
Final Exams Next Week!

The students made it through college finals week and now its time for high school finals.  The ECHS teachers are staying after school on Monday to help students with some final review sessions.  All the students are welcome to stay from 3:00-5:00 for our Cookies and Cram event!  We will have hot cocoa and cookies starting at 3:30 for the students who stay after school to study.  


Many of the spring sports at Rodriguez High School are starting their option conditioning.  Tryouts will start Feb. 5th and a sports physical is required to come out.  If you are interested in going out for a sport and need a physical, check out this opportunity.  If you have any questions about athletics please let me know or contact Tracy Cordes, RHS Athletic Director at tracyc@fsusd.org

Supporting the Community

The ECHS students did a great job bringing in toys for the Toys for Tots drive.  Officer Holocek from the FPD came to Solano to pick up all the toys yesterday.  We did well with more than filling up cans for the can food drive as well.  ECHS supports the community!


Today I visited the Economics class and the students were playing games that their classmates had created.  It looked like a fun way to review for the Economic Final Exam.  


Monday next week we are on 1,3,5,2,4,6 (Friday Schedule).  

Tuesday and Wednesday we are on the block finals schedule with the students getting done at 12:15 each day.  

Thursday there is no school for students.

Have a great weekend!


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