class should see Ms. Mae right away to get signed up for credit recovery.  Students can start right away in SAS Monday, Jan. 13th.

Have a wonderful break.  Happy Holidays!


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