Our SSC Registration is Monday, Dec. 11
The plan is to have all the students log in to their MySolano accounts and add their classes at 9:30am when our window is scheduled to open. Ms. Mae and I will be on campus and available all day to help students if there are any issues.
The cafeteria here at SCC will not be serving food once the college classes have ended. Please plan to bring sack lunches to school during the weeks of 12/15-12/20 and 1/8-1/12. If anybody wants to purchase lunches from the school district please let me know. School district lunches can be ordered and are brought over daily.

We had a great time last Saturday outside of Macy's Ringing the Bells for the Salvation Army. Thank you to all the students and staff who came out.
We are also continuing to collect Toys for Tots and cans for the Napa/Solano Food Banks through the end of next week.
ECHS supports the community!
Congratulations to ECHS Seniors Trinity, Olivia, and Bobbi! They were honored at the FSUSD Governing Board meeting last night. All three students earned the highest possible scaled score on the CAASPP assessment in ELA last spring!

Have a great weekend and good luck to all the ECHS students on their college finals next week!
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