November 3rd

Winter Sports begin Monday Nov. 6th

 Image result for soccer

Try-outs at Rodriguez High School start Monday for the Winter Sports.  

Winter Sports are:
Boys and Girls

Spring Sports officially begin on Feb. 5, 2018.  

Spring Sports are:
Swimming and Diving
Tennis- Boys
Track and Field

*Optional conditioning takes place prior to the season opening in most sports.  

If you have any sports questions please let me know or contact the Rodriguez High School Athletic Director, Tracy Cordes.  Her email is

Here is a list of the RHS Winter Coaching Contacts:

Winter Sports:

Wrestling- Micheal Clarkson 707-718-7269

Boys Basketball- Nate Rankin 707-631-3702

Girls Basketball- Marcel Palmer 707-694-5164

Boys Soccer- Dale Daniel 707-372-9870

Girls Soccer- Josh Levine 530-848-4841


We had a great time on Monday at the FSUSD Trunk or Treat.  We gave out approximately 3,000 pieces of candy!  Thank you to everyone who donated candy and the students and staff that came out to help.  Trunk or Treat provided a safe and fun place for children in our community.  What a great event!

Tuesday was Halloween at school, and while Ms. Williamson and I worked on the WASC all day at RHS, it sure looked like the students were able to have a little fun while getting their work done here at Solano College.  

In Ms. Whiteside's College Readiness class, students were working on assembling their college boards.  

Mr. Voyce and Ms. Whiteside's classes did a great job decorating the doors as well.  

At Rodriguez High School, I visited the Attendance Office and the staff was sure ready for Halloween.  


Wednesday and Friday I visited Ms. Freitas CR classes to see some scavenger hunt presentations.  The students became more familar with the SCC campus and worked together as a team.  


Today in Mr. Voyce's Science class Asha described and demonstrated his electrolysis rig to his classmates.


It is already time for us to start connecting with 8th grade students and their families for next year's incoming class.  If you know anyone interested in coming to ECHS next year, please share our Information Night dates with them.  Thank you

Early College High School Program
Informational Night
Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District
Solano Community College
                Students selected to participate in ECHS will benefit from the following:
·         Self-directed learning
·         Individualized learning and career plans
·         College/career emphasis
·         Academic support
·         Opportunity to earn a high school diploma with transferable college units
·         A bridge between high school and community college

Minimum requirements:
·         Recommendation from current teachers
·         2.5 GPA
·         Pattern of consistent attendance
·         Pattern of responsible behavior

Early College High School Program Information Nights:

Tuesday, November 14, 2017
6:30-7:30 pm
Rodriguez High School Multi-Purpose Room

Wednesday, December 13, 2017
6:30-7:30 pm
Rodriguez High School Multi-Purpose Room

For more information contact:

John Pizzo, ECHS Principal –


I am proud of the ECHS students every day for what they do in and out of the classroom.  With the amazing students and staff here at Early College High School, I am convinced that there is no better place around to learn!

I am off to Armijo to watch Rodriguez play their last football game of the year.  Don't forget to set your clocks back and have a wonderful weekend!


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