
Monday 11/20/17 & Tuesday 11/21/17

No High School classes but Solano College is open and there are college classes scheduled.

*I will be on campus during the day and will be available to meet with students and parents but all other high school staff will be off.

Wednesday 11/22/17-Friday 11/24/17
No High School or College class for Thanksgiving Break


Toys for Tots

The Fairfield Police Department, in conjunction with Travis Air Force Base, will be collecting toys for the Marine Corps' Toys for Tots program. The "Toys for Tots" toy collection runs until December 20th. Police officers are asking for your support for the under-privileged children of our community.

We have already begun participating in the Toy Drive at Early College supporting FPD School Resource Officer Joseph Holocek.  Toys can be dropped off in ECHS room 1635.


11th grade ECHS students researched a college of interest in Ms. Whiteside's College Readiness class.  The students displayed their college boards and presented the information they learned in the cafeteria building.  The students did a good job and were well prepared.


"Without heroes, we are all plain people, and don't know how far we can go." - Bernard Malamud. Reach out and thank a today.


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