
Senior Project

The Senior Project serves as the culminating capstone to the Early College High School experience.  Students are asked to design and execute a project that has one or more of these goals in mind: serve their community, engage in personal growth/career exploration, or expand their creative arts skill.

The seniors all have Senior Project class once a week with Mr. Voyce, but are hard at work throughout the week planning and researching ideas for their projects.  We are starting to put together panels made up of ECHS staff, parents, and community members to hear the seniors make their project pitches and give them feedback.  The pitches are going to take place during 1st and 6th periods.  If you are able to participate in a panel on one or more of the following dates and times, please email Susan Harris at SusanHarr@fsusd.org to be added to the panel.  If you have any questions about the panels or the senior projects please let me know.  

Monday               10/28     1st Period             8am-10am
Tuesday               10/29     6th Period            1-3pm
Wednesday          10/30     1st Period             8am-10am
Monday               11/4       1st Period             8am-10am
Tuesday               11/5       6th Period            1-3pm
Wednesday          11/6       1st Period             9am-10am
Thursday             11/7       6th Period             1pm-3pm

Senior Sunrise

Here are some pictures that were shared with me from the sunrise this morning.  There was a great turnout and the students had a blast!  Thanks to the ECHS staff that got to work today at 5:30am to support the students.  

CCEMC Conference

I spent the day in Los Angeles at the California Coalition of Early/Middle Colleges annual conference.   Although I unfortunately had to miss the senior sunrise this morning, I am grateful that I got to attend the conference.  I learned some valuable things to help make our program even better.  Our Early College program is on the right track and we are having some amazing results. 

Don't Wait!

The PSAT will be held at Rodriguez High School on Saturday, October 19th from 8:00am-12:30pm.  The cost is $25.00 and is available for purchase in the ECHS office.  Space is limited and it will most likely sell out.  Please plan to purchase the test Monday or Tuesday next week.  9th graders who would like to take the test are now able to purchase the test as well, although we recommend taking the PSAT for 10th and 11th grade students.

The October 5th Homecoming dance is also on sale.  This is the highest attended dance of the year.  Students should purchase their tickets sooner than later in case of a sell out.

Counselor Corner

After official progress report grades post next week, I will be meeting with 9th and 10th grade students who have received failing grades and requesting that they attend the study sessions every Friday either during 5th period or 6th period depending on which period your student has free on Fridays. During this time, they will have access to tutors for all subjects and we can work on time management, study skills, etc. 

For 11th and 12th graders, I will be meeting with them individually to ensure that students are on track for graduation and have a plan for success.

I will be sending senior letters next Friday and discussing this with seniors during my classroom check-ins. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Mae Valles

11th-12th grade Parent Info. Night

If you missed the 11th-12th grade Parent Information Night last week on Monday night, here is a link to the slide show presentation.  Please let me know if you have any questions and feel free to reach out to the teachers through their contacts provided.  

Agenda and staff contacts:


Upcoming Events

Monday, September 23rd ECHS Parent Group Meeting  6:00-7:00pm  Room 305

Friday, October 4th ECHS Student Rally in the SCC gym from 11:30-12:30

Friday, October 4th Homecoming Night  RHS Football vs Vacaville

Saturday, October 5th Homecoming Dance at Rodriguez High School from 7:00-10:00pm

Monday, October 7th Stop the Bleed training for ECHS Staff and Students from 9:00-11:00am

Monday, October 14th 11th-12th grade Counselor Support Night 6:00-7:00pm at SCC in the 1400 Cafeteria Building 

Wednesday, October 16th 9th-10th grade Counselor Support Night 6:00-7:00pm at SCC in the 1400 Cafeteria Building 

Saturday, October 19th PSAT at Rodriguez High School 8:00am-12:30pm

Wednesday, October 30th Trunk or Treat


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