
Super Smash Bros Tournament

Last week the Leadership students held a video game tournament for a fun lunchtime activity.  44 students entered the tournament and many more came to play for fun during lunch starting on Monday, September 23rd.  By Wednesday there were 16 students remaining and Friday we held the final matches in the Lecture Hall.  Congratulations to our champion Jonathan Sanchez!

Matt De La Pena

Thursday, September 26th author Matt De La Pena came to campus.  The entire 11th grade class had the privilege to attend a special master class presentation by Matt. He discussed his upbringing and touched on many themes the students have been discussing and writing about in their high school English 11 class.  Matt has written many books including Newbery Medal winners.  Some of his novels are: Ball Don't Lie, Mexican WhiteBoy, We Were Here, as well as others.  His newest book is Superman: Dawnbreaker, which is in the DC comics Icons series.  We were truly grateful to spend the hour learning from Matt.  He was very engaging and inspirational!

Color Run

Last Friday some of our ECHS students participated in the Color Run at RHS.  It looks like they had a blast!  

Attendance Awareness

Many of our students entered the Solano County Attendance Awareness Poster Contest.  Here are a few of the submissions.  For the month of September, ECHS had an overall attendance rate of 98.52%.  Shout out to the freshman class which had the best attendance rate of any class at 99.19% for the month!


I would like to thank our Leadership students for planning today's school rally.  It was such a fun way to end the week!  We had some friendly competitions between the classes and celebrated the ECHS Homecoming nominees.  I can't believe that was only our second rally ever at ECHS.  I am excited to see what we can plan for the next one.  We sure have a lot of school spirit at ECHS!

Donations Needed

Rodriguez High School and Early College now have a partnership with Anna Kyle Elementary School.  Throughout the year we will be sending students to Anna Kyle to run after school programs (reading clubs, sports, gardening, tutoring, etc.) and to volunteer at their events.  Anna Kyle has a high number of students on free or reduced lunch and their PTSO is small and in need of help.  We have asked their teachers for their wish lists and we are collecting donations to help them.  Here are the supplies we are looking for that the five classrooms would like ECHS to "adopt" are in need of.  If you can help by donating one or more of these items please let us know.  We will be collecting supplies all next week. Thank you.

Adopt - A - Class Supplies

34 - Sharpie gel highlighters (most likely yellow)
34 - red paper folders with interior pockets
34 - 3-ring binders with a plastic sleeve on the front (if possible)
34 - headsets (not earbuds) https://www.encoredataproducts.com/on-ear-headband-style/
Large floor puzzle (24-28 pieces) - topics: farm, ocean, counting, Dr. Seuss, solar system, etc.)
Small construction paper: dark blue, light blue, yellow, purple, pink, brown
Large construction paper: white, dark blue, green, yellow, orange
Pink copier paper
Red copier paper
30 - black whiteboard markers
6 - 1” masking tape
120 Ticonderoga pencils
34 - white, wide-rule composition books (8 ½ x 6 ⅞)

Trunk or Treat

For the past couple of years ECHS has participated in FSUSD's Trunk or Treat event.  This year Trunk or Treat is on October 30th at the Fairfield-Suisun Adult School.  We will be there again this year and we want to hand out candy to kids from the community.  This event is highly attended and there are usually thousands of kids that attend.  We are looking for donations.  If you can donate a bag of candy for us to pass out to kids, please send it over to us in the office.  We really appreciate your support!

Next Week

There are no high school classes Monday, October 7th.  Students are still expected to attend their college classes.

All ECHS students that don't have a college class from 9:00-11:00am are invited to participate with the ECHS staff in the Stop the Bleed training that is going to be put on by Kaiser for us.  The training is free and will take place on campus in the back cafeteria room.

Tuesday, October 8th there are no college classes.  We will be on a 1,3,5,2,4,6 Friday Schedule for our high school classes.


Tonight is the Homecoming football game at RHS and tomorrow night is the Homecoming dance.  I will be at both events to support our students.  I sent a message to all students earlier today reminding them that I will be there and they can call or text me on my work cell number (707-410-0267) if they need support with anything.  This dance will be highest attended dance in RHS history with 1,182 tickets sold (137 ECHS tickets).

Upcoming Events

Monday, October 7th Stop the Bleed training for ECHS Staff and Students from 9:00-11:00am

Monday, October 14th 11th-12th grade Counselor Support Night 6:00-7:00pm at SCC in the 1400 Cafeteria Building 

Wednesday, October 16th 9th-10th grade Counselor Support Night 6:00-7:00pm at SCC in the 1400 Cafeteria Building 

Saturday, October 19th PSAT at Rodriguez High School 8:00am-12:30pm

Monday, October 21st ECHS Parent Group 6:00-7:00pm in room 305

Wednesday, October 30th Trunk or Treat


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