Jan. 20


Thursday, Ms. Vallejo came over to Solano College to meet with the ECHS seniors to work with them on Assist-A-Grad scholarships and financial aid opportunities.  Ms. Vallejo runs the Career and College Center at RHS and makes sure to support ECHS.  Please look out for her emails as she has been emailing parents and students of all grade levels helpful information.  

Below, is some information on Assist-A-Grad that was sent to 12th grade students from Ms. Vallejo through the Naviance program.  Please let me know if anybody has any questions or needs it resent to them.

Melissa Vallejo mailer@email.naviance.com

Jan 12 (7 days ago)
to me
Assist-A-Grad is here!
In years past, Rodriguez has always reveived a lot of money for College through Assist-A-Grad! I am hoping the Class of 2018 shows our local community that we are serious about College, and serious about getting extra funds to help pay for it! I want to see as many of you as possible at the awards ceremony in May receiving checks!~and hopefully RHS receives more money than our other are High Schools!
I am going to send you all of the paperwork in pdf. form attached to this email. You will be required to use Modzilla firefox-dowload the application before you are able to type on it...then you can print it. Pay close attention to all details and check lists.
First attachment~Scholarship list for RHS students
Second attachment~2018 Brochure where you choice which Scholarship will apply to you & you can view all of the requirements. Each student may choose a total of TWO (2)
Third attachment~Student Application. You may download & type out personal info. Please allow teachers a minimum of TWO WEEKS to complete a Letter of recommendation for you! Please fill out a Brag Sheet for them so that they may become more familiar with all of your personal accomplishments. (I'll attach one of those below) Teachers may complete a letter separate from the form or write direclt on the form provided in the packet.
Deadline is FEBRUARY 28th complete packets are due in the CCC (A129) on that day. Interview info is listed below.
STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION PACKET A completed Scholarship Packet must be submitted for each scholarship for which you are applying. For example, if you apply for two (2) scholarships, you MUST PRINT OUT AND SUBMIT TWO (2) SCHOLARSHIP PACKETS, SO EACH SPONSOR WILL HAVE ONE TO READ. In additionPLEASE SUBMIT ONE (1) ADDITIONAL copy of the STUDENT INFORMATION page for administrative purposes.
Each completed Scholarship Packet, for each scholarship should be stapled with the following items, in this order:
1) Student Information Page (2 copies)
2) Student’s Activity Record
3) Student’s Personal Statement, signed and dated
4) Letter of Recommendation #1 Letter of Recommendation #2
5) Any additional essay or special requirements as listed for specific scholarship(s)
6) Transcript  Place the additional copy of the Student Information page on top of the two stapled packets and paper clip all together.
Submission of Application: Your completed application may be submitted to your high school college/career center if you attend Armijo, Fairfield, F-S Public Safety Academy, Matt Garcia Career & College Academy, Rodriguez, Sem Yeto, Travis Education Center, or Vanden High Schools. If you attend any other Solano County school, the application should be sent to: ASSIST-A-GRAD SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION, INC. C/O FAIRFIELD-SUISUN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1111 WEBSTER STREET FAIRFIELD, CA 94533
APPLICATION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2018 The Student Application online is a .pdf fill-In form. You can fill in the form on your computer then print it for submittal*. You may not submit it electronically; however, please be sure you save a copy for your records. (* You may have to use Explorer or Mozilla to complete the .pdf form)
INTERVIEWS: All applicants must attend a personal interview for each scholarship. Interviews will be scheduled for the EVENINGS of APRIL 9 through APRIL 12, 2018, at Armijo High School. Interview dates and times CANNOT be re-scheduled. You will receive a letter notifying you of the date and time of your interview(s).
Please stop by the CCC any time if you have questions. You may come and use the printer & print and copy packets during tutorial or after school.

Student Application print copy 2018.pdf
2018 Brochure.final.pdf
RHS scholarship list.pdf

Classroom Visits/Academic Conversations

Earlier in the week, I had the pleasure of visiting Ms. Whiteside's 9th grade English class as well as Ms. Smith's 11th grade English class.  Both classes were full of students working hard fully engaged in the lessons.  We are using the Springboard curriculum in our 9th, 10th, and 11th grade English classes.  ECHS students are having a great deal of success and are truly ready for college English courses.

A point of emphasis at ECHS in all our high school classes is having high levels of academic discourse in our lessons.  Both classes I visited this week had students engaged in academic conversations where students not only responded to each other, but built on each others ideas and provided counter arguments.  

Upcoming Dance

*ECHS Student Leadership has started a Twitter account.  Here is the first tweet:

The last day to buy tickets for the Glow Dance on the 27th is Wednesday the 24th. Get a form from Mrs. Williamson in room 1635 and get your tickets from Mr. Pizzo. It is $20 or $10 w/ ASB.

An announcement has been made to the students in class as well.  Dance tickets need to be bought by Wednesday at lunch.  Students can pay with cash or check (with driver's license #) and need to submit the payment along with their permission slips.  A 2.0 GPA is required to attend.  

I am looking forward to seeing a lot of the ECHS students Saturday night at the dance at RHS.


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