
Progress Reports

Friday, September 20th is the last day of our 6 week progress report grading period.  The ECHS teachers will have all their grades submitted by Monday, September 23rd and the grades will post in Aeries the following day.

Monday, October 7th

Monday, October 7th is a non-school day for FSUSD.  We will have no high school classes on campus on this day, but the college is open and students are expected to attend their regularly scheduled college classes.  The following day Tuesday, October 8th we will be on a 6-period day schedule as there are no college classes due to a SCC staff development day.

On Monday, October 7th, we are working with Kaiser Permanente to bring the Stop the Bleed training to ECHS.  Stop the Bleed is a national awareness campaign and call-to-action. Stop the Bleed is intended to cultivate grassroots efforts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives.


Staff from Kaiser Permanente will be here on campus to train the ECHS staff and we would like to invite students to attend as well.  The training will run from 9:00-11:00am.  If students don't have a college class at this time, we encourage them to come and attend the training.  The training is free, but we are asking students to sign up with Ms. Harris in the office by September 27th if they plan to attend so we can have a head count to provide to the trainers.  Please see Ms. Harris or myself if you have any questions about the Stop the Bleed training.

Image result for stop the bleed training

Homecoming Dance

The Homecoming dance will be on Saturday, October 5th from 7:00-10:00pm at Rodriguez High School.  We are selling tickets to the dance here in the ECHS office.  Tickets are $20 or $10 for students who purchased the ASB card.  Students need a parent permission slip to attend the dance.  Permission slips are available to be picked  up in the office.  This is the highest attended dance of the year and could sellout.  We encourage students to buy their tickets asap!

Student Advisory Council

Students who are looking to get involved and want to work on student district issues, are encouraged to join the FSUSD Student Advisory Council.  The students on the council will be preparing two board presentations this year.  The meetings are the third Wednesday of each month from 3:30-4:30pm.  The first meeting is on September 18th at Fairfield High School.  The second meeting is on October 16th at Rodriguez High School.  If students would like more information about the council, they are encouraged to come and see me or their ECHS 12th grade classmate Eric Cortes.  Eric is the FSUSD Student Board member and chairs the Student Advisory Council.  

Parent Information Nights

It was great seeing everyone on Monday night for the 9th-10th grade Parent Information night.  If you were unable to attend, here are the links to the slides and agenda handout from the night.  

Agenda/Staff Contacts:

Presentation Slides:

Please reach out to the teachers or myself if you have any questions.  

* Monday, September 16th is the 11th-12th grade Parent Information night.  We will begin at 6:00pm in the back room of the Cafeteria in the 1400 building.

Counselor Information Nights

ECHS School Counselor, Mae Valles is holding her parent support nights in October.  Support for parents with students in grades 11-12 will be on Monday, October 14th.  Support for parents with students in grades 9-10 will be on Wednesday, October 16th. Both  nights will be from 6:00-7:00pm here on campus in the 1400 building.  Ms. Valles will be going over 4-year plans, A-G requirements, IGETC, AA degrees, applying for college, scholarship info, and more.

Student of the Week

11th grader Davin So is our student of the week.  Attending Early College has become a family tradition for Davin. His older sisters Trinity and Natalie graduated from our program in 2018 and 2019.  Davin is a leader on our Robotics team and also a member of the GSA and Honor Society.  Davin also worked to found the H.O.P.E. (Happy Open Positive Environment) club on campus.  Davin really cares about his fellow classmates and wants to help everyone be healthy, happy, and successful.  Students know Davin is somebody to see if you need some help with Math or even if you just need somebody to talk to.  Davin is excelling in all of his high school classes as well as his two college math classes this semester.  Davin's goal is to become a Mechanical Engineer.  Great job Davin!


The PSAT will be held at Rodriguez High School on Saturday, October 19th from 8:00am-12:30pm. 
(Students should arrive at 7:45am to be sure they are in the testing center on time.)

The cost is $25.00 and is available for purchase in the ECHS office.

Upcoming Events

Monday, September 16th 11th-12th Grade Parent Information Night 6:00-7:30pm at SCC in the 1400 Cafeteria Building 

Friday, September 20th Senior Sunrise at the SCC stadium at  6:00am

Monday, September 23rd ECHS Parent Group Meeting  6:00-7:00pm  Room 305

Friday, October 4th ECHS Student Rally in the SCC gym from 11:30-12:30

Friday, October 4th Homecoming Night  RHS Football vs Vacaville

Saturday, October 5th Homecoming Dance at Rodriguez High School from 7:00-10:00pm

Monday, October 14th 11th-12th grade Counselor Support Night 6:00-7:00pm at SCC in the 1400 Cafeteria Building 

Wednesday, October 16th 9th-10th grade Counselor Support Night 6:00-7:00pm at SCC in the 1400 Cafeteria Building 

Saturday, October 19th PSAT at Rodriguez High School 8:00am-12:30pm

Wednesday, October 30th Trunk or Treat


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