Jan. 26

It has been another wonderful week here at Early College High School!


We have been working hard to make sure every student has all the college textbooks and online access subscriptions they need for their college classes.  The majority of books are in and have been picked up in Ms. Williamson's room (1635).  There are a few books on back-order from the campus bookstore as well as a few that we ordered online that are schedule to arrive next week.  If there are any students that still need something for a college class, they need to email me asap or come see me at lunch Monday.  

A lot of applications have been coming in this week for students looking to join ECHS next year as 9th graders.  Applications are due to the main office at Rodriguez High School by February 7th.  

We are also looking to fill a few open spots for 10th and 11th grade next year.  Students looking to possibly transfer to ECHS should contact Susan Harris in the office at Rodriguez at 707-862-7158 or by email at susanharr@fsusd.org.  

Physical Physical Fitness Test

The 9th grade students are preparing for the upcoming California Physical Fitness test.  The students are tested in the following six areas:

  1. Aerobic Capacity
  • PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run)
  • One-Mile Run
  • Walk Test (only for ages 13 or older)
  1. Abdominal Strength and Endurance
  • Curl-Up
  1. Upper Body Strength and Endurance
  • Push-Up
  • Modified Pull-Up
  • Flexed-Arm Hang
  1. Body Composition
  • Skinfold Measurements
  • Body Mass Index
  • Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer
  1. Trunk Extensor Strength and Flexibility
  • Trunk Lift
  1. Flexibility
  • Back-Saver Sit and Reach
  • Shoulder Stretch

Here is a link for more information about the test:

PE teachers, Mr. Gore and Ms. Cordes, will be on campus every Friday to meet with the 9th grade students.  Here are a couple of photos from Ms. Cordes class out on the track today.

Academic Conversations

I had the pleasure of visiting four classrooms on Wednesday this week and saw students engaged in academic conversations in every class.  Here are some of our 10th graders participating in student tutorials in their College Readiness class. 

Academic Decathlon

Good luck to the Academic Decathlon team!  They are competing tomorrow in the speech and interview portion of the competition here at Solano College.  The coaches, Ms. Williamson and Ms. Freitas, will be with them tomorrow.  

There will be audience in the gym next Saturday when they compete in the quiz portion.   If your able to make it come on out and join me in routing them on next Saturday.  

Senior Projects

The seniors are hard at work on their Senior Projects.  They will be showing off what they have accomplished with their culminating projects on May 4th.

Sara Orozco has planned a Family Fun Cultural/Movie Night at her former school Suisun Valley for her senior project.  The event is tonight from 5:30-8:30.  There will be food, games, and then a movie for families.  

Great job Sara!

ECHS Parent Group

The next parent group meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Febuary 20th from 2:00-3:00 in room 1635.  New parents are always welcome to attend.  

Senior Parents 

Mark your calendars for the Senior Night!  This event will be on May 31 at the Nelson Center in Suisun.  More information about this event will be coming soon.  


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