
Counselor Corner

Thanks to all the 9th and 10th grade parents who attended my information night. I hope it was informative. Please see the link for the presentation from Monday night: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/166icirCehGImPU7zD0P5QOKfP6xttr9Yi9rXPoVTQh0/edit?usp=sharing

Dates to Remember for Solano College Registration
  • Week of October 29: Special Admissions forms will be going out and will be due the week of November 12 to CR classes for processing
  • Spring 2019: SCC Course Schedule will be published November 5 
  • Spring 2019: Registration is December 10. Students will register themselves at the designated time assigned by Solano College.
I have appointments available for all students and parents on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Here is my calendar appointment link: http://tiny.cc/ECHS-CounselorCal  Drop in hours are during students' lunch from 11:50am - 12:50pm. It is recommended for students to meet with me to discuss 4-year plans in order to know which college course(s) to take for the Spring 2019 semester.

Fridays from 10:00am - 11:50am in Bldg 400 Room 443, I have availability to help with organization skills, test taking skills, checking in about missing assignments, and how to contact your teachers/professors.


Mae Valles

School Counselor

Student of the Week

9th grader Micah Schmidt is the ECHS Student of the Week!  He has done very well so far and has earned a 4.0 GPA on his first progress report.  Beyond academics, Micah has gotten involved in multiple student clubs.  Micah is a member of Leadership, Academic Decathlon, and the Drama Club.  Great job Micah!

Academic Decathlon Fundraiser

Friday Peer Tutoring

Peer Math tutoring is taking off at ECHS!  Every Friday Ms. Mae is in classroom 443 in the 400 building from 10:00-11:50.  Ms. Mae is meeting with students and we also have our Peer Tutors helping with Math.  

5th period 10:00-10:50 Peer Tutors Weslynn Cedeno and Angelica Perez are supporting Math 1 and Math 1-2 students.

2nd Period 11:00-11:50 Peer Tutors Jacob Francisco, Veronica Hernandez-Gonzalez,Davin So, Salsala Nasim, and Natalie Hernandez are supporting Math 1 and Math 2 students.  

We really appreciate the Peer Tutors and we hope students continue to seek out their help on Fridays!

Math Support

In addition to the Peer Tutoring on Fridays, students can get help with Math during the school day on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00-2:50 in room 1635.

We also have School After School with our ECHS teachers every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00

Ms. Freitas is using her lunch time every Thursday 12:00-12:50 to help students during lunch.

Ms. Turgeon-Staggs is also going to be using 9th grade College Readiness time to support students with improving their Math skills.  By using the student's RIT score from the most recent benchmark testing, Ms. Turgeon-Staggs will be assigning students targeted lessons to work on Math skills the students have not mastered.  

*Improving our students’ Math skills is not only a goal for ECHS, but throughout the school district.  Students are able to retake tests in all levels of high school Math class. Before taking the retake the students need to meet with their teacher and complete a retake packet of work.  Once cleared to do a retake, the students can schedule the test with their Math teacher. If there is difficulty finding time to take the retake test the students can come and see me for a time during the day to complete the retake test.

ECHS Parent Group

Our second ECHS parent group meeting is on Monday, October 22 from 6:00-7:00 pm in portable classroom 1101.  This group is open to ECHS parents of all grades. We will be discussing ways to get involved at ECHS to support the students.  We hope to see you there!

Senior Project Pitches

We are still looking for some more parents to be on a panel to hear the seniors give their pitches and give them feedback.  If you're able to attend please email me and I will sign you up and send you a parking pass. 

Here are the sessions again:

-Wednesday October 24th - 5th Period (1-2:50)
-Thursday October 25th - 2nd Period (8-9:50)
-Monday October 29th - 5th Period (1-2:50)
-Tuesday October 30th - 4th Period (10-11:50)

Upcoming Events

-Oct. 22 ECHS Parent Group Meeting 6:00-7:00 in 1104 at SCC

-Oct. 30 Trunk or Treat at the FSUSD Adult School 5:00-7:30

-Oct. 31 Malloween at the Fairfield Mall 3:00-5:00


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